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9/15/2014 1:54:24 PM

Destiny review scores are a joke. It's almost like a bunch of 'outed' hack journos agreed to give Destiny 6/10 across the board to vent their anger at the gaming community.

I'm not one for conspiracy, really I'm not. But when every major review outlet gives the exact same low score to a quality game just a week after Gaming Journalism has been under fire, it kind of reeks like bullspit to me. I'm not going to re-tread the whole #GamerGate debacle, but whats easy to see is that ALOT of journalists were very very pissed about it, despite a few token gestures here and there to look 'respectable and accountable'. What I find baffling, GENUINELY baffling, is how a game of Destiny's caliber can get the same score, a relatively low score, from every major outlet with almost exactly the same review description in every case. And all it ever boils down to is this: 'The story is a bit hackneyed, gameplay can sometimes be repetitive and I was expecting more' These are three valid points. Destiny's story is kind of bland compared to previous Bungie games and the missions are quite samey at times and DinkleBot DOES do a helluvalot of scanning things. But these three points are not of themselves a justifiable reason to give a game such a low score when everything else in the game is so well crafted and solid and enjoyable. Now, I'm not necessarily suggesting that every journo called every other journo and signed an affidavit agreeing to all give Destiny a 6/10 and follow the same script template for their reviews, but it certainly feels that way and maybe on some subconscious, unified, 'pissed off at #GamerGate level they all came out with their whiny, crappy reviews in one voice. Whatever the case, whatever the reason, regardless whether they colluded by email/text/phone or whether their minds melded in some weird spiritual borg-esque military fashion, THEY ARE ALL COMPLETELY WRONG Destiny is not an amazing game. It's certainly not a 10/10 (I hate scores anyway) but it is an extremely solid, well-crafted gaming experience that despite hinting at being a long-term experience in-potentia, is still in its own way a whole package. Artistically, it's beautiful. Shooting mechanics are very responsive (But an option to turn off auto-aim would be nice) The story, while light and occasionally meandering, is contained within itself as well as also hinting at a greater story arc The RPG elements are deep enough to have meaningful impact, but light enough to be user friendly to the vast majority of gamers Matchmaking in the campaign is one of the quickest I have seen in any online game and jump/in out is easy and smooth and extremely useful. The amount of content in story and PvP is well up to snuff for any of Destiny's counterparts All of the UIs are extremely easy to interpret and master It's LOADS OF FUN! I could make a much longer list of Destiny's plus points but I'm not going to labor my point. Despite a few short-comings such as the lack of individual audio sliders (Gamechat is often lost among all the music and SFX), the inability to turn auto-aim on/off, No clan roster on the pause menu to find & join clan members who aren't on your friends list; despite a few gripes like these, Destiny is all-in-all a really, really solid gameplay experience and hints at some great stuff to come over the next 10 years. If I stopped playing tomorrow, I'd still feel like I had my money's worth... and then some. Great Job Bungie! A solid start to a new franchise. I look forward to stronger deeper scripts, some tweaking to the mechanics, some social refinements and plenty of awesome additional content in the future. As for the 'Reviews'... Screw 'em!

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  • Edited by Arbiter: 9/16/2014 3:06:01 AM
    Sums up gaming journalism

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  • lol game journalist.

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  • +1

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  • I think 6 is an accurate score. I enjoy the game but it is very repetitive certainly not groundbreaking. Some people buy into the hype machine. I just wish I was there spending the so called 500 million dollars on this game because they had to have purchased a lot of cocaine and strippers, if I was in on that I'd give it an 8. But anyways bungee will always have fanboys like every other game.

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  • post too long... just gna say my thought... timmy and jimmy goes on a hike a hidden pond. timmy rushes the path and takes the shortest route possible, meh im bored now jimmy takes his time explores other paths, meets other hikers, finds some cool hidden items, meets a girl who is lost and helps her, discover secret areas, finally gets to the pond and goes wow that was an adventure... timmy are the ones who rushes through jimmy are the slow and steady players... so yea

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  • "The amount of content in story and PvP is well up to snuff for any of Destiny's counterparts" What? It's an average game with an average score. The end #dealwithit

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    • Post of the night for me. I give you my gold star.

