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originally posted in: Learn The Difference Haters
9/11/2014 11:04:59 PM
Destiny is not an MMO. Not even..... It makes sense that people are upset that there is not enough launch content. There really is a shortage in the "things to do that aren't repetitive" department. You need to settle down a significant bit and really analyze what you are doing when playing the game. It has phenomenal gameplay, enemies, and scenery, there is simply too little content to play through. The best feeling is walking into a new place to explore and play missions In, but at some point you have thoroughly explored and exhausted the missions. There needs to be more areas per planet and more unique missions per area. Trying to form the game around the definition if a genre is a poor choice, especially when this game is not at all what you say it is. 3 man fire teams and a few extra random people ingame that you don't talk to is not at all like an MMO.

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  • Already conceded that it's not an MMO in another reply. As for your opinion, you don't sound like one of the people who ONLY went through the storyline, then said the game was a waste. It's different if people have gone through more than just the storyline and are pissed about a lack of content. I respect the opinion of anyone who's given more than the storyline a chance.

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