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8/2/2014 4:19:49 PM

Lets keep it challenging

It seems the current trend in video games in general is making them far too easy and dumbing everything down. From what I have seen Bungie have not followed this trend and have made the game challenging. Currently the forums seem to be full of EZ Mode gamers wanting everything nerfing, dumbing down, making easier and generally moaning that they don't have 'teh win' button on their controller. I say Bravo Bungie, stand by your guns, let's keep this game challenging and make people work, not just by pressing buttons, but by learning, wiping and socially interacting and learning to work together, understanding their own and others weaknesses and strengths and how to best use them.

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  • Edited by Phantom: 8/3/2014 1:40:55 AM
    The game isn't challenging just dull and tedious in boss fights. The first Fallen boss, the Spider Tank, and the Purple Sphere of Doom were all too tanky, dull boss fights. Nothing fun about those bosses, just a huge time waster. But keep the Wizards, I actually liked them.

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    28 Replies
    • I think the game is too easy. Considering their isn't really a penalty for dying and the missions were a walk in the park even on the higher level difficulty

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    • Bungie is the king of dumbing down games

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      • Hardcore gamers will live again!

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        • I think the worst of this trend has passed, games like Dark Souls, Metro: Last Light, and a few others have proven it's very possible to have a very successful and difficult game (and the masses are ready for it). If anything I found Destiny a bit too forgiving. But not by much at all. ^-^

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          • There was one time during the beta where I was a rank 3 doing a rank 7 mission and invited a random rank 3 into my squad. So there was more enemies and he was quite bad so I had to carry him while taking on an overwhelming amount of tough enemies. That was the only time I really felt challenged. Even then we beat it first try though. I want missions to be something where I die multiple times until I beat it with the combination of skill, luck, and knowledge of the fight.

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            • I dunno what you are talking about, the beta was not very challenging and highly repetative. Borderlands 2 runs circles around Desity in the challeng department IMHO.

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              • Hope so cause I still find it very easy.

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              • agree'd! recently ive went on cod4 for abit of achievement whoring and veteran is a complete bitch!! compared to later ones & especially battlefield 4 on hard D: atleast on cod4 even reaching a checkpoint in some areas feels like a relief!

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              • Don't get ur hopes up...with all these trash kids begging for matchmaking it might get put in the game....I hope not...but if it does as soon as them and their 5 randoms get donkey smashed they will hurry back to the forums and cry cry cry beg beg beg bungie to nerf the raid difficulty

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                12 Replies
                • The best challenges are found by those willing to look for them. Even if Bungie were to nerf stuff which I don't think they will, people will find something to challenge them versus the other way around.

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                • I like to earn things and be challenged. Please do not dumb this game down. I like the difficulty select option.

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                • Did you guys play on Hard? Did you join in on missions with a bunch of people or did you solo it. I played on Hard by my self and found it to be fairly difficult. Not the hardest game I have played but difficult enough. I do think a even higher difficulty would be appreciated but I was far from being able to mindlessly run and gun.

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                  • I've argued back and forth with people on raid match making and the only thing we seem to agree on is it should be hard as diamonds. Though they must walk the fine line between hard and just a bullet sponge.

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                  • I just want a beard!

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                  • I play the game no matter the difficulty because I really don't like easy games because I always finish them within 1-5 days putting in maybe one hour thirty minutes each day

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                    1 Reply
                    • Going by the beta... destiny is still far too easy. I'm really hoping that will change with full game. I get it...must appeal to casual gamers because they are the majority. But don't leave us hardcore gamers, who can't be challenged enough, out to dry.

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                      • You get a potato chip!

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                      • I agree. We don't want another Nintendo game.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Remember the skulls you could find in halo that when activated made the game insanely hard. No ammo. Enemies got tougher. Start all over when you die. Etc Good stuff lol

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                        • As long as matchmaking is added I say yeah keep it the way it is but allow your customers access to all content whether they want to play by making their own party or matchmaking. Let the player choose.

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                        • I thought people had the option of raising the difficulty before missions started

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                        • It's not all completely challenging, I feel as though certain areas need to be pumped up a bit. But I agree, the more challenging it is, the more fun it is.

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                        • I also think it's not challenging enough... The second I sit up straight, tell myself alriiiiigghhtt, time to win... I win... I don't want that. I want trial and error and frustration and the great big grin of a hard earned Victory. Right now I believe it's EZ mode. Although, I am excited that so many people find it difficult... and by the way, if you haven't yet, watch the endgame teaser video by the engineers who helped make the game. They explain that there is no -blam!-ing way you will get endgame raids first try.

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                          6 Replies
                          • I think it's not challenging enough

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                            • Edited by Grizzly Ambush: 8/4/2014 3:18:09 AM
                              If people are bitching about the difficulty of Destiny, go play Dark Souls. Destiny is a cake walk compared to that. I personally hope they keep increasing the difficulty of everything as people begin to master it. I want to be able to complete the story on many different difficulties.

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