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originally posted in: That's Pretty Impressive
8/24/2014 4:14:58 AM
I understand where you're coming from, but it is a little confusing. You say that the destiny beta was pretty much the polished game and they are just fixing bugs so people shouldn't dream about features which may or may not be in the game, but then go on to say that we should have conversations illustrating how certain "weapon/feature/map/gamemode[s are] lacking," so that they can be fixed. If they game is done then how is a conversation going to change an entire game mode? And how is that different from someone daydreaming of a feature that they hope will be in destiny? And you say "trust me, DLCs are not all that," but go on to say that it is a shame they aren't in the game. If you don't think the DLCs mean much, why care if they are included? So, I don't mean any of this in a harsh way and certainly hope it doesn't come off that way. I mean, you really do well to make the point that you like the game but find flaws in it which I find totally acceptable and this forum is perfect for those kinds of discussions. I don't really respect anyone posting who hates the game so much they don't want to play it, because their only point in being on the forums is to discourage others from purchasing the game. I think you would agree with me there. And I completely understand your distaste for individuals defending anything without any real knowledge on the subject. At any rate, I agree with a lot of your points, but there are possibly some valid reasons for some of the things that they did which you didn't like. I think the number one thing for a game like this is to come out strong with as many features as possible that solidly work. It is possible that adding some of those features you mentioned were plausible, but they would have trouble implementing them in time or having them work without glitches at this time. But to the person who does want to take off work to play destiny that bad because they think this is the best game ever...they are not wrong. It is just their opinion. I guess I'm just saying there is a difference between people who are so excited about this game and just love it so much they don't see flaws, and those who are so blinded by their passion that they prey upon anyone critizing the game. Just know those are two different groups of people.

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