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1/3/2008 5:02:13 PM

Love is in the Air

Did you meet your true love playing Halo? Did you get a job using your Halo skills? Did you become president of a small country because you could pwn noobs? We're looking for real life stories of romance, adventure and social wonder directly related to your Halo experience. Read on! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=news&cid=13133] click for full story [/url]

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  • because of Halo and the new maps I've been invited to join heaps of groups and clans because of my map Crucifix v2.0. The great forging option has opened up a lot of oportunities for me.

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  • P.S. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sage219 hey godlygamer guy, who says Halo isn't a life? some people get paid to play this game so shut up as for girlfriends in case you haven't read several people have met there girlfriends in Halo. so -blam!- off[/quote] i agree with you 100% SO -blam!- OFF godlygamer guy

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  • i met my girlfriend from like my BF on XBL me and him were playing H3 all day then all off a sudden he decides to play WoW (personally i cant stand it) and he says "man i am going to play WoW but my sis is going to play my account would you mind entertaining her? " i'm like what the hell i got nothing better to do so i say " sure man" and weve been happy for ever since....... P.S. I am planning to ask her to marry me!!!!! :) ALL THANKS TO BUNGIE AND HALO SO THANKS FROM ME AND MY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! [Edited on 01.06.2008 11:37 PM PST]

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  • hey godlygamer guy, who says Halo isn't a life? some people get paid to play this game so shut up as for girlfriends in case you haven't read several people have met there girlfriends in Halo. so -blam!- off [Edited on 01.06.2008 11:28 PM PST]

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  • I have two stories to tell. Heres the first: When Halo:Combat Evolved came out my sisters best friends boyfriend now Ex ended up buying an xbox and bought halo 1. Ever since that fateful day when i played Halo 1 my life changed completely i think i was 8 years old. Well after played my first game everytime my sister said she was going to her friends house i would also beg her to bring me with her because her friends boyfriend lived with her friend so i would go and me and him would play for hours apon hours so he ended up getting a huge project and we played halo on the side of the house one night with 4 people. we played halo all night long until about 4 in the morning we ended up have about 20 people watch us play most were neighboors and a few were random drunks that were walking buy and just stopped to watch well i ended up kicking butt the entire night so. the next night after that i begged my mom to help me buy an xbox and halo since i have to save my own money to buy my stuff since my parents don't believe in buying their kids stuff. Well after i bought my xbox i played everyday and almost every day i had atleast 6 friends over after school to play halo. Well ever since then i went from a perfect student and the more and more i played the less well i did at school now that halo 3 has come out and school starting agian after winter vacation im getting my xbox taken away during the week because i failed 3 classes because i either didnt do home work or the fact that i didnt try in class so ever since that fate full day i play my first game of Halo my life has gone from pretty damn good to fighting with my family every day about the stupidest stuff you could ever think off. THANKS BUNGIE!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the second story its better than the first: Well back when Halo 2 came out i met my first XBL friend who i still play with to this day. Coolyot thanks bungie

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  • I originally got my first box used, along with a copy of Halo:CE. Joined LIVE when it debuted, on another game. Shortly before H2 came out, there was a post on about a site dedicated to "older" gamers, [url=][/url] . So I checked it out, and found a BUNCH of people who I became very good friends with. After H2 launched, we formed clans (like everyone else) and began to battle the hordes of foul mouthed children on LIVE. There have been many Geezer gatherings since, and some of the friends that I consider my closest, I met because of Halo and Bungie.... Not much to it, but that's my story, and I am sticking to it....