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    • Edited by sergeantawesome: 9/16/2014 1:42:53 AM
      Everyone has a different opinion of the game. However, I do think that given the game has only been out a week, and no one has seen the vault of glass yet, or how Bungie is actually supporting this game with events and other things, the reviews are a little premature. The daily / weekly events are part of the game, and we have only seen one weekly event yet. Because they cannot take a month to review the game, this is what we get. People also have created these unreasonable expectations of the game which is part of the negativity surrounding it as well. No one knows what to call this game, it gets incorrectly labled as a MMO / RPG / FPS / MMORPGFPS, and there are quite a few people who do not want to acknowledge that it is a Shared World Shooter, because there is no other game out there with that label. Then there are those who get very lucky with the RNG, and those who do not. I started off as not, but then the RNG powers blessed me with the Gjallhorn and the exotic weapons bounty for the Bad Juju. Feeling like you are getting shafted on gear is a pain in the ass, and starts to feel like playing the game is pointless, but getting everything right away is only going to speed the end of the game up for you as well. I love this game, I have so much fun playing I get to sleep on the couch because the wife is pissed. However, I think there are some varying degrees of issues with the game that do keep it from getting a perfect score. 6/10 is above average, which this game is, I would give it a 4/5 if it were me, but it is what it is (10 point score I think is absolutely stupid.) Most important thing is that you enjoy it.

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    • i think the reviews are more then fair. this game has a lot of issues. like today, after spending 15 minutes plugging away at the boss of the moon strike, we were just about to win when we all got disconnected. i mean, hell, for one thing it wasn't even fun after the first 5 minutes, and now none of my friends even want to bother going through it all again so i need to go with randoms and bore myself all over again. waaaay too bullet sponge. I was enjoying the fights up to the boss though

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      3 Replies
      • Probably got those reviews because its not as up to snuff as everyone thinks it is, I dunno just a thought.

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        • Edited by SpiritedCanine: 9/16/2014 1:44:01 AM
          ... I like it, despite the comments below... It's intoxicating compared to other shooters out there right now. Yeah, there's problems, an engram plops out and falls through the ground is one. Stories hard to follow, I actually think that's so 'cause maybe the story isn't about [b]you[/b], but the Ghost. IDK, I don't care for reviews, I'll decide if I like it. I mean CoD: AW(Yes, overused and I'm an ass for doing it again) is gonna get a 9/10 at least, when all they did was take the last game, polish a lil here and there, throw together a forgettable story, stick it on the shelf and make millions, and, as long as people keep buying their games, Sledgehammer and Treyarch aren't going to change a thing. Since Bungie sold the Halo license to 343, they needed to try something different, a new franchise, they did and did a pretty damn good job too, and people are hating them for it. Why do we fear change? Fear difference? I'll say it again, this game is not perfect, but it's the best game I've gotten since Halo 3.

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        • Gamestop gave 6/10 so they can have their special moment

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        • 10000000000000000000/1 : )

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        • Thank you. I, for one, am having the time of my life with this game. Amazing game from an amazing developer. My only major problem is Peter Sucklage.

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        • As far as I can tell, traditional video gaming websites are no longer interested in highlighting games I might like and for some godforsaken reason have decided to actively try to make my gaming less fun. It is so weird.

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        • Well said - gave up on review scores a long time ago - best way to see if a game is any good is to[b] play [/b]it!

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        • I think some of the reviews are accurate with the shallow story and what not. Me and my friend woke up the next day after watching the last cutscene and went back to mars expecting something else then stood there with 'Oh... So that was the end... how lovely..' However i must say i havent had a game before where im literally sprinting over people bosses and alot of other undesirables to pop my shield over my friend so they can take cover or we can revive, while a boss whales down on us and if we get hit we die. The excitement and what not that comes with this game cant be rivaled or hasnt yet for me. Destiny played solo would get a 5/10 or something similar but with a team of 3 friends that play through the same stuff its easily an 8/10 maybe more. If they keep up with updating strikes and new pvp maps the game will be good, story missions im not really bothered about cant really say i remember what the story was. Most memorable part was mimicing the queen if that counts for anything in a cutscene. Overall i would say if you came for story you may as well go back home however if you came for enjoyment, excitement and pvp you are gonna be here a while, especially if they bring out new gear over the weeks and months they concentrate on it.

