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Edited by Rethal Sepsis: 7/29/2014 2:42:32 PM

Why does everyone hate snipers?

After playing the beta essentially nonstop from Tuesday to Sunday, I can affirmatively say I like the game with really only one overarching complaint, and a bunch of little specific comments on that. My complaint is this: people hate snipers. I mean, look, I get it. No one likes campers. I personally like camping, because that's how I like to play my games (and I thought this game was about "playing it your way," but I digress. Still, no one likes that guy that sits in the corner and murders you six ways to Tuesday. I am often not well-liked, and I accept that. But sniper rifles have it rough in this game. Again, I understand wanting to discourage camping. But I think that, as primarily a sniper, some of the gameplay choices, especially working in concert, make the guns almost unviable. -Killcams. I understand these, very Halo-esque, not a big deal on their own because they sort of just give a general direction. I thought these were pretty well done. -Radar. This one is sort of rough on everyone. It's almost impossible to get the drop on someone from anywhere nearby because you always appear. Again, to prevent camping, but the sheer range that it goes out to makes it easy to expect and prepare for someone at essentially any range. -Glowing Eye. This is... Unique. It's hard for me to argue with it, but it's hard for me to justify it as well. With everything else anti-sniper, giving away my position just for scoping in isn't great. As someone who likes to play stealthy and on the outskirts, not even camping necessarily, this is clearly anti-sniper, not anti-camping. -Shotguns. No, I don't have a problem with shotguns being in the game. But for as much as people hate snipers, you'd think all the special weapons would get equal punishment. The effective range of a shotgun is almost nil, sure, but just having one doesn't paint a target on your back. In fact it's impossible to know that the enemy you're trying to kill with your close-ranged primary is going to blast you, whereas a sniper is a beacon from clear across the map. Accuracy. Maybe it's just me, or being used to Halo, but the effective range of sniper bullets seems to drop off the charts as soon as you can't see the enemy's name any more. Even against NPCs, a clearly lined up shot isn't necessarily the headshot I expect. This is one of the things I have least problem with, but for giving away my position so long for having been lining up my long shot. No Scopes. So long range is hardly viable with a sniper because all you do is entice enemies with a bright beacon for however few kills. At mid range, quick scoping is the way to go. But if, for example, an enemy spawns near you or does get the drop on you, the sniper is not even effective as a self defense weapon, unlike both the Fusion Rifles and Shotguns, only because scoping in is the only way to achieve any accuracy whatsoever. In fact I'm not even sure what sort of consistency the sniper has while not scoped in. But I would say that adding that reticle and huge no-scope luck would fix that right up. That's really my main complaint and all its parts. Everything else I think could be improved on is minor: for example, not starting a match with special ammo and perhaps vehicles, so map control is more important. And the others... -Postgame Screen. I'd like to see my number of deaths but expect that in the deathmatch screens. Moreover, though, I'd like to see a medal screen where I see what I earned and what it was for. -Loading times. This could just be from the beta but I felt as though getting into matches, and each consecutive match, was just an exorbitant amount of time spent waiting. Same with going to the tower and even sometimes getting into a mission. However I fully expect this will be fixed simply by nature of the game actually releasing, so this is hardly a complaint. -Mission Objectives. This is barely a problem but pulling out my ghost every time I want to see where I want to go, or needing to be on my Sparrow, and then having that objective disappear so quickly just gets slightly in my nerves. The thing is, though, this was just a beta and these were literally the only things I could find to complain about. And a lot of those I'm confident will be fixed in the full game, a lot of which stems from certain stealth related abilities in the Bladedancer and possibly hidden subclasses, as well as a certain announced exotic sniper rifle. That's extremely impressive for a beta. I'm not saying everything here needs to be changed, I just hate that it all seemed necessary to "nerf" snipers so much in the first place and think that maybe it was a little over the top. Perhaps a good change would be that you could only see the gleam of someone's eye when you yourself are also scoped in? I don't know. And I think handcannons are not a great choice in multiplayer as they are now, but explosive rounds may help. In any case, tl;dr: I think snipers could use a little buff, with some other comments. Thoughts on my thoughts? Concerns of your own?

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  • Snipers are not that bad in my opinion. They got your back from a far when you're on the front line. I'm not bad myself at sniping but it's just not my preferred weapon. When I get taking out by a sniper in a game I tend to hunt them down. One of my favourite things in Halo Reach was getting the drop on a sniper and assassinating them. No better feeling. But they were always the Camping snipers. True skill is being able to run and gun. There are two things that do annoy me about snipers that just won't ever change and please I'm not here to rant and rage talk. First thing that annoys me is when I found out about just how sad [u]some[/u] people are that cheat by putting a sticker of a bigger reticle on there TV. Every single person that has ever done this won't admit it ever. I mean who the hell would do something so pathetic. I don't even know any more. The crap we have to put up with. Second thing that annoys me is that the sniper is a shotgun as well. Now I know people will complain and say no it's not but come on. I can't stand when people run up to you and point blank shoot you it's a "Sniper rifle" but a Shotgun as well. Makes no sense what so ever. Being able to look back in Theatre mode and just see how ridiculous it is. I'm sure from First Person Point of view you shot them close up yea… NO from Third Person point of view the sniper rifle is stuck through the person. The bullet travels down the barrel while going through the person and out the other end I mean come on what the actual -blam!-. I mean if the sniper rifle had a shotgun attachment I could understand it. If you could shoot and kill someone from across the map with a shotgun people will lose there minds. Now I know this weird glitch of point blank shooting someone with a sniper rifle will never change for whatever reasons. I thought of an idea not to be able to shoot anybody [u]that close[/u]. Again I now people will already start telling me off but it's just my little idea. The sniper rifle should strictly be a Long to Mid range weapon only. My idea is that if you try to shoot someone up close you melee them instead of firing a shot. This just makes sense to me. It takes no skill point blank shooting anyone. Real skill is is being able to run and gun like a master. I didn't use the sniper rifle that much playing Destiny but I do look forward to using it in the future. This is a touchy subject and I feel like I have to repeat myself. I have no problems with snipers. Please we're all adults here treat peoples opinions with respect that you would like to be treated and Don't feed the Trolls. Can't wait for september Destiny will be epic. Cheers for reading see you star side.

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