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originally posted in: Why is there a "console war"
8/26/2014 8:16:59 PM
the same reason "Ferd" and "Shivvy" truck owners have beef...people like to have to justify themselves whether thru racism, buying preference, even at young ages. Who determines what is this years cool lunchbox, or backpack, or -shirt? PC or Mac? It's all personal preference, but for some reason everyone HAS to blather on about why theirs is better than someone elses using both true and false "facts" that mostly come from internet searches (there's a reason many serious education institutions don't allow web search results as proper sources of applicable information). Physically fit celebrities look down on the unhealthy average joes while the average joes fire back with "who wants to be stick thin anyway?" or "I may be fat but I'm sassy!"...those who are considered cultured or educated call others uncouth, while the uncouth fire back with "fk you, I say what I want!"...It's all Fire and Return-fire in our world, no one can be happy unless they can convince themselves that what they have or are is better than someone else...let them have their little wars, I'm going to get what I want, play what I want, and enjoy my own life undictated by all those people out there who are so unhappy with their own lives that they have to find fault in others in order to feel any justification for their own existence.

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