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  • I actually met my fiance at a Halo tournament. I still remember her first words to me: "Shutup!" Ahhh. So romantic. Yeah, I was mouthing off about being a good sniper so she turned around and put me in my place. A year or so later she threw a Halo party at her house for her birthday so I came to that. We started talking on AIM and eventually I started coming over on the weekends to play Halo, eat pizza, and drink Mountain Dew. Eventually we decided to start a relationship and see what happens. Almost two years later I decided to ask her to marry me. Which brings to mind a funny story... The story of what led up to that very special moment when we looked into each other's eyes and... ugh.. I just got a bad taste in my mouth. I can't believe I'm that romantic. *shudders* Anyway, so basically everything that could have gone wrong, did, but it still worked out in the end. So it's Monday (I think) and I find out that Catherine doesn't have to work that weekend and I figure it's the best opportunity I'm going to get. She has to work the next weekend and I'm leaving for six weeks the weekend after that. So I talk to my mom and she comes up with this great idea of having a city-wide scavenger hunt with clues leading up to the place where I would pop the question. It's a fantastic idea, but it requires so much man-power that I don't think there is enough time to prepare. So I opt for a simpler plan of just having dinner and asking her there. Now it's Wednesday and I go to church (well, after church) to find Phil (my best friend) to talk to him about this whole "getting married" thing and see what he has to say about it. Lo and behold the moment I mention the idea of a scavenger hunt he pounces on it like... like... something that pounces on something pouncable. Bleh. Anyway, so he gets all the guys together and tells me that he'll take care of the hunt if I take care of, well, you know, the hard part. *gulp* A few days of planning and we've got it all figured out: Step 1: invite everyone over to Phil's house Saturday at 2:00 for a Halo Party Step 2: After a while of gaming and fun, announce the scavenger hunt. Everyone divides up into teams of two and takes vehicles to the various places. Of course, me and Catherine (my fiance) are the only two people actually going on the hunt, everyone else just kinda drives around the block while me and Catherine take off. Step 3: While me and Catherine are on our wild goose chase, Phil and guys go to the various locations to hand out the next clues, while everyone else cleans up and heads to my house. Step 4: After giving me and Catherine the last clue, everyone should head back to my house to meet us there for the "reception". Meanwhile, the last clue leads to the garden behind the Jerry Falwell mansion (opposite the current construction). Waiting there will be a treasure chest, very pretty and feminine. Inside will be an envelope, also decorated with butterflies and such. The letter is personal but it will be when she finishes reading it that she will turn around and I'll be on one knee holding up the ring. Beautiful. Fool-proof. Nothing can go wrong. Almost. So now it's Saturday and I'm trying to hurry and finish writing the letter from me to Catherine (I had already typed it up at work and just needed to write it down on paper by hand). I finish and put it in the envelope and trust my mom to go out and buy a nice box to put it in and leave it on the front doorstep for Phil to come by and pick up later. Me and Catherine get to the party and get settled in and then Nathan Mahargededegdehghded, or whatever (j/k man), asked to see the ring. It is at this point that I have one of those epiphanies: I left the ring at home. Crap. Thankfully Jon (my friend) needed a cable so I pretended to go to my house to get it. I pick up some random cable that I'm pretty sure won't work but it's beside the point anyway. I get the ring and head back to the party. I hope to myself that that's the worst thing that happens today. My hope were soon to be dashed. We get the hunt started an hour late because Phil has trouble printing out copies of the first clue, but eventually we get underway. Here's where I make my first mistake. Instead of waiting for the people with the clues to head out to the clue places before I leave, me and Catherine just kinda take off. Opps. Thankfully the first clue has three possible locations but only one actual so I take Catherine to the other two fake ones first before heading to the actual one. Which worked nicely. We get there and Hal and Chris (couple of my friends) hand us the second clue which is in Peaks View Park. I think that the clue is too hard to figure out so I give Catherine a couple of hints and she picks up on it pretty quick. Too quick. She figures it out before we get out of the parking lot. So we head straight up to Peaks View Park and when we get there Phil is waiting for us. Catherine gets out and gets the last clue and gets back in. Now, here's where another thing went wrong. Hal and Chris told Catherine we were the first ones there. Phil, however, told Catherine that we were 2-3 minutes behind someone else. *facepalm* Anyway, I try to brush off the little physical impossibility as... well... something. I don't know. But it didn't really help because she figured out the last clue before we get out of the parking lot again, this time completely on her own. Dang she's smart. :) I love her. So we start heading toward the final clue; I'm thinking we're in the clear. Then Phil calls my cell phone. Appearantly, he sent James, George, and some other guy (I think his name was Aaron, I didn't know him) to get the treasure box instead of getting it himself. He later said he didn't have time, and he had to send them. Whatever. The problem was that they somehow managed to miss their exit and get all the way to Amherst (20 miles in the wrong direction) before realizing it. *facepalm* It is at this point that I think of the only thing I could. Quickly, I took the nearest exit I could find exclaiming, "Crap! I took the wrong exit!" To my amazement, Catherine accepts this. She later told me it was because I have done dumb stuff like that before so it was nothing unusual. >_> So I'm trying to take as much time as I can getting to the final clue. When I finally get there, we walk up from the *"Devil Stairs" hopefully to make our trek longer. (In retrospect, regardless of the time it saved, I regret that decision.) *The devil stairs are a poorly crafted set of stairs that are a pain in the butt to climb We finally make it up to the garden and things aren't as bad as I had thought. They are, in fact, much, much worse. There is some strange couple taking pictures, my guess is engagement pictures (beat me to it, those sons of biscuits). Not only that, but James and George are nowhere to be seen. "Great", thinks I, "this can't possibly get any worse." "Oooohhh, ho ho, but it can", says Murphey. It is at this time that James and George walk around the corner... and proceed to keep walking straight past us. They totally missed us. So I call Phil to try and figure out what is going on. Appearantly, James and them have no idea where the garden is. *facepalm* So I shout at James to tell him to get over here and give us the box, but he just kinda looks at us and walks away. *facepalm* After a moment of indecision, I finally decide just to run after them to figure out what they're doing. Catherine doesn't want to run to she walks after me. I finally catch up to them on one of the side walks that go beside one of the dorms up on the hill. We decide that the situation is SUBAR (Screwed Up Beyond All Repair), and I tell them to leave the box with me and get out of there. They see Catherine coming, drop the box like it's a bomb, and take off running around the corner. I grab the box and walk to Catherine expecting to just tell her what's going on. Little did I expect the following words to come out of her mouth: "Did we win?" ... "No Way! She still believes this is a scavenger hunt!" I honestly couldn't believe it. So I was like, "Ye.. Yeah! We won! Here's the box! Open it!" PHEW! Finally a break. Catherine later told me that it was at the moment she saw that the prize was not, in fact, a free copy of Halo 3, but was actually a letter addressed to her, that she realized what was going on. After finishing the letter, she turned around with her eyes closed (as the letter instructed) and I knelt down, held the little ring box open in front of her and told her to open her eyes. "Catherine, will you marry me?" With tears in her eyes, she nodded and we hugged. (There, that's as sappy as I'm getting in public. *washes hands*) After all of that we went to my house where everyone was waiting, including her parents, and they made a toast (grape juice) to us. ----------------------- So that's the story. To be honest, I'm kinda glad so many things went wrong. It makes it more memorable that way. Thinking about it now, well, I realize that it couldn't have been any more my style if I tried. :) Here's to forever. *cheers*

