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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Poser McHater: 9/19/2014 11:41:46 PM

This game is dead after a week

So i'm level 25. All the strikes are boring. No reason to play the story again. Multi player is a complete noob fest.( well done bungie you made the developer dream,a game with no skill.) I could care less about gringing stupid rng loot.( which has been deamed stupid by every gamer ever.) I'd just buy it from vendors but nope capped. I'd use my coins but opps only weekends, morons. No amount of new content is gonna make my treck from 25-30 any fun. It'll just be more survival missions with a stupid cell phone that can't do anything with a button command. At the heart this is reskined halo. Just a lazy reskin job. No forge. No theater. No pregame lobby. No prox voice chat.Just stale physics and recycled mapps. Less weapons. Less vechiles. Less content. Is there a purpose for glimmer past level 20? I already need around 34 acsendent energy. How long will that take? 20 more hours of a game with no content? Oh except for every slot its like 180 so I'm bored just thinking about it. We both know bungie sold out to activision now. Its rap on this company. I was on the fence after reach but this is the proof. Even after a year if this game has the content of reach it will to late and stupid. They lied and lied and lied....................................................... EPIC BUNGIE FAIL. p.s. Here's a tip. Green loot is common, blue uncommon, purple rare, yellow legendary. PART 2 Every character is the same. Same skill trees, same move sets, and same weapons and armor. All the armor is the same with the same light values and the same ablities. Every enemy acts the same way. There are two or three fodder types like dregs and vandals. Then there is the sniper class and the heavy class. Just add some shields and yellow life bars and there's every encounter in the game. Just add spawn closets and teleporting and you have destiny. Every mission is the same. Start with the same stupid voice over. Start at the same spot. Go to the same place. Kill fodder. Deploy ghost. Listen to stupid ghost. Killer fodder. again. again. again. Door opens. REPEAT. again. Kill stupid massive boss. wait 30 seconds. Get useless gear. Done. Part 3 Wheres the multi-player? 6 maps? 4 play lists? one extra on weekends? Wheres big team battle? I haven't played something this light since Quake. 3-6 players? is it 1999 again? Again, 4 play lists?Domination, deathmatch, rumble pit, and salvage is it still the beta? Free to play games start with more content. Also why should I grind super gear if starting gear is just as good in the crucible? Great I just have to wait 3 months to play iron banner. When every one will have the same stats n gear.......morons. The rest........... No audio options in 2014..............lazy. It would be nice to turn shat voice acting off but nope. So i just mute the game and listen to sports or music. The tower is completely useless. It should be a menu not a mandatory 3 load screen snooze fest. Loading and leaving the tower is longer process then what i need to do there, 30 fps in 2014 with so little action and everything has to be preloaded? Why, just so I can see players do nothing?stupid No MM in lazy.........just lazy. They level system is just a way from stopping people playing raids early. Any enemy can kill you at any level. You can not do the same...........stupid. The same host system halo 2 used is in a game in and crapavision spent a billion dollars on this game and no ever brought up dedicated servers? No lets make an always online game and cheap out with host system so everything can lag. just so lazy The Final and Greatest Bungie Fail. No match making for the end game content.............................? So you can match with people from level 7ish to the level 24 strike then nothing. No mention of that prelaunch. Hey guy you just play for fun and don't need a clan for anything but you can't play end game raids. So smart bungie. Once you hit level 27 there is no reason to play this game. You always have to play with at least 2-5 people for co-op. Which is fine at launch but after people don't have 20 hours plus a week to raid and nightfall strike. What were you morons thinking? hey when you reach level 30 in multi player remove match making and just make it clans only.................just as stupid. But thats what this is all about right, making people use your weak app. Sell out sell out sell out

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  • The game is dead but the forums are alive.

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  • Congratulations you jumped on the band wagon. Here's a cookie, now join all the other complainers whilst still playing the very game you complain about.

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  • This game has more teamwork then any other game I've played. It took our team 14 hours to get through the first raid because we didnt understand the mechanics of it. And it was incredible. I look foward to future updates. Skirmish to me is the best team fighting pvp I've ever played. Find good friends to play with. Thats what makes this game amazing. Serious.

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    • My point here is that the story leaves me feeling like it wasn't enough, but the gameplay itself is great. Bungie left a little bit too much story out for the start of an MMO or left all the details outside of the game (grim cards, no one goes to read them). I think they do have story development coming for the next long while but there wasn't enough to sink my teeth into for a launch. In 6 months it will be a more comets game capable of keeping up with the people who have played it 40+ hours in the last two weeks. More story is coming. Competitive PvP is coming. The game has an amazing foundation of art and gameplay, and everything else will fall in place in time. It has only been two weeks, so chill out.

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      • Can I haz yo stuff br0?

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      • I actually think I hit the Destiny wall. Level 29, beat the raid, grinded the strikes, leveled the rep, drug through the crucible... The only thing I want to do is buy a rare sparrow for my upgrade which I have to wait until next week thanks to Vanguard mark cap and to do the raid again. It just hit me like a train this morning.

