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Edited by Christicake: 7/19/2014 12:07:06 PM
I don't even know everything that happened, I just know that I've closely observed Bungie shift and change dramatically over the last decade. Cool thing though, my dad has been consistent. He has consistently worked hard and consistently cared about making the player experience as cool as possible. Many times I would come home from school and he would be testing out a video game, making notes on what he liked and didn't like, or even in the middle of developing a theory on how things could be improved for the player. I've seen him do extensive research on how music affects emotions and I know he always adds in little details that are important. My dad is a brilliant video game producer and music composer/producer. This change will not ever change who he is, because from the beginning he has always been consistent; that is one thing I know about my dad. Oh, and he loves the fans, that is another thing. I'm in tears reading about how his music affected people's lives. Thank you to the bnet community and halo music fans <3 *Edit: As requested, I've sent this to my dad, so he will be reading the responses.* Update: My dad has been really happy to read about how his music has affected the player's experience and peoples' hearts, that was always his goal. I love my dad and have massive respect for him and anyone who follows his work as well. The responses so far have really meant a lot to my family. *Internet hug!***

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  • #NeverForgetMarty!

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  • Sorry to hear that you're gone Marty, but you always have and will continue to hold a special place in the hearts of Halo/Bungie fans forever. I can't wait to see what you do next. You may not be at Bungie, but you're still a god among men and certainly have the talent to do anything you please. I'll be watching and waiting to see what you do next :) <3

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  • I suppose there's already some 230 replies, but I may as well add mine in with it. To me, the music of Halo WAS Halo. It was bold. It was different. It was powerful. Losing him is one of the biggest losses to Bungie since, well, ever. I am, however, immensely grateful that this tragedy held off long enough to (hopefully) finish the score for Destiny. It is a silver lining in this dark cloud.

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  • Hearing that marty is no longer with bungie is the equivalent of bungie disbanding completely in my head. Its been a wonderful and memorable ten years. I wish him luck in his future endeavors.

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  • Tell your dad he's a legend, and his music will be forever remembered in my heart, I can't wait to see what he is going to do next.

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  • Right now, my little world lies in pieces, but listening to the hopeful sounds of Marty's music is going to mend my heart. Thank you

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  • He left a very big pair of shoes to fill. The music of Halo is one of the elements that made it a great game.

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  • Thank you Marty for you great music and passion

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  • Edited by DEZARATH: 4/17/2014 11:36:19 PM
    Thank you sir. Back in 2001 I would finish my shift and head over to my fathers and play Halo with him. It was a father and son laughing and accidentally killing each other while going on this adventure. We talked and joked and a lot pain in our lives were smoothed away during these moments. We both would comment on the musical score and what we loved about it. That music left an incredible mark and defined the emotional journey as we progressed and elevated the soul of the game and its story to an artistic level where it wasn't just a space marine killing aliens anymore, but an epic space opera that had a powerful definition as a saga with weight and meaning conveyed in your notes. It will be memory I will carry with me long after my father dies and the days grow grey without him. It is good one. And your art is part of it. Your music will always be associated with one of my fondest memories. Even though this terrible rift has happened I am looking forward to hearing your new scores in Destiny and any other project you become associated with. Cheers and luck to you.

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  • My love affair with Halo and its music began much the same way, with me and my dad. That continued all the way through Halo 2 and the beginning of Halo 3.

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  • We will be keeping our eyes peeled for your new projects. Keep on keepn on

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  • I wish your dad well and Tell him Commander Tempu aka Cobra Commander is on his side. He is a great man and composer. I would have given my left kidney to hear him work. Reach and ODST were good woks as was every Halo C.E. onward from Halo 2, and 3. He is a remarkable composer and i greatly respect him. i still remember the Flintstones jingle as a kid i took that vitiaman as it was a gummy. I did not know it till years later that he made that and i love him even more for it. Your dad is an amazing man. -Commander. Don't hate the player hate the game. PS. We miss you Marty and i will fallow you where you go and i will endeavor to do the same with Joe.

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  • Dear Marty,I was 16 years old when I first played halo and heard your beautiful music,kids like me couldn't go around broadcasting our interest in symphony's and such,I Was into a lot of trouble had my first child at 16,and when I heard your music sitting there with all my friends that skipped school that day so we could mash threw the campaign before anyone else in school it was,we'll there are no words to describe the times back then,but long story short,Marty you have made a difference for the good in many lives,don't ever stop I beg you,screw bungie,peace be with you all but "never forget"

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  • Wow! When he strikes the piano there at the beginning of that video I get instant chills down my back. I have always thoroughly enjoyed the music of halo and it remains a key part of the series for me.

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  • Posted this in The Marty Army, gonna repost here for emphasis. Dont know if youll read this Marty since you might be completely gone from the site too but Ive been around these parts a long time and youve always been a cool dude. Dont know what the heck just happened, but never saw it coming and not happy about it to say the least. Thanks for all the laughs on the forum and all the bad ass soundtracks in the games. People throw around the word thank you every day with little meaning, but i really appreciated all the stuff you did man. Take care, and keep making kick ass music.

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  • Marty - for whatever it's worth to you at the moment, you have made my life a brighter place. Thank you. So much.

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  • I received H:CE for Christmas back in '01. I'm 29 now and I still catch that original theme pounding through my head, almost like some kind of badass personal sound track. I haven't played Combat Evolved in something like 9 years, but that old music lives in my mind like I heard it yesterday. Halo and by extension, Bungie, wouldn't have a soul without that music, it's not expendable. I really hope we're presented with a damn good explanation. Otherwise, what a stupid move.

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  • Wow I'm sorry, I hope you get a new job real soon. Oh and your music is iconic for me, probably some of the best soundtracks I've listened to. Good luck.

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  • You were the one who inspired me to learn how to play the piano. Never Forget. It was my favorite song from Halo 3. Hearing it on the main menu every startup... it gave me chills. I thank you for your epic, ancient, and alien music <3

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  • Words cannot describe how I feel about what has happened for whatever the reason. The best soundtracks in gaming history and have they have pulled me out of even the darkest days. We love you Marty. Where one door closes another opens........

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  • dear marty, your music has been an inspiration, a lift when needed, and that extra boost of energy...all that I can say is I've been a fan since first hearing that monk chant with halo, which lead me to buy the first game soundtrack of odst years later, it then became my quest to buy all the bungie soundtracks...I look forward to your work in the future, and again I must say thank you for your amazing music!

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  • You and your music have been and will continue to be a huge part of our lives. From a very deep place in all our hearts, thank you, Marty. There are no words for how a lot of us feel about all of this, except to convey our admiration for you and your work and hope for all the best for you and your family. Love you, Marty. But no goodbyes.

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  • Edited by Default: 4/17/2014 7:13:50 AM
    Your father was an inspiration. The music he created for Halo defined it, and brings about raw emotions whenever I listen, and listen, and listen. His work is incomparable, and his music, in my opinion, was Halo. You should be extremely proud of what he has accomplished and what he has yet to accomplish.

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  • Edited by VitaI: 4/17/2014 6:52:34 AM
    Even though I'm having trouble believing this is a legitimate post. All that matters is everyone is writing some awesome things about marty. What can I say, I've spent so many hours just parking my ghost/warthog/scorpion etc. In random locations on a map just to keep hearing a certain part of the soundtrack that you made. Excellent music that was in my opinion one of the pieces that made halo, halo. Bungie messed up big time and they really tainted destiny for me because of this. See you starside marty

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  • I have no idea if its legitimate either, could just be someone thirsty. XD

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