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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/15/2014 12:20:11 AM

Destiny is a prime example we don't see original games with success anymore.

True story. Too many spoilt people who don't appreciate effort and small things and expect too much. COD = been the same since it began. No complaints Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.

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  • I don't hate it. Played it all weekend non-stop. However it's not completely "one of a kind". Different? Yes, on console anyway. Level and loot based coop FPS with raids? Firefall's(PC) already done this. Or Borderlands minus raids. Emotes? World of Warcraft or almost every MMO I've played or Firefall. Nothing to do after story but grind the same things over and over and over for 1 or 2 pieces of gear? Most MMO's or Firefall Raids that you can only do once a week for that 1 piece of gear you need that reset on Tuesday? World of Warcraft. Also Firefall thought not sure what day they reset. Level up your class just to get a new class that starts all over? Firefall. Every type of pvp match? COD and others. Can't really think of anything "original" off the top of my head. Seems they had an idea for a multiplayer co-op fps game with rpg elements and took things from others that are already out. It's not as groundbreaking or as epic as they hyped it up to be but it's still a good game. As long as there's enough things to explore and do to keep the end game grind from being so tedious then I'll continue to play. And I'm not meaning as if I don't want to do the "work" to obtain things. I'm just saying keep it interesting and fun to do. Reason I quit playing WoW. It's just not fun to run the exact same dungeon/raid 100 times just to get 1 piece of gear. I've already hit 20 but so far have been able to keep myself entertained whether it be trying a new strike, pvp, helping a low level friend, or just exploring new areas.

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  • You seriously believe no one complains about cod?

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  • Edited by TheMighty3X: 9/15/2014 3:22:53 PM
    I think it's safe to say looking through this topic that the game isn't the problem...the gamers are. Such can be said about any game. Anyone who genuinely enjoys Destiny is looked at like some sort of freak because they haven't jumped on board this hive mind of the community who dislikes the game for whatever reason, legitimate or assinine. Again, the question comes to mind...exactly what DO you people like since it seems that you hate everything. Me and another person have even put up a thread on the forums asking that very question that nobody has even bothered to answer because you're all too busy being whining little bitches. This community is starting to irritate me. IDIOT RESPONSE POST: 'Then why don't you leave it?" Because I acknowledge that I'm a part of this community, and I make no qualms about letting it know when it's being a bunch of whining little bitches. Hate me, I don't care. Anyone who's played along side of me these last 6 days can say that I have a good ol' time and we had a lot of fun. But then I come onto this forum and wonder why some of you even bother.

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    8 Replies
    • Anyone wanting to join a clan check us out "The Rebellious PaCk" is a new clan looking cool players to start us off

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    • [b]New [/b]> Old. [b]Destiny [/b]> CoD. [b]Bungie = God.[/b]

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    • People are damned the moment they formed expectations for a game, instead of simply enjoying it for what it's worth.

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    • Edited by LapuX2: 9/15/2014 5:02:19 PM
      One thing I can't understand is everyone says the story is repetitive. Well every other game is about the same, legend of Zelda is one example you do the exactly the same thing over just a little different and so does most games. God of War, CoD campaign, Assassin's creed and hell even halo was like that. Yes the story missions can be confusing if you don't follow the right order of mission I get that but you can basically figure it out once you finish the whole thing. On another note you say it's a repetitive grind well I remember a game exactly like that and millions play it, yes World of Warcraft idc if it's vanilla to Kung Fu panda it's the same thing yet millions enjoy it. I personally love the game and I wasn't over expecting things like most people did and now complaining about this and that. Yes there are some stuff that needs to be fix but over all I like this game and I am willing to play it as long as I can. Just can't wait for the expansion to come and adventure more of the galaxy.

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    • People complain about CoD, but people still buy them and they still get great reviews lol

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    • it could be great..if we was able to login on bungi servers....i still couldn't play much because of this...irritating as hell

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    • I'm sorry. Destiny is not one of a kind. I really love it. But nothing original.

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    • A whole lot more people enjoy Destiny, and are too busy playing it, instead of playing the whiners favorite mmo "forum crying vol.2: the bitchening. "

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      8 Replies
      • If destiny lives up to what Bungie sold it as.... Hell... If Destiny had a solid story, you wouldn't see nearly as much grief. But it doesn't, and aside from the music, mechanics, and backdrops- it's a pretty average game, which by Bungie standards means it a pretty awful game.

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        • People were expecting a COD mmo with halo campaigns.

