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Edited by ElekTriX 360: 9/13/2014 1:12:06 AM

Titan shoulder charge a One Hit KO nerf!

I really enjoy the PvP in Destiny, and everything was awesome in the lower levels, but now that everyone is getting their skill trees higher, a few abilities are becoming a bit overused and overpowered in their current state; namely the Titan's shoulder charge. There's no reason this ability should be a one-hit kill in PvP, especially with the buffs already to Titan's melee. No other class gets an ability (Besides the super buffs of course) that grants a OHKO in close quarters combat, and the fact it has a large instantaneous lunge makes it that much more OP. It would make more sense if the shoulder charge took the place of the melee ability of the Striker; but the fact that it's its own ability and it deals an instant kill makes it that much more imbalanced. There's been numerous times that a Titan has not even thought about using a weapon, and has instead charged forward and melee'd before I get the chance to hit them a few times with my weapon and melee myself. This completely counteracts any form of skill-based play if one player who chooses a particular class can just sprint forward and get a guaranteed melee kill with a massive lunge, whereas another who chooses a different class cannot. Even with an Arc Blade active, the Titan will still trade kills with the Hunter in a melee battle, and that's quite unbalances seeing as one is a super and one is just a skill tree ability with infinite recharge, as long as you sprint beforehand. I suggest decreasing the damage so that the one hit kill is no longer possible off a skill-tree based ability, as these should only be possible with a super ability. Possibly even changing this as a replacement for the Storm Fist if the player chooses it could also even out the CQB fights in the Crucible. EDIT: For everyone commenting who seems to be a Titan and doesn't want their one-hit kill ability nerfed, I'm not trying to JUST make your class weaker, I'm trying to bring to the attention of staff that [u]ONLY[/u] one class gets an ability for something like this; so either nerfing it to make everyone equal in CQB, or buffing the Warlock and Hunter for a respective OHK skill should create parity between the classes. At the moment, each class is equal at every range except for the Titan at close range. Therefore, it's imbalanced.

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  • I play hunter and warlock and no they should not remove the charge. Its the only thing going for the striker class lol and honestly not that much of a problem

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    4 Replies
    • Titans are underpowered. Trust me I am one. This ability is one of the few things we have that is good. Please don't complain.

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      3 Replies
      • That kid next door has more halloween haul-ins than me.... Bungie please nerf that kid.

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        • Energy drain melee is a OHK

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          6 Replies
          • Solution: make all powered melee a one shot in crucible. Melee ability on cool down, two shot melee

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          • Edited by Sgt Cabose: 11/2/2014 4:52:53 PM
            You have it all wrong... The Titan shoulder charge needs a buff. I mainly play a Titan (29). I vote for an AoE nova bomb to go off every time I shoulder charge someone. And my sprint should leave a Tron-motorcycle energy path behind that vaporizes players that touch it. I think those 2 buffs would suit us titans well... #Shouldertapoflove Edit: no trolling here, but you run double hunters. Try leveling that Titan up and using the shoulder charge. You'll get smoked half the time. Then, maybe you'll realize how tough it can be to use that ability effectively. You should never comment on the effectiveness, OP-ed-ness, or Nerfiness of something you haven't spent an inordinate amount of time using. I would, however, be anxious to hear your comments regarding the Nerfing of blade dancer... (I'm not asking for that, but you clearly have experience with hunters so you're better suited to comment on what you've played WITH, not just what's killed you). Again, not trolling. Please consider my comment.

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            • Why is that??? What else do we Titans have?

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              7 Replies
              • I agree because the hunters throwing knife isn't a one shot only if you hit Em in the head and that's pretty tricky but also its a KNIFE!!! How is a shoulder more powerful??

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              • Nerf, nerf, nerf. Why not nerf the damage of every abillity by 200% so you enemie gets health when you use them. Sounds like a good idea ha?

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              • agreed!!!that shit is overpowering in cruciable

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              • Edited by EJ Ronin: 11/2/2014 2:41:24 PM
                [quote]I really enjoy the PvP in Destiny, and everything was awesome in the lower levels, but now that everyone is getting their skill trees higher, a few abilities are becoming a bit overused and overpowered in their current state; namely the Titan's shoulder charge. There's no reason this ability should be a one-hit kill in PvP, especially with the buffs already to Titan's melee. No other class gets an ability (Besides the super buffs of course) that grants a OHKO in close quarters combat, and the fact it has a large instantaneous lunge makes it that much more OP. It would make more sense if the shoulder charge took the place of the melee ability of the Striker; but the fact that it's its own ability and it deals an instant kill makes it that much more imbalanced. There's been numerous times that a Titan has not even thought about using a weapon, and has instead charged forward and melee'd before I get the chance to hit them a few times with my weapon and melee myself. This completely counteracts any form of skill-based play if one player who chooses a particular class can just sprint forward and get a guaranteed melee kill with a massive lunge, whereas another who chooses a different class cannot. Even with an Arc Blade active, the Titan will still trade kills with the Hunter in a melee battle, and that's quite unbalances seeing as one is a super and one is just a skill tree ability with infinite recharge, as long as you sprint beforehand. I suggest decreasing the damage so that the one hit kill is no longer possible off a skill-tree based ability, as these should only be possible with a super ability. Possibly even changing this as a replacement for the Storm Fist if the player chooses it could also even out the CQB fights in the Crucible. EDIT: For everyone commenting who seems to be a Titan and doesn't want their one-hit kill ability nerfed, I'm not trying to JUST make your class weaker, I'm trying to bring to the attention of staff that [u]ONLY[/u] one class gets an ability for something like this; so either nerfing it to make everyone equal in CQB, or buffing the Warlock and Hunter for a respective OHK skill should create parity between the classes. At the moment, each class is equal at every range except for the Titan at close range. Therefore, it's imbalanced.[/quote] The titan is a close range brawlers / defenders. This is why they are built like tanks. I can't tell you how many times a hunter or warlock has backed away just out of range and taken me out with a well timed shotgun or flanked me with a team-mate... So the shoulder charge is over used, but it comes at a price - were either slow and powerful or moderately fast and physically weaker. You just need to learn how to equip and set up your character. Hunter has a OHK - throwing knife to head drops people. I do this constantly. Warlock can palm punch you to oblivion and armor buff themselves to survive all but a ground smash. Again... Learn your equipment, learn maneuvering. If you're constantly being waxed by a shoulder charge and others aren't, the source of the issue isn't a titan. We're not as super powerful as you think, or everyone would only be a titan. I have level 27 or up in all three. I play hunter more than titan and I love to eat a shoulder charger, it's not hard.

