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originally posted in: My Opinion on Destiny Has Changed
9/14/2014 10:47:12 PM
sorry but this is hilarious, I have never had any lag at all. Patrols for me a blast, nothing life changing just fun alternative to PVP at end game. It will be better when when get champion ranks and much higher difficulties, to present more of a challenge. As for PVP being unbalanced, that is beyond funny, we hear that for every single game that has ever been created and will be created. And most games even after launch balance remains this mythical thing people complain about. Balance is always an ongoing thing, especially to a game like this where the game we are given at launch is the final game but merely the first step. Thats like complaining about an mmo at launch, compared to what they become. The problem sounds like you want to compare this to a MMO in a conventional sense, its not, so it will always fall short to those type of games feature. Likewise it is not strictly a FPS so it fails short when comparing to those. It is its own beast where as you are judging it for what it is not, when you should be celebrating the fact it is not trying to do the same old tired thing that we get from all post WOW MMO's and yearly Call of Duty games.

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