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7/24/2014 12:19:23 PM

Other Xbox Users Are Just Making Us Look Horrible...

Being An Xbox1 User, I randomly read these forums and all I ever see is an immature Ps owner ranting about how we should've never been able to have destiny or we whine to much or something like that (THE IMMATURE ONES SAY THINGS LIKE THIS) . So what do SOME Xbox owners do >_< they just add fuel to the fire and say Even worst things talking about how Bungie was stolen from us, how it's not fair we only get 4days to play beta, or complaining about not getting the Exclusive stuff . I can honestly say i have no problem with them having these things _^ I'm honestly not feeling any type of way about only having 4days to play or, the exclusives or Bungie.... BUT leave it to one immature act from a Xbox owner to make all of the others that say nothing wrong and have no problems with these outcomes get blamed b/c of someone else . >_< it's just dumb >_< but that's just Me :o

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  • I agree it is annoying, like this is no place to go to console wars. I personaly have used both and prefer playstation, but that was because i had a bad experience with xbox and their customer service. But im not about to start a fight about it when we are supposed to be enjoying a great game.

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  • Ikr I've got both xbox and playstation and it's just personal preference

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  • This is hilarious, if you look around the forums (including this thread) it's always an Xbox user saying that it's unfair that PS players get this or that. Or that Xbox players are more skilled or complain about favoritism. So tell me who is starting stuff again? Xbox players that's who.

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    • Everyone that feels the need to defend themselves for their console choice in this thread. You are all idiots.

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    • A friend of mine works at Gamestop, and he showed me the pre-order sales for Destiny. At that given store 70% was on one of the Xbox consoles and 30% was for PS. Also there was FAR more Ghost and limited editions on Xbox over PS. Showing Microsoft has more players, regardless PS's "extra perks." I don't hate on a specific console because of it's perks. Look at all COD games to date, most have had Microsoft exclusives (early DLC dates, etc). Plus, let's not forget Skyrim's DLC dates between the 2 systems...Granted Bungie's Xbox fan base was what helped get them to where they are, but that does not mean we chain them up in a corner and force them to obey us. Point is: we (Xbox players) know an awesome game from a legendary company when we see it. Anything with Bungie on it we will fully support. If it is on multiple platforms, who cares? Look at Diablo. Born on PC, moved to platform, did great. FromSoftware's Souls series too. Bungie is doing the same. The one and only thing that annoys me about this whole speal, is the MASSIVE time gap to when we get our DLC. Microsoft is nice and only gives a month or so, Sony is like, "nah, let's give them over a year." IDK, just seems a little overkill. Added point: with the beta, lol what the hell would one accomplish more with an extra couple days? I have hit the point where I have found all the chests, bought the most expensive bike/ship, all guns do over 65 damage, hit lv 3 in the crucible/vanguards (bounties ftw), and my upgrades won't go any higher. All in a few days. Honestly, the iron banner and drive to find better gear (as unlikely as it is) is all that is keeping me here. Don't know what the people on PSN could possibly do more...

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      5 Replies
      • I mean its a timed exclusive so whatever they get first we get later so I don't care a least we get the game, it could have been a complete exclusive for psn how halo was for us. I'm grateful its not and have been enjoying my time on the beta its great

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      • I am a PS player. Never owned a single Xbox. Frankly, I'm [u]glad[/u] that Xbox users have Destiny as well as PS players. Destiny is too great for just one side or the other. Bungie will get more sales, make more $, and have more incentive to happily work away on [i]even more[/i] content. Destiny for everyone.

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      • [quote]and all I ever see is an immature Ps owner ranting [/quote] Oh, so you're new around here... Your xbox one brethren have whined and bitched and complained far more than any PS user I've seen on here in the last two weeks. One immature act from an XBOX owner? Wow. How dark is it in the sand where you have your head shoved?

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        2 Replies
        • Its just spoiled stupid kids,and both sides have plenty. Fortunately both sides have decent mature players also,I'm on xbox and have a friends list slap full of cool people.The console wars are for stupid tools who dont realize the competition makes gaming better for all of us.