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                2 Replies
                • So I get what your saying, but I get one hit killed by everyone elses melee :I Ill take the shoulder charge just the way it is

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                • Edited by TheWeav: 11/2/2014 4:44:00 AM
                  I get you argument but as long as Hunters have arc blade, which can give a one hit ability 4 to 5 times, that also makes it near impossible for us to hit them, And gives them an armor buff, your point is lost to me. Maybe Warlocks should get another one hit kill ability too.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Maybe I'm stupid, but don't we have a jump button? Said shoulder charge only works when it connects, right.

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                    3 Replies
                    • [quote]I really enjoy the PvP in Destiny, and everything was awesome in the lower levels, but now that everyone is getting their skill trees higher, a few abilities are becoming a bit overused and overpowered in their current state; namely the Titan's shoulder charge. There's no reason this ability should be a one-hit kill in PvP, especially with the buffs already to Titan's melee. No other class gets an ability (Besides the super buffs of course) that grants a OHKO in close quarters combat, and the fact it has a large instantaneous lunge makes it that much more OP. It would make more sense if the shoulder charge took the place of the melee ability of the Striker; but the fact that it's its own ability and it deals an instant kill makes it that much more imbalanced. There's been numerous times that a Titan has not even thought about using a weapon, and has instead charged forward and melee'd before I get the chance to hit them a few times with my weapon and melee myself. This completely counteracts any form of skill-based play if one player who chooses a particular class can just sprint forward and get a guaranteed melee kill with a massive lunge, whereas another who chooses a different class cannot. Even with an Arc Blade active, the Titan will still trade kills with the Hunter in a melee battle, and that's quite unbalances seeing as one is a super and one is just a skill tree ability with infinite recharge, as long as you sprint beforehand. I suggest decreasing the damage so that the one hit kill is no longer possible off a skill-tree based ability, as these should only be possible with a super ability. Possibly even changing this as a replacement for the Storm Fist if the player chooses it could also even out the CQB fights in the Crucible. EDIT: For everyone commenting who seems to be a Titan and doesn't want their one-hit kill ability nerfed, I'm not trying to JUST make your class weaker, I'm trying to bring to the attention of staff that [u]ONLY[/u] one class gets an ability for something like this; so either nerfing it to make everyone equal in CQB, or buffing the Warlock and Hunter for a respective OHK skill should create parity between the classes. At the moment, each class is equal at every range except for the Titan at close range. Therefore, it's imbalanced.[/quote]im sorry but it's the only thing that make a Titan special really. Hunters have a much higher kill potential than the rest and warlocks have grenades and that. With the ability taken away titans would be even more obsolete

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                    • You're standing 3 feet away from a [i]Charging Tank[/i]. Yeah, its going to kill you if it connects. I roll Hunter and [i]every time[/i] a Titan has plowed headlong [i]through me[/i]...yeah, its been my fault.

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                    • OK EVERYBODY!! Let's stop shoulder charging this guy and start sniping his head off. He'll be back with a post about nerfing snipers soon.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Since Melee already takes two hits by default making it any thing else would render the ability completely useless.

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                      • I agree. Bump.

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                      • +20 Tears They are very tasty, thank you.

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                      • I had the bounty yesterday for 20 melee kills in the crucible. So I clicked on the talent box, and set about shoulder charging everyone. Was done with it quickly thank goodness and went back to my preferred play style. Felt shitty doing it. Not a fun bounty or move in the game in my opinion. Apologies to all who fell to this pathetic bounty. I wouldnt have blamed some for reporting me as I wound up charging the same poor bastards over and over and over. Hails out.

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                      • Also, I can technically blink stab you from behind for a one hit kill with the right perk selected. - Hunter

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                      • [quote] so either nerfing it to make everyone equal in CQB, [/quote]I realize this post is old, but... they aren't [i]supposed[/i] to be equal. They're each supposed to have their own advantages. There's no point in classes if they don't.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I have a lvl 26 titan as my 3rd character and i had a clash match the other day that i did nothing but shoulder charge dudes. Lol! The other team all started leaving and we only had 2 guys left on the other team by the end. Its not op though...its the fact that a lot of people stop and watch instead of jumping or trying to move. Lol! Just learn to fight against it and keep a shotgun by your side. ;-)

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                        • No I fully agree with this guy it's effing ridiculous even if it's a straight line my bladedancer with more than half health got one spotted that's un believable AND he was on a higher ledge it didn't even touch me it needs to be nerfed I saw a long CD about 20 seconds because not every class has an overpowered melee it's so unfair and not balanced in the iron banner is fine but regular crucible no just no Yea a lvl 11 can KO a 29 Hunter in crucible makes so much sense

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                          • In most cases you can kill the Titan before he gets to you. Im aTitan and have this abillity active alot for PvP. And trust its not as good as your making it sound

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