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9/17/2014 5:07:19 AM
The game story will unfold further as the weeks and months go by. It's all free. Just look at the upcoming events. The Queen's wrath comes in a week or so. More story will show. The expansion dlc coming only adds more areas and more stuff to do. The stuff will be expanded upon as time progresses. Bungie did this to prevent people from just rushing through the game.

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  • It is not free we had to pay $60 and x amount of time for more than 3-5 hours of story. Also Saturn and Jupiter are paid Dlc.

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  • The expansions are not free. The upcoming events like the Queen's Wrath mission coming next week is free. The schedules events are free. More stuff is coming that hasn't been told to us yet.

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  • No it is $60 it is a part of the main game that I paid for and was already finished but they held onto it like a bunch of -blam!- wits.

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  • Because they didn't want people to just blow through the game and be done with it! So many games only survive a few months after their release because people just blow through the game. No one takes time to enjoy the whole world. They do the story, hunt the collectibles, then play mp for a bit, then done. Games are biggest at their release and don't have anything else to really offer after it's complete. MMO games (which you apparently haven't played, if you have you would know this) take years to fully open and reveal all it has hidden away. People say the story here lacks depth. Because they just blew through it and didn't pay attention to the tiny intricate details. This is not your average game. It's a shared world shooter loosely based off of MMO design and fps games mixed in. A first of its kind. It will not give you the full story immediately like so many over-entitled gamers believe. And games have been doing the "finished but given later" content for years! Why haven't people been complaining till now? Because someone is doing something beyond what people are used to. This game is beyond anything ever released before it and will continue to be for a long while.

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  • So the reason we have a game that I can blow through in a few hours is because they didn't want people to blow through it in a week or two? You aren't helping your case if the content we can look forward to is that shallow.

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  • The content isn't shallow. You fail to understand the concept. Look at it this way. Your life goes by in days. It isn't given to you all at once and then it's over. You experience the obstacles, the challenges, the rewards, the story as time goes on. That's what Bungie is doing with Destiny. As time goes on, the big picture will form. No one knows their life from beginning to end until it's over. Destiny is like a book series that you can only read a chapter per week. Or a tv show that you have to wait till the following week to see what happens next. We weren't given the whole picture because Bungie believes in the whole experience, not going "Here's a game. Play it. Beat it. You won't get a new one till 3 years from now." Bungie has always done stuff outside the box. Which is why Halo was so great. Now Destiny is their child to watch after while Halo is now an adult and can take care of itself. Destiny will grow like Halo, but in a different way. If you read a book or watched a show or movie and knew the everything that was gonna happen immediately, the book/show/movie would cease to be of interest. CoD gets boring after the same thing after a month. Halo has it's period of enjoyment. Gears of War had it's timeline. Infamous, God of War, Killzone, etc. Each game lasts as long as a gamer is interested. But give them a part of a story, tell them they have to keep coming back to see the whole story, then people will stay. Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 were each like 3 books. They had their ends respectively, but because we weren't given the whole story, we kept coming back to see what happened next. You make a game last by playing smart and saying, we'll give you this part of the story but you must keep listening/watching. It gets better. Games have sequels for this reason. To show the next part of the story. Where would Assassin's Creed be without the sequels? Dead. It would've had it's fanbase, but it wouldn't be as big as it is now.

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  • This is a game not a tv show. So you would be fine if you bought monopoly and all you received were the chance cards and then they mailed you everything piece by piece in the mail?

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  • You're still not understanding. Monopoly is a board game with absolute zero story. Why even use that as a reference. Destiny is a story that will unfold as time progresses. We just have to be patient and wait for the story to reveal itself. Destiny is more like a weekly tv show (considering next week, we all get a new story mission from the Queen of the Reef) than you think.

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  • Edited by TheGrungiOne: 9/17/2014 4:14:13 PM
    Fine you buy a book and the mail a page to you a week. Satisfying? No. Also Destiny has no story so monopoly works.

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  • Destiny has a story. You just fail to read between the lines. There are also the grimoire cards, which no one seems to read, that give back story and could give foreshadowing of events to come. Destiny is a cryptic game. It takes listening with your mind rather than just your ears. During the first encounter with the Exo stranger is a good example. She says "you must choose one side or the other. Never both. Even if it is the wrong one." What does that mean? Are we being deceived by the traveller into thinking we are the good guys, or does the Exo believe her side is the right. We don't know. You have to pay absolute close attention. It's not going to just be handed to you in a pamphlet that says "this is everything about Destiny's story". You must listen.

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  • You can throw the hipster line at me all day. The grimoire cards are useless, irrelevant, or just reiterating what the game says in dialogue. The story isn't there outside of the vex are bad ( although the fallen and cabal are back handing them for fun) and are a "dire" threat and you must destroy their point of worship. (Which isn't where they are created.) and on top of that the plot is the same as halo. Humans find alien tech which boosts their tech forward by centuries and aliens discover the humans and start -blam!-ing them up. Wow... How enthralling. *sarcasm*

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  • You've got to read into the story more. Go here and read this since you still don't understand what listen means. Destiny's story is deep and cryptic. It takes using your brain to figure out what the hell might be going on!