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  • I met my first gf on halo.

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  • ok im lying what kind of pathetic freak would play this game so much they couldnt find a girlfriend or boyfriend accept in the game GET A LIFE LOSERS!!!

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  • I RULE MY VERY OWN COUNTRY i was just playing halo 2 one day and someone offered me $200 Million to play one round of slayer and lose to him so i did and i got the money then i played slayer and met a super model and now she is my girlfriend later the same guy that paid me to play with him offered me a small country off the coast of Brazil if i played under the same circumstances as before so of-course i did it IM BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU I FOUND LOVE IN HALO GOT RICH FROM HALO AND I RULE A SMALL COUNTRY THANKS TO HALO [b][u]SUCKERS[/b][/u]

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  • I (26)met my boyfriend (27) on a different xbox game but we fell in love playing Halo 2. I met him my second day on live ever, and we played many games before Halo2 came out, but we were just friends for a long time, with neither one of us even thinking of each other any other way. After playing with him and a lot of other friends on Halo 2, I realized how much I liked him but was scared to say anything. I finally got the nerve to tell him through a Halo message that I was completely crazy about him. We were in a room full of friends between matches and I just sent him a message. I don't think I ever would have said anything if I didn't have the ability to say it in a message because we ALWAYS had friends around. He was completely blindsided, as he always thought I was "an awesome chick" but never thought anything would come of it. He lived in Seattle and I lived in Dallas. After that message, man, things were crazy (in every possible way) for a long time. That was over 2 and a half years ago. We did the long distance thing for a LONG time, and spent most nights online together kicking butt on Halo. I moved to Seattle in April, and have been a super happy gamer ever since. We both have 360s with our dual TV setups in the living room, so just about every night, we play Halo 3 together sitting a few feet apart. They only thing we fight about when it comes to Halo is who gets the big TV and the surround sound. We used to kid around about how Bungie was the devil because you guys were the cause of all our long distance heartache. At times when it got hard, we jokingly blamed you guys for being the medium that got us together when we couldn't physically BE together. Now that we've survived that part about being so far apart, I'd like to thank you guys for helping me find the love of my life. :D

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  • I have never found "Love" online in the matchmaking realm. But its great hanging out with friends i dont always get to about every night i am up till about 5 in the morning playing video games (graduated, no job, no college, no GF) with them either in H3 or live is a great place...its funny tho my parents yell at me and tell me to go outside and socialize with people and im like do you know how many friends i have on XBOX LIVE!?!??! hahaha they just looked at me like im retarded hahahah..but ya great times on Halo WAN or LAN...

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  • Halo is the reason I am now a full-time game developer. Really. Halo is the reason I am now crunching on Destroy All Humans! 3 for the 360. No kidding. The shortest version I've ever typed: 1. Halo 1 rocked my world. 2. I started recording [url=]Halo tunes with my own rock flare[/url] and found a killer Halo community to share it with! 3. Halo PC came out with the promise of map-making tools and I wet my pants a little. 4. I teamed up with some awesome community artists Mrs. Doublefire (who went on to get a job at Bungie for Halo 3) and NeuroKoNeza to make some fun map designs. 5. I was the Video Games Editor for a [url=]midwest entertainment magazine[/url] and decided I wanted to develop games, not write about them. 6. Halo PC maps became the bulk of my design portfolio. 7. I sent resumes out to the Seattle area and got a few real bites! 8. I accepted a level design job. Without the avenue to create content for one of my favorite games of all time, my interest in landing a real-deal game job might never have occured to me. And I can't thank Bungie enough for Halo. Without it, I wouldn't have landed in an immensely satisfying career.