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      • The most common thing I see people say in defense of Destiny is that it's a good foundation to a great game. It's a building block to great content and whatnot that we'll be getting in the future. While I see you're point, it does not let Bungie off the hook in this case. If Destiny is merely a foundation or a building block to a great game, then it should not have cost me $60. I have literally seen free to play games that have more than twice as much content at launch. Setting a foundation or laying down the first piece of the puzzle with Destiny, I get that, that's perfectly fine. But you can't charge $60 and then say all the real content is coming later and we're also gonna charge you for that content on top of the $60 you already paid. This model sets and awful precedent for game making. Release half a game for full price, then charge more on top of that for more content. No. Either the game itself has to be cheaper than the normal price, or the new content has to be free every time. And since at least two paid expansions are already confirmed, the new content definitely won't be free.

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        8 Replies
        • [i]Destiny used to be a normal person, never would think of doing anything out of line or against the law. That all changed though. On that fateful day Destiny was driving to the doctor's, what was going to be a normal check up changed his life. For after the check up, when he expected the doctor to tell him all was fine, the doctor walked in with a grim face. "Me. Destiny I don't know if you can handle this news." said the doctor. "W-what do you mean?" said destiny nervously. To which the doctor replied,"You have cancer, [u]you're dead within a week."[/u] Destiny responded with shock and horror. When he was driving home, a thought came to mind "Oh crap, my family can hardly get by with me working full time, what will they do when I'm gone?" It was then he knew, how he would give his family loads of money, and spend his final week, he would make a meth lab[/i] Hello viewers, and welcome to [b]Breaking Bungie[/b]

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        • The OP is right and you retards are defending this game as if your life depended on it.

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        • Bitch, bitch, bitch.... you people are like broken record just bitching about everything. You're pathetic.

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        • You're -blam!-ing retarded. Lazy and just a stupid noob who has no idea what you're doing in this game, instead of complaining go get a new game. Btw white is common then blue then purple then yellow would be epic, but exotic is okay to. I gaurentee you couldn't make it through the raid either, you miss the whole point of this game.

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        • I agree with many things you criticize but the game will not be dead in 1 week for sure.

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        • Yeah imma just play some more destiny

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        • Edited by NICKin3D: 9/25/2014 6:41:52 AM
          Level grinding is mmo. It ain't halo. People accept this and they will enjoy the game a lot more. It has its faults but things will come good. Just hope you don't have to pay to make it better.

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        • No one cares :)

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        • Completely agree. My biggest 'issue' is with the Crucible. I just go afk now and I've gotten loads of legendary engrams. Haha

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        • Wonder why everyone in my friends list was playing all weekend. Fail post is fail

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          1 Reply
          • Sadly, I agree with almost everything the OP said..... I like Destiny, but there is sooooo much stupid, wrong shit happening in this game. :(

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          • Some things never change. The same things were said about halo reach, halo 3 and halo 2. Actually, remove the name Destiny from any thread like this and plug in another major game release and it's all the same. It's to bad I can't go back into the old bungie net forums and pull up similar threads to prove my point.

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            • I see many posts like this and i always talk to my self...When Bungie will read these kind of posts, or are they reading? If so, why they did not reply at least some confortable information, or something that would renew our expectation over the game. Honestly, im start to find that Destiny is about to die...I like the game, but it seems there´s no more big changes to coming...maybe a new planet and some new missions, but nothing special that would make us change our opinion... I really think if Bungie stay keeping the things on this way, players will start to abandon the game, and i pretty sure, more games of NGEN will come and maybe they will kill Destiny.

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            • Cool story bro

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            • Wait, this game is dead actually means "i hate this game"? This game is dead makes me think no one is on playing... False advertisement bro.

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            • Edited by InnerSt4te: 9/22/2014 11:30:38 AM
              tl;dr but heres my response. Your brain is dead, get over it

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            • Edited by Fuelled Oats: 9/20/2014 7:18:52 AM
              I think I can agree with you on most things but like Halo I never really played it for the campaign. I am little concerned with the Crucible as I don't seem to have anything to strive for, no real goal, but just to finish a match. Not really that interested in collecting stuff as I would rather some sort of leader board so I can measure my skills or lack of. I would like a playlist where shotguns and auto rifles wasn't allowed so we could just fight with the scout rifle and pulse aka BR and plasma rifle. However, your re-skinned Halo accusation, I really think it was a whimsical comment. I'm glad that the similarities are bulging with halo blood, but really that was expected. I'm sure over the next ten years theatre etc. will be added and the game will become complete like what happened with the Halo series, did you ever play Halo CE? Remember the bare basics. A game becomes a master piece over time not over night and I'm sure you'll get your 60fps when the second game appears and it's just out for the One and PS4. I do understand your concerns though but you really should just have a little patience, get on with your life and when Bungie have added more, play at will with a positive thought, rather than cast your stone at the first wave of foe.

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              8 Replies
              • Almost week three and I still get excited about getting home and playing Destiny.

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              • Omg I love you

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