As a playstation user, I already played the beta and alpha. I'll tell you, destiny is like heroin. If you've played it, you can't not want to play it. Games like watch dogs have no meaning anymore. I tried to play CoD or Battlefield, but playing them to try to curb the destiny withdrawals is like huffing glue when you need some sweet sweet crack.
So don't be jealous of us, xbox players. We should envy you. You Don't know what yesterday and today feels like. Video games have lost meaning. I urge you to enjoy today. As it's most likely your last day of being sober from destiny before you too with be addicted as we are.
Edit: Now that all of you xbox players have played as well, I'm sure you understand completely what I meant.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the PS bods for warming up Destiny in anticipation for us Xboys, it is sterling work you do ;)