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Edited by Officer Nasty: 2/25/2014 10:07:20 PM

Chapter Eight: Ambush (Attack of the Alts)

[url=]The Prelude[/url] [url=]Chapter One: Confinement[/url] [url=]Chapter Two: Surprise![/url] [url=]Chapter Three: The Mansion[/url] [url=]Chapter Four: The Mountain Pass[/url] [url=]Chapter Five: Darkness in Destiny City[/url] [url=]Chapter Six: Meanwhile, in Bungie Palace…[/url] [url=]Chapter Seven: An Unexpected Proposal[/url] [u]Chapter Eight: Ambush[/u] It’s been four hours since the dysfunctional group of Northerners, alien lovers, and an extremely insane Rampant left Gatsby’s mansion for Destiny City. One dogsled contained the northerners and Rampant tied down to the boxes of maple syrup, and the other had Cowpie with Vien hugging him from behind. They remained on the outer edges of the mountains which used to be a vast, open prairie, but were converted to a sea of brown, dead grass due to the nukes. There was only a sliver of the sun poking out from the horizon, limiting their amount of daylight left to reach the city. Some time passed until the sun completely set below the horizon, causing the orange dusk to slowly disappear and the darkness of night to increase its pace. Vien noticed a silhouette of buildings in the distance, notifying him that they were near. He ordered the group to halt, and they obeyed. “I think we should set up camp here for the night, and enter the city tomorrow morning.” Vien suggested. The rest of the group looked at Vien perplexingly, since they were expecting to continue on their journey without any stops. “Why would we stop now, eh?” questioned CND. “The city is less than a few miles away.” Vien stepped off of his dogsled and started unloading the camping supplies. “You must not be familiar with Destiny City, then,” He said. “What do you mean by that, eh?” asked TBlocks as he grabbed a jar of maple syrup from his pack. Vien placed a crate on the ground and sat on it, preparing himself to explain his command. “This area of Bungie has always been a warzone. Before the city was renamed to Destiny City, it was known as Reach. The Ninjas there were always under constant pressure as the fighting and arguing intensified day in and day out and eventually decided to abandon the city. Achronos decided to change the name to ‘Destiny City’ in an attempt to attract tourists and hopefully stop the arguments about Reach, but nothing has changed.” CND and TBlocks glanced at each other with confusion and uncertainty. TBlocks took a gulp of maple syrup and said, “What does that have to do with us now, eh?” Vien used a second to catch his breath and continued. “When the nukes fell, the unruly citizens of Destiny City didn’t react well with the radiation, and have turned into mindless, bloodthirsty zombies. I lost an entire pack of Sangheili to them, and I’m not going to risk your safety, either.” “OH VIEN, YOU ARE SO ROMANTIC!” Cowpie began to sniffle and embraced Vien with a giant hug, while the northerners set up their tent. The darkness had settled over Bungie, and everyone was sound asleep, except for CND, because he was on ‘Rampant Duty.’ Cowpie and Vien shared a tent, while TBlocks slept in the other and CND sat outside holding on to Rampant by his leash. He didn’t really mind being on Rampant Duty; this allowed him to lie down, gaze at the stars, and soothe himself with the blissful silence of nature. Rampant was uncharacteristically calm, even though the alcohol had worn off hours ago, meaning that he’s adapted to his insane state of mind. CND took a long breath from his nose and immediately sensed something unnatural about the scent. He smelled a strong, horrid stench, as if someone was burning a plant of some sort. He began to hear faint voices in the distance and immediately became worried, as he pulled Rampant into TBlocks tent with him in fear. The commotion caused TBlocks to wake up, and in a drowsy condition, he asked, “What’s going on, eh?” CND shushed him as the voices became louder and the horrendous stench became stronger. With the increasing stench, Rampant’s eyes turned bloodshot red and he started foaming from the mouth. Eventually, they were able to hear a conversation between multiple people. “Do you think there are thug cops in these tents, Camnator?” “Maybe there’s booty and nugtella in there!” “God dammit, will you incoherent bastards shut up?” “The only one who’s incoherent is yourself.” “I knew I shouldn’t have wasted my precious cannabis on you idiots.” There was silence for a minute, until it