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Edited by HankTheYank27: 9/20/2014 4:39:01 AM
No, we just want a decent PvP experience that has the same amount of craftmanship as the Halo games. In Destiny: ARs are OP Shotties are OP Fusions are OP Turrets are OP Supers are OP Rockets are OP Vehicles suck and there aren't enough of them. The maps are generic and all feel about the same. Not enough variety with game modes either. No ranking system. No way to view your stats. No custom games. No theater. In Destiny, nothing is balanced properly. Ever wonder why you hardly ever see anyone except for the brave and strong willed use a scout rifle or a hand cannon? Because ARs beat EVERYTHING! Shotties control the damn maps! Ever wonder why most people just completely ignore the vehicles entirely? Because they suck now and are useless! Besides the lack of proper design, or any competitive aspects what so ever.... Destiny PvP just lacks features. It isn't a complete multiplayer experience and simply feels tacked on and completely un-thought out. Halo is the king of competitive "duel" based multiplayer. Every gun has its place and purpose where as in Destiny Bungie tried to balance all the primaries to the same level and just wound up messing it up even more. Now ARs have good range and can out gun a scout rifle at range and can out shoot a hand cannon at close range. The #1 rule in the Crucible: Spray, Pray, Spam, and Slam. There are no firefights or cat and mouse duels.

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