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  • Time : after I beat Halo 1 on Legendary Place : a busling Midwest City Disposition : Bleak SITUATION; I had recently learned from my ex,..immediate family members,... and friends that my son who was 18 at the time was exhibiting strange behavior. This news was a serious blow that I really didn't need in my near unmanagable but somewhat comfortable little world because my younger brother and sister (who are in their 40's now) both still suffer from schizophrenia and neither of them are completely self-sufficient. Both live in assisted living facillities and are required to take a handfull of pills a day. The insidious desease manifested itself in both my siblings while they were in their still in their mid to late teens. My bother, who could play guitar like Van Halen would never go on to be the next Jimi Hendrix, and my sister who was voted HomeComing Queen in her junior year and who was also an virtuouso jazz dancer would never realize her dreams on the Big Stage. And now it seemed than the dreaded family curse had also fallen on my only son. This was verified after I finally got a chance to observe my son's behavior first hand. The moment I saw him I knew that the mind-depleating gene had been passed onto my son in the "active" form. (schizophrenia usually hits between the early adolesent and adult years) Immediately the effects of the illness was painfully apparent,.. His scathing wit,.. invincible sports skills, and remarkably magnetic personality were for lack of a better term...Fried/gone. He was talking to himself and laughing when nothing was funny and he seemed to be living inside of this own universe. Whatever was happening on the inside of his mind, was clearly manifesting in his five senses as if he had access to his own personal portable virtual world. The reality of it all would have sent me spiralling into oblivion, except I was the only one left unfazed by the illness in my family and for me to fail now would have surely broken my fathers heart. I made a decision that there wouldn't be anymore failure,.... anymore tragedy in my family, and I discovered that even though my son was a mere shadow of who he once was, ....and the young man that I had grown to respect and admire so much was lost to me forever, strangely enough, I discovered that loved him even more. (Where does Halo come into all this?.. in ways you wouldn't believe, ) My ex-wife and I tricked him into going to the Emergency Mental Unit at the local hospital by telling him that he had to take a mandatory physical in order to get on my insurance. He had been living at his sisters house(and subsequently kicked out on the streets), she could no longer tolerate his intolerably sloppy ways and unpredictable psychotic behavior, ... as usual,... after his friends had become aware that he had gone on a one-way ticket to loony-land, they no longer desired to have any further "fellowship" with him. Meanwhile back at the Mental Unit, he became aware that instead of getting a so-called physical examination he was actually taking a mental accuity test, when that realization finally sunk into his warped consciousness he suddenly made a break down the hall toward the exit doors. He was already 6'1,.... 205 lbs,... a solid mass of finely tuned muscle with advanced super-cyborg-like coordination,.. he looked like one of those special team runners, going for the touch down after receiving the kick-off,... he hurdled over desks, chairs, gurneys and even the heads of the medical staff(Jackie Chan style) untill six doctors and interns finally brought him down with much difficulty just inches before he could reach the exit. Alarms were going off all over the place,.. They injected him with a powerful traquilizer and strapped him into a gurney, yet he was still straining to burst free of his bonds,.. his eyes afire with rage and the contempt that comes with being betrayed. When I approached his padded cell which was steel reinforced with only one small square window to see inside his cell, he glowered at me with loathing in his eyes,.. the feeling of hate and betrayal in his heated gaze was so palpable I could barely return my eyes to meet his. I just looked at him and shed a solitary tear and told him that I loved him, and this brief incarceration was necessary to access the full status of his illness, He stormed away from the door in disgust and turned his back on me. . another way of telling me that I was no better than a TRAITOR. Of course I went home and had a good cry. When I came back to the hospital the next morning I practically begged him to cooperate with the medical staff so I could move him in with me when the 3 day medical evaluation was finished (yes,... OL Grampa was going to have give up the free swingin' halo playin' bachelor pad, again). he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. THE HALO MANDATE: 28 days later he was settled into