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        • Edited by Keeyop: 9/15/2014 7:52:06 PM
          I grew up with some quality game journalism, I remember pouring over the pages of CRASH! magazine when I had my spectrum, I used to devour every article, this continued though Sinclair User, ZZAP!64, CU Amiga, Amiga Format, Amiga Power, Mean Machines, The One, ACE, Sega Power, Sega Saturn Magazine, I always had a soft spot for C&VG (the late 90's era was a particular high point) and the great EDGE magazine before it disappeared up its own arsehole. The amount of games I discovered which I would otherwise never have heard of was unbelievable, I even bought a PC Engine after pouring over the screenshots in ACE for months. By the end of the last decade it hit me that I was only buying game mags out of habit, I would scan them for about 20 minutes and stick them on the shelf never to be viewed again. The only game mag I actually read from cover to cover these days is Retro Gamer. Much like the music and film press that preceded them, nobody gets into game journalism these days because they have a passion for the subject, they get into it because they are professional critics, most of the good mags disappeared a long time ago and the ones that hung on are a paltry shadow of their former selves. its quite depressing really.

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        • World of Warcraft, 1999 graphics, no voice, completely crap sounds, cheap programming and much worse grinds, now, look at their scores? Look at minecraft, lol... Gamespot has ultimately become a joke, because in case you do not know, they rate games based upon the discussions they read. If most people despise a game, like steam fanboys did with Destiny over and over on gamespot, it is no surprise that this happens. I even told my friends that this will happen. I told them the game will get a 6!! And it did. If Destiny would also have been made for PC, then most discussions would have been good and it would have gotten a 9. Do not take Gamespot seriously. This game is high class in all aspects. It is still in the beginning and I love it.

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          • I really like the shooting mechanics, and im addicted to the game, buuuut, they could have been more creative with the weapons and the story is a mess. Im halfway through the game and Im still wondering what the hell is going on... Im supposed to be dead for who knows how long yet im somehow able to flight a starship and im an expert marksman. A little backstory wouldnt hurt. Also the free exploration, while nice, is just "kill x" or "collect x" without real substance. I would have added notes to collect and radio messages (like bioshock or last of us), to be played on the ps4 gamepad speaker, so I can feel more inmersed in the game. The game is a 6/10, but just because the combat mechanic is damn good, I sill would recommend Destiny to everyone. In my opion Destiny is like WoW... everyone loves to hate WoW, but no one can resist its charm.

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            2 Replies
            • I agree. I believe the game has far more going for it then it's negatives could render moot. It's a well built, gorgeous rpg shooter with a few warts. I have no doubt Bungie will do everything they can to address the player base's issues and improve the experience. We also have the future full of new and expanded content to look forward to. Let the haters hate. Bungie got enough right that I'll give them a pass on some the few things they got wrong (communication/volume control?), for now.

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            • Edited by Tricky5hift: 9/15/2014 7:07:40 PM
              I said this before and I'll say it again. [spoiler][quote]Reviewers are [i]overrated.[/i][/quote][/spoiler] Later haters.

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            • I never pay any attention to reviews, I'll be the judge of wether I like a game or not. As for Destiny, no it's not perfect but I love it anyway, I'm having a blast playing it.

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              • 0
                Use It takes the average of lots of different sites. 76 out of 100 is actually pretty good.

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                • I honestly do not see how anyone could offer up a complete review of the game yet. The first raid is not even active yet. That being said, the console world is not used to the repetitive grind that PC MMO's suffer from. People have been doing the same stuff in PC MMO's for years and they keep on doing it. I can't remember how many raids I completed in WOW for one loot item over the course of several months to never have the item drop. To top it off, that raid/grind environment was dependable on a lot more complex factors. Destiny, IMHO, blends the rewarding aspects of MMO grinding in a more fun manner via the freedom that a FPS gives you rather than bashing the left mouse button and directional keys on the same target. The story was alright. There have been a lot better, there have been a lot worse. I'm honestly not playing the game for it's in depth story that they claim is the opening chapter. I'm playing it from a progression stand point and figuring out the story over time from the bigger picture. All of the elements are there, will take time to piece them all together. I do wish there was an in game codex to access all of the Grimorie lore content. Lastly, this has been the most polished release of a game that I have ever experienced in my many many years of gaming. I have not once had a server crash, connection issue, nor series of bug patches at every log in. That speaks volumes.

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                • #GamerGate

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