Bungie. I don't mind legendary engrams being a very small percent of getting I've had 5 in 10 hours or so. But to get a legendary is one thing. Then go and unlock it just to find its a blue or green or a coin or item is a piss take. Imagine diablo 3 you farm for legendary. Then unlock it to be a grey or white item. It wouldn't happen how can you have a small percent of getting legendary drops and a smaller chance of getting a legendary item from it.
The main problem with this is that the extremely high likelihood of legendary engrams being blue has sucked almost all of the excitement out of finding a legendary engram. In just a matter of days the mood of finding a legendary has gone from sheer excitement where I'm on a high the rest of the strike and I can't wait to get back to tower to see what I got...to blah whatever its most likely just gonna be a blue again, .I mean people shouldn't get depressed finding purples, as they know their just going to be disappointed when they decrypt it. If they intent is for them to be that rare then just make the Purple Engram drop that more rare to find but make it almost a guaranteed Legendary when decrypted. That way people are excited again about finding them. The fact that the only legendary item I've got so far came from a blue when i've decrypted about 8 purples so far is just stupid.