my crib, I told him we wasn't going to be an institution rat like my brother, trained to just watch tv all day, while waiting on his pill, soda, cigarette, and snicker breaks.. Noooo , Dude was going to work, medicated and all. We went out every morning to the temp labor place(while filing out apps during the downtime), I figured that if we couldn't get him an assignment then we could at least get him in the habit of getting up every morning and getting him ready "to" work. He was taking medication but he had developed some odd facial ticks along with some rather disconcerting body language that just reeked of "totally unnatural". He often lumbered along like a lobotomized drone(or like Lurch from the old "Adams Family" sitcom), and he needed a maximum amount of supervision. He also still laughed and giggled for no reason, but the young head-case could still do minimum wage labor, thank God. after 6 weeks my prayers were answered (sort of), he told me that he no longer wanted to take the medication. It was risky to be sure, do I want him to revert to being a full blown psycho?, or do we retain the semi-controlled but definitely sedate and much duller version... I trusted him,.. FLUSH EM' I said. the facial ticks and the decidedly disturbing body language began to fade away after a couple weeks. and I started to see flashes and sparks of his snazzy old self shine thru every once and a while. My work schedule had changed so I had to leave my son at home by himself. I wanted him to get involved with an activity that would fully engage his mind and challenge him to a certain extent. I had him reading the paper and writing reports of the articles that I picked out for him,.. busy work for sure,.. but it helped his basic communication skills while keeping him in touch with the real world,.. the last thing I wanted was for him to be at home day-dreaming or hallucinating all day. But we needed something more... ENTER HALO I had finished the entire halo 1 campaign on legendary and had never had a game play like that before(like the game was alive), yes now I can see all the routines and could probably write a flow chart detailing the AI but at the time 7-8 years ago, it was a completer and utter wonder to me. The experience was so exhilliarating and riveting, that after I finished I felt like I had won an olympic gold medal. I challenged my son to beat the level where you get a sniper rifle and have to kill off all the Covenent in the dark, before eventually being transported to their ship where up to 5 invisible Elites await you with menace in their hearts, cunning in their brains and a plasma rifle in their wicked grip. After surviving that portion of the level getting up the 3 or 4 decks to open the bay doors is a near impossible task,.. its literally a minefield of enemies spawning in front and behind,... with certain death below. That level seemed longer than some entire games on legendary. .. Don't laugh but it took me 2 weeks,.. 3hours a day to finally beat it the 1st time thru. I told him that he must complete that level on legendary,.. before he could partake of any priviliges or have any special requests granted,.. and promised him a crisp $50 bill if he could pull it off. He had retired from gaming entirely when he was around 16 to chase girls before the onset of his illness but agreed to my terms anyway probably because he needed the cigarette money. For me, this was a stress test,... an evaluation,.. I wanted to see if he could handle adversity. I wanted to see if he had the will to win,.. if he had the drive to overcome to keep pressing on and succeed against terrifying odds. would he fold?,.. did he have the mental tenacity to endure the challenge?.... time would tell. I watched him attack the game with a fevor and furry that was only outstripped by his patience and determination. he didn't ask for me to relax my terms and I never asked him how his progress was coming along. but after 8 days and 7nights, he had completed the task. Hence my evaluation: .....If you can beat halo on legendary, there's not much you can't do,.. mentally handicapped or not. From that day forward I pushed him. Pushed him hard,.. He eventually got a job, .. a car,.. an apartment,.... he has many friends and is an assistant manager where he works. and He learned how to speak spanish fluently,.. and is a productive member of his community,.. this is 8 years after he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. he is 26 today (now he just needs his ged) I want to thank Bungie for creating such a remarkable game. when my boy beat that level on legendary, that was the break of dawn that swept away the impending darkness,.. it was the light that led the way to restoration, and It was tool that helped my son find his way back. PLEASE TALK TO A DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING THIS AT HOME may not work for everyone Thank You Bungie, and thanks for reading. peace.

