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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update - 08/08/2014
8/11/2014 6:29:56 PM
I really can't contain myself when it comes to Destiny sometimes. When I first got to play the beta i damn near cried, honestly. I just love the game completely, it enthralled me since my first glance at it at E3 two years ago. (or was it last year?) But nevertheless; I love the landscapes, the enemies, the outfits, the style and culture, the GUNS!!!! and surprisingly most of all, the community. All of you... most of you... some of you... a pretty big handful of you are kinda cool. No I'm joking, all of you ARE cool, in your own respective ways. I may not even like some ways, but you have them. I made a few new friends, (about 7 actually) just from the beta! (one was a youtuber named killer, his channel is called gamertaining, check him out!) But to sum it up you guys are a very supportive community, while some of you argue, some of you act as the bigger person and admit your mistakes instead of namecalling to save face, and some of you just randomly dance in a circle in the tower just to give of good vibes, or you sit in a tree, or you play with the fan, but Destiny feels like a game that at times takes the hostility out of us. Honestly it really just reroutes it though, into the story, exploration, and the crucible. And I LOVE that because that is one of the things that makes the tower such a happy place. Its where everything is organized and we look back. And i love that too. But I made a clan (and this is a part that pertains to the bungie website goers like YOU) after the beta, because i wanted to be able to play with like-minded people from anywhere and since the beta had ended recently at the time i had no way of talking to a few people i had met but i was determined to get people to join with my clans goal (and this is a bit of advice to other clan creators) and at first i wanted it to be this powerful murderous clan with MLG gangsters who were put on Earth to dominate this game. Then I scratched all that. I wasnt like, writing this down or planing ahead, i was on the computer doing what came to me at that moment, but I realized I rather honor this game by taking a different approach. So I took out my seriousness. I named it Some Pretty Swell Guys, and explained I wanted to make this clan for the fun loving gamer, who wanted to experience everything Destiny had to offer with people who might goof of at times but will always have your back. Honestly me myself will probably spend most of my time in the crucible, but with all the game has to offer i might not. Back to the clan, i took the low road and went on the most recent news (honestly kinda what im doing right now) and recruited anyone i saw to join. And you, the community, didnt yell, or call me a douche, or a dickhead, or a fag. You asked, why. And I responded. And you joined. So thank you. And sorry fot this post that might take up most of your screen.

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