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originally posted in:ReClaim Gaming
7/22/2014 4:18:49 AM
I would just like to stay my opinion on some of your points from my point of view :) 1) It may just be since its only Old Russia, but i like how its setup at the moment. I've actually learned where stuff is and which ways to travel for where i want to get to. When it comes to waypoints or travel paths, the environment ends up becoming a blur. 2) I would love if they could increase the cap as well as long as it doesn't affect latency for the players in the zone. 3) The need a votekick option. I've had a handful of times where one person just wants to afk or hide while you do the work for him. Its ridiculous how many people are actually doing this too. I gave up on devil's lair on the last day. 4) Yes. 5) With shared loot drops, i would have to compare this to any other MMO. If everyone got loot when one person did it would sort of demean loot. I do believe bosses in dungeons should at least drop 1 piece of loot along with at least 1 item post dungeon. 6) I haven''t encountered the same issues as you. I've opened plenty of crates from multiple angle. I know this because with the basic square dark room i farmed for boxes, there is one chest beside the desk facing the wall that i opened from the side. 7) Full map would be great, Mini-map im ok without. 8) I remember when i bought my ship and always loved how i was the only one in all my crucible teams that had a different spaceship. Then i was upset that no one knew it was me. Maybe the spaceship could somehow use the emblem on the ship even if they dont wish to simply place names on them. 9) Yes and none of the reloading to join the team of the guy standing next to me plz. 10) I'd like to be on the other side of the inventory spying. Seeing another guys equipment i can understand but knowing his inventory doesn't benefit me in anyways other than curiousity. I've been able to maintain my loot between my characters so far, with how quickly we are going to hit 20, i dont think loot sharing between toons will be that difficult to maintain. Also, if you have the companion app or a computer nearby, you are able to view your own characters' inventory and gear. Thank you for making a large thread for discussion though. It's wonderful to have people trying their best to help the developers.

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