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  • I met a girl when playing team doubles in November and now she's my girlfriend! :)

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  • I moved away from Michigan and still today hang out with my old friends on Xbox Live, and we mainly play Halo 3. But thats not the best part. The fourth game I played when I settled in to my new house I met this guy, and we became friends. We were amazed about how we lived in the same state (Texas) and how we lived outside of Houston. A few days later I found out that not only did we go to the same school, but we are neighbors!

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  • I met my girlfriend in Halo 2, we have been dating for four months now, and I have never been happier, so thank you Bungie, you guys brought me the Halo franchise, and my girlfriend. Thanks guys! p.s. please bring SWAT back and make it ranked.

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  • me and 3 guys saved up and we're going cross-country to meet all our Halo buddies in person our list is growing all the time though

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  • I was 9 years old when I started playing Halo CE. My brothers band would have band pracitce at my house on Thursday - Sunday. After lots of sweat and music, we would all sit down and play some good old halo. Shot guns no shields Chill out 50 frags (Sgns50f). From there my sister and Justin (the drummer of my brothers band.) started dating due to Halo. After lots of laughs, awful jokes, and anoying quotes (Some one yells out, "Dude! I pulled the trigger!" and every one else in the room chants "And the nightmare stops!" - For any Coheed and Cambria fans out there.) Sophie (Sister.) and Justin go out for four years and often joke that they will have a Halo themed wedding. Well about a year ago Justin broke up with sophie because of his new band that was pretty succesful. I play Halo 3 with him alot. He is engaged to a girl that he all ways plays Halo with. It wouldn't shock me if They really did have a Halo Themed wedding. Other than that story. Lots of Halo parties when parents went out of town. We would have my bros band (Ourdownfall) verses Seconds to safty (Other band) and fun stuff like that.