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        • I wouldn't worry, most people are smart enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. Although it's just a shame there is no cross platform play, that would really take the console war to a whole new level. [spoiler]I heard Sony wouldn't have a problem with it, but you know how restrictive Microsoft can be ;-)[/spoiler]

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          7 Replies
          • I am now at a quandary that I have never really been forced into before. As an owner of both consoles I have often had the best of both worlds. I let most of my multiplayer gaming happen on the Xbox and let the immersive single player gaming stay on the Playstation. So I have developed a lot of great friends on the Xbox because that is where I connect with people. So now do I choose to play the game with my friends now and wait for content with the distinct possibility of me buying a next Gen console in that years time and end up paying for the whole game again anyways. Or do I switch to the Playstation and get the whole game without my friends. I wasn't even going to get this game until I got a next Gen console but the more I have seen the more I want it. So do I get a game that my friends and I will have fun for a few months before we have torn through all the available content or get the game that will keep giving me more at the absence of my friends.

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          • >_< Okay, but >_< no one >_< really give a >_< damn about >_< the whinny xbox users :o

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          • I was mad that xbox users had only 4 days but them I played the Beta and relized that it wasn't that fun and didn't need 4 days to understand that

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          • And the way to put an end to this is to add more fuel to the fire? Whilst I understand you are just trying to discuss the situation, all this is doing is driving a wedge between the Xbox community. Regardless of the points you bring up, This is the internet, anonymity makes being an arse Okay. IMO let people be idiots and ignore them. People are going to be prejudiced against the other community regardless. All these idiots are doing is making themselves look like spoiled brats.

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          • Started a new topic: Destiny Beta Feelings

          • I'm just glad I get the game!

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          • I'm happy I can just play the game destiny is fun

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          • Edited by sergeantawesome: 7/26/2014 2:26:20 AM
            Hey, there are some giant douche bag PlayStation owners that make the rest of us look bad as well. We all have those "special people" that we must deal with.

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          • Edited by MrBarnabyJones: 7/26/2014 2:43:50 AM
            That's why I play Playstation. Because I feel like a pedophile playing games in my free time with little kids on the xbox. More adults own Playstations because it's the more rational mature purchase.

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            5 Replies
            • I hate the fact of all the crap players I keep getting stuck with on the xbox one version in PVP matches this is just horrible. I honestly think most of them are window lickers

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            • You know.. I'm tired of this console war and this PC elitist mentality. All you -blam!-ers need to grow up. If you let a console or company define you as a gamer then I wont consider you a gamer.

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            • I make no judgments about xbox users, only users in general. I started out on xbox, so i know not all xbox users are pricks. the anonymity bred from our fantastic age of technology produces all sorts of pricks on all sorts of platforms. no one system is to blame, and no one system is superior, Nintendo might as well be drowning right now though.

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            • But in like my X1 and happy with Destiny the way it is don't put me in the same basket as these other X1 owners

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            • What about the Balls damnit? The balls, the teabags, the endless supply of diddums and dummies? They matter too you know. It's not all about the cold war of consolitis bashing. The freekin balls, man... the freekin balls!! :0

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            • Kids are kids, I pick one console per generation which suits me no matter the brand. Recently went from 360 to PS4, next time I may switch brands cos it's all about the right console for me. No matter what I play on I treat everyone with respect cos that's how I was raised.

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            • Edited by Hebi: 7/30/2014 9:57:45 PM
              My only issue with Bungie has nothing to do with console this, looks better that, blah, blah, blah. My only issue is that for the same price I am being given less. Or, put another way, no one wants a car that has features that they will be able to get in a year. Thay car won't get bought. As far as Destiny goes no one will care about some Level 1 booster armor, weapons, and ships in a year when my character is Level 20 and it is now statistically useless.. No one. This isn't rocket science on a low budget. If you decide that content for PS4 gets a boost, fine, just don't ask me to pay that price. It should be discounted a bit so as to signal a difference. For any time delay exclusive content that folk are forced to wait for, well, I hate them all for either side. I play no favorites. It makes no difference. Make the damn game and sell it. If you have pink puffballs as a selling point, fine, but it should be pink puffballs for all or the equivalent thereof. Or don't want as much in price from the excluded sector. Again, not rocket science on a budget.

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