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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Max Powers: 9/26/2014 10:22:03 PM


No I don't want a trade system


Yes I want a trade system


Destiny is without a doubt the best game I've ever played, you guys have nailed it. There is only one thing that could cheapen this amazing game and potentially turn players away ... a player to player trade system. Bungie community, join me and speak up about this pressing issue that has the potential to cheapen this stunning game. Do you value the hard work it takes to earn cool gear? Or do you not value the hard work it takes? "Become Legend", this tag line says it all. It insinuates that you will work to develop your character and thus work towards becoming a legend. We don't want to trade so that we look like a legend. The way the gear looks in destiny is stunning. When you see someone cruise past you in the tower with a sweet piece of gear, you know he's worked to achieve it. That is an amazing feat for a game developer, to create such awesome looking kit that everyone wants. If Bungie implement a player to player trade system this will be meaningless. The whole experience of earning something special is cheapened. To think that a noob who's played for a week and hit 20 could be given gear from his highly experienced and dedicated mate is a sad thought. All of a sudden the last two months I spent earning that same piece of gear are worthless. The pride I had for my equipment, lost. There are many of us who experienced this on games like World of Warcraft, Borderlands and Diablo and felt that it ruined the game. So much that I stopped playing games that I used to love. I would like to quote a few bungie developers from the video "out here in the wild" in the hope that if enough people vote on this, if our voice is strong enough, we can get bungie to make a firm stance against a trade system. Christopher Barrett, art director "the number one priority was to make a world that people wanted to be in, something that you want to go back to and you want to explore". If there is a trade system it will cheapen the game and people will lose excitement about going back and exploring. Luke Smith, design lead "you're going to see a guy wielding the cudgel of zanthor or the fate of all fools or whatever crazy names the writers come up with for these weapons and armor, you're going to understand where they came from and what they went through to get there". Man does this quote sum up my argument. With a player to player trade system we will NOT understand what anyone has been through to get their gear. In fact, we won't even know how long they will have been playing the game. *Edit: A lot of great counter arguments have been made on this post and I should clarify. I am certainly not opposed to a well done trade system e.g. if items could only be traded for equal level items, or include a BOA or BOP system for high tier gear. I was referring to the AH and gold trading/farming/selling with WOW. The item giving and duping in Borderlands. I should have been more specific and not so general and I didn't realise this post would attract so much attention. I still strongly believe that any system where people can give loot or trade for glimmer or parts would be bad idea. But if done right, a trade system would be great. SECOND EDIT: a lot of people are complaining about the "terrible loot system", just FYI they DID just say they're patching tha said system. We have to see the changes that come out of it. Also the game hasn't even been out for three weeks!!!!!! To me it's expected in a game like this that you have to play for ages to get good loot. 3 weeks is nothing.

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  • Edited by TheGreatConverse: 9/26/2014 7:51:15 PM
    I think trading would be fine if it were only "like for like" trading. That is to trade an "exotic primary for an exotic primary" "legendary armor for legendary armor" etc. So in other words, like for like rarity and item types. I don't think any effort in gaining these items would be lost, nor will anyone work any less to get them if it's done this way. It does solve the problem of duplicates, and/or getting something you don't like and wanting to try something else. Players would still have to use the usual means to obtain their items.

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  • Nah I don't want the trade. If anything I trade between my 3 characters. Makes the game longer which is what I desire. Fits my play style

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  • There could be a trade system but it would only used to trade items of the same rank e.g. legendary with legendary, this way it wont break the game and can still be a trading system.

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  • I want a trade system....That is all

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  • I would love a trading system! I don't even pay attention to what other guardians have, but just as in life I am not too lucky in games, so finding anyyhing noteworthy is bane of my existence in luck based shit like this. Bring it on I say and I will ladly trade some of my resources for nice piece of gear!

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  • My vote is a very solid NO. If for some reason we're allowed to trade there ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO BE a bind to account for exotics and a bind on equip for legendaries. After some thought... Material trading seems like it would be alright. I'll give you a stack of Spinmetal for a stack of Relic Iron type deal...

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  • I do not want trading. I enjoy the grind for my gear, yeah it took ages but that's the point.

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  • Looks like we don't want trading

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  • Edited by Zombie: 9/26/2014 4:43:08 PM
    only thing I have a problem collecting is upgrade material and even then it's only because I'm lazy. weapons and such can remain nontrade for all I care. glimmer is useless so who really farms it when the cap is 25k anyway.