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  • Claiming that it is deep and cryptic doesn't make it true. You've gone full fan boy, never go full fan boy.

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  • The story IS you daft fool. You are refusing to listen because the story is not plain black and white like halo or call of duty. There is more to Destiny than what is technically just the prologue story! I've seen people who are worse than me. That defend everything in this game. You obviously have only met someone who is defending the story here because it is good and you refuse to acknowledge that it is deeper than you think. I've seen people who absolutely defend every thing in this game. I know there are a few issues. But we have to WAIT. AND. SEE!

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  • No it isn't you are white knighting a cause that doesn't exist like those that believe the indoctrination theory. You are so blindly hopeful you fool yourself to make you feel better about this steaming pile of waste. Also resorting to insults is the sign of a simple, and weak mind, try to avoid it next time you decide to martyr yourself for a game that shoots itself in the foot.

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  • Then go play a different -blam!-ing game. -blam!-. Quit defending your opinion as fact. The fact about this game is we haven't seen it all. You are not god. You can't see the future. And you started with the insults. So don't throw the blame to another. If you hate this game, just go play something else. That's it. End of discussion.

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  • I like how you attempt to speak for me, a trait of those who cannot embrace facts, which is what I am stating while you have stated theory. FACT we will have to pay additional money for the game. FACT there are major loop holes in the story. FACT the story can be summed up in a paragraph. FACT it is not cryptic it is vague and incomplete. FACT the story is under whelming and tired material that has been reused from Bungie over ten years.

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  • FACT: you're an ignorant idiot that refuses to read between the lines. I can play this little game, too. For someone who claims to know everything, you sure know nothing at all. If you read the grimoire cards (that's why they are given to you) you would see Destiny is deeper than you choose to believe. You keep claiming your opinion that this game has no story, no depth, no anything is fact. The fact of the matter is you are ignorant and have a closed mind about how other people have decided to tell a new story. That's like reading a Lord of the Rings book and loving it, then turning around and saying that To Kill A Mockingbird is completely different and unoriginal. Two different stories. Told in different ways. Keep believing your opinion as fact while the rest who can read and see Destiny is deep will continue enjoying it.

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  • Again resulting to insults, also my opinion of this game is neither bad nor good it is bland and I list the reason why as you, once again fool yourself in the hopes that your blind adoration of a game riddled with faults and issues will see you through. I have listed facts as you list theory, I would love to see how you live believing that your fantasy is a reality. Honestly all I feel is pity for people like you, how awful is your taste in games, and life that you view destiny as a master piece?

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  • Maybe the reason I believe in Destiny is because I look beyond faults, deeper than you apparently look, and look for the good in something. I love games with good story. This game has one. You still just refuse to read deeper into the game. If someone hands you a crossword puzzle, do you just tell them it's only a bunch of letters or do you try and find every possible word in the puzzle? Because all you are doing here is telling them it's only a bunch of letters. Your thought process is that of black-and-white, directly upfront. I'm through arguing with someone so close-minded about a game. You obviously don't want to listen.

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  • I'm not close minded I listen and read your rhetoric which has no basis and give you examples of how the story is poor/lazy. Ignoring or looking past faults do not erase or change them. Sorry for having something called standards.

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  • You continue to say this game is poor in story, yet we only have a small portion. Sorry Bungie is doing something different from your standards. Everyone has standards, but sometimes it's better to do something no one has ever seen before (like Destiny has, with only giving us a small taste and expanding as time goes on) than to stay in the same rut over and over. If no one tried something new, we would still be in the stone ages throwing rocks at dinosaurs. And you aren't listening. I'm telling you, the grimoire cards have more story than what the game shows in cinematics. You keep saying no they don't. Not everything is black and white like you keep pointing out. If you desire to continue on about how the story is bland when we haven't even begun seeing what's going on, then go elsewhere and find other people to talk to. You are arguing against nothing but ignorance.

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  • Your right I am arguing against ignorance, I'm glad you have admitted your state of mind on the matter. Their story is flawed from faction currency taken to how a guardian is made.

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  • It is your own ignorance. Don't try and throw this all back at me. By you saying this story is bad, EVEN THOUGH WE HAVENT SEEN ANYTHING BUT THE DAMN PROLOGUE, is like saying you built an engine to a car and told people it's a whole damn car. They're gonna tell you no it's not. It's an engine. You just keep arguing it's a damn car when it clearly isn't finished. Bungie is not finished telling this story. They have 10 years to give us this story! It takes time to tell a story. All you apparently want is a 5 minute game that goes "Here is bad guy, you are good guy, you fight, good wins, world saved, end..." from the way you keep arguing.

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  • This is the story we have been given and it is bad, there can be a bad book in a good book series and that is essentially what this is, poor plot, and poor story. Ignorance is truly bliss judging by your critique, or lack there of. Sorry for holding Bungie accountable for the lack of things they promised. However judging by your mental caliber hop scotch is a master piece game with deep, cryptic story.

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