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Edited by ElekTriX 360: 9/13/2014 1:12:06 AM

Titan shoulder charge a One Hit KO nerf!

I really enjoy the PvP in Destiny, and everything was awesome in the lower levels, but now that everyone is getting their skill trees higher, a few abilities are becoming a bit overused and overpowered in their current state; namely the Titan's shoulder charge. There's no reason this ability should be a one-hit kill in PvP, especially with the buffs already to Titan's melee. No other class gets an ability (Besides the super buffs of course) that grants a OHKO in close quarters combat, and the fact it has a large instantaneous lunge makes it that much more OP. It would make more sense if the shoulder charge took the place of the melee ability of the Striker; but the fact that it's its own ability and it deals an instant kill makes it that much more imbalanced. There's been numerous times that a Titan has not even thought about using a weapon, and has instead charged forward and melee'd before I get the chance to hit them a few times with my weapon and melee myself. This completely counteracts any form of skill-based play if one player who chooses a particular class can just sprint forward and get a guaranteed melee kill with a massive lunge, whereas another who chooses a different class cannot. Even with an Arc Blade active, the Titan will still trade kills with the Hunter in a melee battle, and that's quite unbalances seeing as one is a super and one is just a skill tree ability with infinite recharge, as long as you sprint beforehand. I suggest decreasing the damage so that the one hit kill is no longer possible off a skill-tree based ability, as these should only be possible with a super ability. Possibly even changing this as a replacement for the Storm Fist if the player chooses it could also even out the CQB fights in the Crucible. EDIT: For everyone commenting who seems to be a Titan and doesn't want their one-hit kill ability nerfed, I'm not trying to JUST make your class weaker, I'm trying to bring to the attention of staff that [u]ONLY[/u] one class gets an ability for something like this; so either nerfing it to make everyone equal in CQB, or buffing the Warlock and Hunter for a respective OHK skill should create parity between the classes. At the moment, each class is equal at every range except for the Titan at close range. Therefore, it's imbalanced.

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    Here's what I think about it,it's good but a friend of mine told me when we played rumble.He has a split second that he cant do anything.So I abused angel of light,as long as you stay airborne they cant do anything.shotguns cant reach you nor can melee,only rifles which half of the time they can't get a precise attack.

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  • Edited by Twitchside2: 9/15/2014 8:31:00 AM
    Titans are supposed to dominate up close. Thats their specialty. Just keep ur distance and learn how to shoot.

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    2 Replies
    • Agree!!!!!

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    • If it makes you feel better i shoulder barged another titan off the wall while playing salvage... It was very satisfying seeing him go flying backwards and flip over...

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      The best way to nerf it would be to increase the amount of time u have to sprint before u can use it or decrease the window of using it while u are sprinting. But they need to keep the damage the same. Then it will be riskier to use it and deserves the reward when u actually pull it off.

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      2 Replies
      • Stop complaining. I play a Titan and I can pick out things for both other classes that I think could be nerfed. Honestly any other class can pick things out that they don't like or think isn't fair about the other classes. Like I'm over being sliced up by whatever special the hunters have. But that's the game. It's balanced. Every special has a counter, you just need practice. I have games where I can get a few shoulder charges, and others where I can't get one...I just get countered. It's week one and you're already suggesting nerfs? Come on man. Don't change the game because you can't figure something out. It's a game, it's supposed to be challenging. Now here is where I won't list all the ways I get beat down by other classes and ask for the developers to change the greatest game ever made because I need to whine.

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        7 Replies
        • Again people sook about the titan the hunter needs to be fixed and the warlock are ok the way they are. I'm a titan and the charge is meant to be like that if it wasn't then what's the point of having the perk grow up people its just a game

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          3 Replies
          • I don't see why it should we kinda gotta sprint for a while it's more like just luck or the enemy just happens to be there ya know it's not like we can just do it when ever we want

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          • Hunters should have a OHK knife sneak attack or something. And Locks should also have something sweet too! Lets come up with ideas to make things better, not watered down. I'm a Titan. :-)

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            1 Reply
            • So you want it to be a normal melee attack... it's a little cheap, but so are shotguns and those one hit kill at the exact same range, and just about everyone and their mother use a shotgun.

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            • Edited by Dididak: 9/13/2014 3:04:14 AM
              Can't the arcblade hunter one shot players from behind (like halo)? [spoiler]also, have your tried using the shotguns?[/spoiler]

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              6 Replies
              • Each class has something extra they are imputed with: Hunter: stealth mechanic, throwing knives, teleporting Warlock: Extra grenades, reincarnation, shields, teleportation again Titan: OHKO shoulder charge, shield, and more shields. Everyone has something about them that can be incredibly OP if used in the right way. I'm sure we'll have some dickheads complaining about people going around with stealth abilities and Patience and Time Combos; or even Warlocks chucking grenades wherever they want. Shoulder charge, like all that I listed above, is very situational. Not to mention you can easily counter a shoulder charge with a well placed shotgun shell... But what do I know?

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              • But.. It's so fun crushing skulls in with my knee...

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                • There's a lot of off things in the crucible at this point that everything, including this ability, will probably stay the way it is.. Has anyone dealt with teleport/blink spamming yet? Over time I think people are going to hate the crucible unless they always get pitted against poor players. The randomness is crazy now with all these crazy abilities and whatnot.

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                  2 Replies
                  • This is balanced enough as it is. It takes time to charge up and wears off after a few seconds. Also, it looks like your pimp slapping scrubs, its great.

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                    10 Replies
                    • Partially off topic, but isn't the hunter's throwing knife an insta kill? It was in the beta(I'm a titan and I don't really PvP seriously) was that changed?

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                    • You just said the Titans specialty is melee, but you want to take it away? No abilities are balanced in PvP, sadly just deal with it

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                      • Edited by Krynul: 9/12/2014 8:50:28 PM
                        Do you have any clue how hard it is to use that ability? There is no reliable way to use it against someone. It only activates after you've been running for a few seconds, so if you just charge at someone they'll gun you down. If you're close enough that they can't gun you down it won't activate and you can just use a shotgun. If it gets nerfed it won't get used ever. The only way you can get it to work is to run down a hallway and hope someone is around a corner for you to use it on. I took it off and put the damage resistance during my super back on because it was more useful. Tldr: shotguns > shoulder bash at close range, auto rifles > shoulder bash at medium range.

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                      • Edited by silvinite: 9/12/2014 5:44:43 PM
                        Well the titan class is tailored to close quarters combat and melee so it actualy seems pretty logical. If you dont like it dont let them get in close or use a shotgun.

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