was discontinued by the sound of a flicking lighter. All of a sudden, a lit cannabis grenade rolled into the tent, which caused them to vault outside, leading to a group of four armed Alts and Camnator, who had his Cannabis Cannon wielded and primed to fire. Vien and Cowpie were on the opposite side, and they were under capture as well. They were able to discern Camnator’s bright green armor and the symbol of JOHN CENA on his chest, which was a hairy dong. “All of you, get on your knees, or forever become doomed to incoherency!” exclaimed Camnator, as he aimed the Cannabis Cannon at the captured group. They all followed his orders and dropped to their knees, but CND kept his grip on Rampant’s leash as his foaming intensified. “What are you guys doing all the way out here?” questioned Camnator. “Shouldn’t you be at home? Or, are you looking for someone?” “WE’RE JUST TRAVELERS, YOUR HONOR,” said Cowpie. “I SWEAR.” “Oh, is that right? He says otherwise.” Camnator turned and pointed in the direction of one of his Alts, who pushed a handcuffed Gatsby onto the floor next to them. Gatsby glanced at the group and pleaded, “I’m sorry, guys, I told them everything. They threatened to kill me!” “Come on, you look like a reasonable fellow, eh,” said TBlocks, as he rose to his feet and offered his hand to Camnator. “Can’t we just talk about this?” Camnator glared into his eyes for a moment, grabbed his hand, and pulled him closer, followed by a knee to the gut. TBlocks let out a cry of pain as he bellowed over on the floor. “Now, who’s going to tell me where the Flood’s Salvation is in Destiny City?” Rampant began to make barking noises at Camnator, spewing foam all around him. He was becoming increasingly insane, and CND was struggling to hold onto his leash. Camnator strutted over to Rampant and peered into his eyes. “I know you from somewhere…” Camnator pulled a joint out of his pocket, lit it, and took a toke, which immediately strengthened his memory. “That’s right; you were in the club the night of JOHN CENA’s attack! I should’ve killed you while I had the chance!” CND noticed Vien subtly moving his head trying to get his attention. He moved his mandibles in the form of the words, “Let go,” and CND nodded his head. “Hey, mister, it seems my friend doesn’t like you very much, eh!” said CND as he let go of Rampant’s leash, allowing him to sprint towards Camnator with exceptional quickness. Before Camnator could react, Rampant tackled him and began biting and clawing at him in a furious rage. Cowpie stood up and charged at Camnator’s Alts, while Vien used this distraction to jump into his tent and equip his energy sword, and the two northerners jumped behind their crates of maple syrup and hid as the brawl ensued. Cowpie incinerated an Alt with his fuel rod cannon, before two more leaped on top of him and took him off his feet. Vien approached the downed lekgolo and sliced his two assailants with his energy sword, instantly killing both of them. Camnator managed to strike Rampant’s face hard enough to get him off of him and rose to his feet, only to realize that he had two Alts left and was outnumbered. The badly wounded Camnator reached into his utility belt of Cannabis supplies and withdrew a smoke bomb. He threw it on the ground, creating a thick cloud of smoke to form in front of him, and ran off with his Alts. Cowpie went to Gatsby and broke him free from his handcuffs, while the northerners peeked over their syrup wall and realized the fighting stopped. Rampant lied on the ground and was apparently unconscious from the blow dealt by Camnator. “Who was that, eh?” asked TBlocks. “That’s Camnator, one of JOHN CENA’s most powerful allies,” replied Vien as he helped Gatsby to his feet. “It’s going to be morning soon, let’s get packed up and ready to venture into the city. It won’t be long before Camnator has reinforcements.” They began to roll up their tents and pack up supplies, and they agreed to bring Gatsby along with them. CND walked over to Rampant and grabbed his leash, giving it a few tugs to see if he could wake him, but to no avail. He gently kicked Rampant a few times, followed by saying, “Come on, buddy, it’s time to get up!” Rampant slowly opened his eyes and rolled on his back, revealing his cleared expression to CND. His eyes were no longer bloodshot, and the foaming and incoherence had seemed to cease. Rampant gradually opened his mouth, uttering the words, “What happened…” [url=]Chapter Nine: The Trek to Mount Infinity[/url]

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