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9/20/2014 12:46:17 AM

Titan third subclass suggestion.

Hi bungie here's my go at a Titan subclass. Class name: Gunner Description: heavy weapons expert. Grenade: throws out a deployable turret that has a very short range weapon each type of grenade would have a different type of weapon for the turret. 1. Blade turret grenade. Rotating blade turret that once thrown will move back towards where the Titan is now standing. (Almost like a boomerang) 2.fusion rifle turret. Turret has a WEAK fusion rifle that fires 2-3 shots at short range enemies. Potentially can over penetrate targets. To deal AOE damage in a line. Targets the nearest enemy to where the grenade landed. 3.Bouncing shrapnel bomb: the grenade can bounce 2 times and explodes on the third, or of it makes contact with an enemy. Deals kinetic damage in cone directly away from where it was thrown from originally. Melee: the gunner has a "punch gun" mounted on his wrist, that fires upon hitting an enemy. Single target but has a substantial knock back effect. Mods: 1.Kills grant a heavy weapon ammo spawn. 2.Increased knock back range. 3.Exploding punch directional cone blast. (No knock back effect) Super: flack cannon. Shoulder mounted flack cannon shoots a light charged shell that explode upon impact dealing AOE fire damage around the point of impact. The shell has a minimum distance that it must travel before it can explode, during this initial distance it can ricochet of walls. A direct impact will still kill enemies in a close range fight. -potentially make a movement impairing effect once the shot/s fire. Mods: 1.Additional shots 1.Shorten the minimum exploding distance. 3.Corrosive charge; Where the shot lands creates a zone of lingering damage on the ground below the target area. Void, or arc light pulses of energy like lightning grenade would also work. Anyway guys tell me what you think. Trolling is welcome but you should know. "I will find you, and I will kill you" #smilemore

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