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        • I love the game, sure its not got everything right, but what game does? Yes it is lacking on the social side, it does seem odd to have an MMO with no chat facility, but then again, you haven't got a chat channel constantly spammed by gold sellers. Maybe its because its aimed at the console market and having to type stuff is seen as a skill the average consoler can't manage? but I as many have a Keyboard connected to my PS4 and would welcome an opportunity to chat and throw out an invitation for fire-teams. (not needed one so far, but I don't know how far you can get soloing this game? I enjoy the story and don't think its that badly laid out so far, I mean I get the idea of what's going on, and I've never been one that reads every detail in some games that give very verbose mission descriptions. The Landscape is beautify done which make me want to explore. I can't wait to see more (I'm hoping there will be new planets in the expansions). The mix of PVE and PVP has been handled well, it reminds me of Guild-wars, except with the bounties it makes it fit in as part of the whole game experience rather than an MP bolt on like Mass Effect or Assassins Creed the latter of which I seldom feel the urge to visit. Mass Effect I enjoyed the MP side game, but it did feel totally different to the SP game. With Destiny they play along side by side very nicely and you can switch between the 2 as an when you please with no added hassle. Someone mention about Drops, I've had some good ones, but I find I needed ones that I don't feel bad about scrapping as I need the parts to upgrade my really good equipment. If we got Rare items all the time, they wouldn't be rare would they? (Although I found as soon as you hit 20 Rare does seem to become more common). Any-ways I love the Game, I have one of each Class at various stages and am looking forward to the expansions and extra content that's on the way.

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          3 Replies
          • people hate change it's a well know fact, foreign ideas are often shunned initially (foreign meaning new, un-encountered previously not necessarily from another country), as games come destiny is something different, it's not your uniform shooter, nor an MMO (though instances of MMO type game player are notable, MMO like these things is a function of a game not a genre of it's own, meaning literally that a large number of players can play online in the same instance of the game at once, the cap is 16 I believe, ) , and really trying to define it categorically as something else is pointless it is what it as a side note I also hate the fact that everyone seems to want to inflict there own opinions about the game on everyone else, particularly in such an over zealous way, I mean really your opinion is your own,

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          • I love Destiny. I really don't think I've been this invested in a video game since Mass Effect back in 2007. I have lost many hours since it came out a week ago

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            2 Replies
            • The Story Suck The PvE reward suck Class unbalance mostly the Hunter in PvP (Ya , stfu about it, every one is hunter in PvP for a reason) LOADING ! Trash NetCode U want specific information, go on Cabal sometimes bugs out This game isn't perfect and have major problems , if you deny all this , you are a freaking delusional dreg who think he is a captain.

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              10 Replies
              • Never played CoD and never will. Destiny is a good game but it would have been better if they had finished it before they sold it to me. More mission variety, guns and armor from day one, along with more coherent story telling and interesting, memorable NPC's, and it would have been amazing as opposed to just okay. The PvP is garbage. And besides being just plain bad, has anyone stopped to ask why? As in, why, in the middle of humanity's fight for survival against several different alien races, are Guardians killing each other for sport? They were too lazy to even explain it away as a training simulator. It's just "go kill each other and win prizes." It's even got an announcer like it's some sort of televised bloodsport. Weak.

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              • Original games don't exist, they're all generic 😎

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              • I love Destiny. If i wanted a good story that's what i have a TV and Movies for.

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              • Destiny gets these complaints because we had a grand vision laid out before us by bungie. We played the beta and when a lot of the community was wondering "hmm, these seems kinda bare" but they were told by people, including me, that it was a beta and the full game would have much much more. We were lead to believe this by the e3 press conferences and demos which told and showed us such amazing things. We also were promised this huge endless stream of gameplay that would satisfy for years. Most people did not believe that it would be endless but at least long. Imagine buying the game at midnight or before and playing right when you were allowed to and thinking "I'll start the story and dive into this immense lore." For the next six to eight hours, you are met with bad writing mixed with very little to no backstory on the enemies and very little dialog. It then ends and you are already almost level 20. No matter how much postgame content they have (which is a ton and is a lot of fun) an average gamer is going to be extremely disappointed. Destiny is a great game but it lacks things thats central to a new ip. The reason why cod doesn't get complaints is because no one expects anything, they know its going to be similar to the past experiences and they know what they are getting. Even if you hate it a shit ton or love it for some reason, you are not going to be disappointed.

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                12 Replies
                • It goes along with the saying "publicly we are afraid of change." Which is fitting.

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                • If you think Destiny is original, then you haven't played very many games. I won't list all the ways this game was 'inspired' by other games because that's probably been beaten to death already. I feel like the missions are little repetitive - many games fall victim to this. And I wish we could have more than 3 people in a campaign fireteam. Keeping fireteams limited, why can't a full party of 12 people occupy a game session - roam the tower, planets etc, while still breaking out into fireteams for missions, strikes, crucible etc? That would be cool. THAT SAID. I do enjoy this game very much. I'm playing it non-stop right now. I feel like it brings the best aspects of many different games together in one place.

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                  • people complain about the story's end and how it "doesn't make sense" but they need to understand that you have to read the Grimoire cards to fully understand the lore

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                    6 Replies
                    • They ended the game the way the did because destiny is supposedly lasting 10 years so the campaign will continue in the dlc content to come. Fear not destiny is not over yet.

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                    • Unfortunately a lot of people are failing to understand that this game isn't "finished" and done as it is. There is going to likely be new content added all the time. Today's gaming society is like that, though - if it's not the greatest game of all time then it's garbage. I for one can't wait to see what Bungie has in store for the future of the game. Saturn...

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