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8/8/2014 11:51:27 PM

Bungie Weekly Update - 08/08/2014

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12034]Bungie Weekly Update - 08/08/2014[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Additionally - I don't know what your plans are but as I'm chilling through the ZBrush Summit, I am reminded of a question I had asked Bungie before: Any chance we'll get to see the Fallen without their masks down the road? I don't expect a definite yes. A cryptic maybe will do.

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  • Honestly, it's for the best. I'm glad they didn't let us keep our Guardians or gear. This way we'll get to experience the finalised version and all its nuances from the very beginning, carving a story of heroic deeds and epic battles as we journey through Destiny.

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  • Thanks Bungie. I will be ready sept 9th. Vacation is approved for the whole week. It's my homage to my beta character and the drive he has given me to re build!! ;)

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  • The Moon may have had more participants join, but Bungie did not decide to circumvent the server issues being experienced by folks using the least tested of Beta hardware... the Microsoft hardware. At least we were allowed extra time in the Iron Banner, but why not the Moon? I spent 27 hours trying to help Beta test, why was I (and many others) limited by a Microsoft issue? It would have certainly made that record a bit more broken?

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  • Edited by SaberStrike117: 8/9/2014 1:21:24 AM
    I think I heard taps when I read this. Oh well my beta guardian will be gone but my new guardian and I along with others shall fight the darkness back and kick some butt in the process. See you all 9/9/2014

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    • You don't have to lie to us... I know what really happened to our guardians.. As level 8 defends of the last city on earth, our fire power was not enough to ultimately push the darkness until September 9th. Therefore, we found ourselfs stuck at the brink of extinction. The darkness waa getting closer and closer.. The once beautiful armospheric skies turned dull and had very obscure dark colors. Enemies beyond our level were to difficult to stand against. Our weapons.. The weapons previous guardians entrusted to us had no effect. The enemies were immune to everything we had to throw at them.. As our final resort.. We decided to sacrifize our selfs to protect the world were the next generation will be born and avenge us. We.. We became Legend.. And our home place still shows hope for our overtakin of the universe. Until september 9th, upgraded and improved, will we be able to fully defeat the darkness. Until then, it was good meeting you, guardian.

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      • Deej!! Tell the whole crew going with you NOT to come back to the states, until they have seen the Koln cathedral!!! It's one of the most amazing things you will see in three dimensions. Do it!!

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      • New character new light, Now i can rebuild my warlock to look as majestic as the Purple Pretty Boy. Alteast, we all get a fresh start; some of us really needed one!!!!!

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        Look who was right, mother-blam!-ers. I fūcking told you they would be deleted. Assholes.

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      • For those who are still crying over a lvl should get a refund that way theres less cry babies I have to hear about ANYTHING being to "hard" because you want things handed to you on a silver platter while others work there butt off for there stuff. I hope to god they don't add a trading system.

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      • To all who said "source," here you go. I'm not sorry I was right.

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      • He said we lose our guardians and weapons, not our stats :)

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      • All you complaining, are a bunch of -blam!-ing bitches. Go kill yourselves.

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        • Will the final game be able to hold it's memory on a USB? Because I don't have a hard drive; I had to borrow one to play the beta.

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          • To all the -blam!-tards who are raging about character wipes and the size of the explorable area. Get the -blam!-,over yourselves. You knew the wipes where coming and when you have 5 planets, each with an explore area. The crucible, strike missions, raids and the story, if you hate it that much don't buy the game, this community doesn't need the gigantic moronism and general unintelligent nature you apes will bring to it. Leave now, and let us become legend.

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            • Edited by Starkiller VI: 8/9/2014 1:06:24 AM

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            • 4.6 million guardians, farewell. Your sacrifices will pave a path to dark destruction.

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            • Thank you for answering the question on wether we keep our guardians or not. Now the next big question is how big will the actual game be plus is there more than one area to explore on each planet or moon?

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            • Will we have our Dinklage again guiding us through the realms of the Traveler's creation?

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              • My Ghost Edition is sitting in a warehouse across the sea, waiting to be shipped to the UK. I can almost taste it.

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                • Ok. Well, I've done it all before, I'll do it again. This time for good. :D Farewell Vampire Nox 1.0. We had fun.

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                • To everyone complaining about losing their beta progress: Bungie has said from day 1 that the Beta characters probably would not carry over. I maxed out all 3 character slots with all 3 classes and you know what? I can't wait to do it again. People complain about losing their "awesome gear" but let's think about it. We only got some blue weapons or armor at best, that were usable at lvl's 10-12. The gear we will get as we play will make those "great finds" look like trash, especially if you can reach level 20 in a handful of hours. I'm super pumped to find all of the hidden gems in this game that will truly be legendary, and you should be too. Good hunting guardians

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                • Thank you bungie for doing a wipe. All the tweaking really is easier to just start fresh and everyone playing as the game was intended. And most importantly people can stop posting threads about it!

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                • That Warlock is pretty frabjous...

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                • Edited by Mandingo: 8/9/2014 1:09:53 AM
                  Get that basket ready to fill up Bungie.Net Tears for beta wipe ! And send it to Africa !

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                • Edited by poulm1996: 8/9/2014 1:11:23 AM
                  I made a Warlock during the beta and took such a liking to it i put nearly 90% of the time the beta was open into it and after reading this i just have to say -blam!- yeah! All of us that played the beta are gonna have a advantage and know whats up. Its kinda like Sword art online where Kirito played the beta for the game and then was able to advance through the game faster then most players because he knew what to do. We have been given the gift to know whats coming for the first 10% of destiny. I don't know about everyone else but ill be back to where i was in the beta in no time like it wasn't even a loss. Bungie was just preparing me for my real #Destiny.

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