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  • When did they ever state that there would be one...

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  • Why the hell wouldn't you?

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    2 Replies
    • If they do make a trading system, they would need to raise the cap for Glimmer... 25k is kind of low, not sure how many times I've had to go buy stuff to turn in House Banners and such.

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    • Trade system would benefit this game massively!!!

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    • I have to disagree with you on almost every point. Here I am, a level 27 Titan, with over 2 days invested, who has not recieved a single piece of legendary gear. Or exotics. I have bought my gear from vendors, and Xur, and from an exotic bounty. But I have a piece or two for a warlock and a hunter. Who my friends play. And they have Titan gear. But heaven forbid we actually get to use it, that would be silly. I don't walk around admiring people who do have gear. I go "Oh look, another lucky sod who can actually enjoy the game unlike me." Me and my friends are constantly going "damn, wish I could give this to you." or "I'd lend you an ascendant energy... if I could" RNG has an extreme on each end, and I'm sure there is someone out there enjoying all the good luck left from all my bad luck, but till then, Xur is my only salvation. There is no right or wrong about this, but frustration ensues when you play a game with friends and are unable to give each other a leg up like a good friend.

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    • Edited by SilverCyric: 9/26/2014 4:10:45 PM
      I totally agree with ya bud, but don't let someone else's ease take away from your accomplishments. You earned them, they're yours. Also to some commenting, it's a loot based system, mostly. Some will have the good fortune of getting great gear and weapons right away, while others will need to play a little longer to get that great drop. I've been playing everyday since launch, gotten dozens of legendary engrams, only got 2 to decrypt into good secondary and heavy legendary weapons, but it took until last night to get my first legendary primary, Doctor Nope. I was whooping and hollering! I really wanted that gun! I've had a few legendary gear for other classes too, but that was cool. My Titan, soon as he hit level 20, instantly went to 22, and within hours was up to 24. While some others have multiple legendary guns and a few exotics, others are still playing the engram lotto. Luck fellow Guardians

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    • I wouldn't be opposed to a trade system....some day. As it stands right now though, there simply isn't enough gear in the game to support a trade system. Xur drip feeds us only a few exotics a week and some people already have a ton of them. If there was a trade system, the majority of people would have all the ones they wanted in a couple of months at best. It is not in the best interest of the game's longevity for us to be able to get exactly what we want when we want it.

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    • I believe a trade system could work, but (if it was me) I would only allow it with people in your friends list and in your fire team. Or something along those lines. But I will admit OP, you present a good argument... :)

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    • Do i value my hard earned gear? Lol? Its easy as hell to get gear in this game and now i have all this other class gear i dont want, gear i have duplicates of, or gear thats just inferior to my equiped gear so obviously we need a trade system or else half the loot u get is just useless. This game really needs a trade system

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    • I wouldnt mind a trading system like the one currently in Diablo 3. You can only trade your Legendary things with people that were in your group when it dropped, and only for 1hour. That wouldnt hurt the game.

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      4 Replies
      • I would only want a trade system if you had to be a certain level to trade. Like so level 28 can't trade exotics and legendaries to a level 10. You could only trade with your level

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      • No trade because some jerks will find a glitched way of cloning and trading golds and purples and post it on youtube and next thing ya know...we're all screwed

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        9 Replies
        • #fanboy

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        • I have an example of an Exotic gears story that I am loving working toward right now. I have a pulse rifle exotic bounty and I finally finished the conversion of 10 rare fusion rifles last night. I was like hell yeah I'm getting the bastard now!! Nope now my lvl26 Titan has to defeat 200 enemies in Nightfall. Now I've never done Nightfall, no friends to play with, but I plunged in last night and promptly got my butt kicked. I did however make one fusion rifle kill and to tell the truth I was actually gleeful about that small accomplishment. So now I have a goal that I know I have to work toward and will be proud of once I succeed and I WILL!! :-)

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          4 Replies
          • I want a trade system for unusable gear. If I get an armor piece not to my class I should be able to give it to someone of that class. No other trading though.

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            6 Replies
            • This must be the only game you have played right? Right? :-|

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            • Trade system please, I can't count how many times I have gotten something that was potentially an upgrade for someone I regularly play with or something like a starship design i dont particularly like but my friend does. though I think that it shouldnt be just open trading, but perhaps items you get have a certain amount of time they can be traded to someone you were in a group with when the item was obtained and then done through the mail. however I realise that opening up any sort of trade system just invites "gold/item" sellers to the game.

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