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  • I would definately want to point out one occasion on which my Halo (2) skills helped me in real-life situations. Being accostumed to the quick Halo 2 double shots, BxR, BxB and ''clawing'' got me some quick fingers. Which helped me help my girlfriend when ''Love was in the air''. And now she plays it too! : ) (after 17 months of convincing) [Edited on 01.06.2008 3:57 PM PST]

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  • i found out this girl was coming to my high school who played halo, this was sort of a revolutionary thing for me and it was indeed quite unheard of, my girlfriend of the time despised halo and hated that i played it and had tournaments and stuff, this was roughly 2.5 to three years ago, she was all worried and freaked out at me that this girl who played halo was going to steal me from her and stuff and it was really annoying, so anyway i got to know this girl and she was really quite good at halo and she was hella gorgeous at the same time and we became pretty good friends, i never cheated on my girlfriend, in fact i had never been unfaithful before, but she was constantly worried that i was going to leave her for this other girl, after almost two years of a relationship where she didnt trust me and was jealous and didnt want me to be friends with other girls, i ended the relationship, i was pretty set on staying single for a while because girls were trouble and i didnt want to be tied down, but only a couple weeks later i got to talking with my halochick (which is her gamertag lol) and she told me she didnt believe in being jealous like that and it was stupid, we hooked up a few weeks later and have enjoyed 8 wonderful months together! i love you katie!

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  • When I was living in the dormitories my freshman year, regularly scheduled halo lan parties started up (original, and then 2 when it came out). While participating, I met a lovely young lady that made my times in the dorms much more fun. Thanks Bungie!

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  • I met a few friends in Halo 3 and we used the power of "Lowering Weapons" on LAN and to make a machinima on Xbox Live Private Chat and its going pretty well we started on like December 20 something and we just finished ep1, storyline , cast , conversation , editing , recording , means of communication , dealing with school you know stuff that can get involve and annoy you lol? its really amazing on what you can do and what you can achieve in Halo3 and Xbox live. and thanks Bungie. I cant imagine a world without you guys.

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  • ive met the greatest and the worst people on halo. I Have had the best time of my life playing with people i believe are my best friends. Even though i have never met them. I Know them. Hopefully they feel the same. As for the love part of this. I have a few friends that if i had to, i would give my life to save theirs. I know thats deep but its the truth. Thanks Bungie for making a game that has let me have the best friends i could ever want.

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  • i have lots of memories form halo2..but i go back and try and play it and i keep dying from the sword, rockets, and some guy with oversheilds [Edited on 01.06.2008 10:11 AM PST]

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  • So heres my story I started playing Halo 2 through xbl as soon as it was released, I played online with a few of my school mates, After awhile we met some people and became friends with quite a few of them. I later became really good mates with one of them. While playing Halo 2 we learned how Most of the america popualtion is completely retarded and has no idea how the world works! After this we stopped playing Halo 2 as there we too many cheaters and Americans to put up with. In 2006 i Had a rough break up with my GF, My mate which i met on xbl was there to help me (That sounds kinda -blam!-) as I lost most of my RL friends thanks to the fact that my ex is a complete and utter whore! We looked foward to Halo 3, which turned out to be not that great of a game and i would rather play COD 4 since i dont want all that Host crap that Halo 3 offers! Thanks to Bungie doing nothing to fix their broken Game! Thanks to my mate for sticking by me and teaching me how to abuse and completely use Women

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