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2/11/2014 6:50:56 AM

I seem remarkably popular to have as backup in a zombie apocalypse <.< Unfortunately I'm not longer as agile/able as I once was, so frontline combat is off the agenda for me lol. However if you need a Sniper/strategist/leader then I'm your Psycho! :D I saw the tags before I entered so I chose my 4 accordingly. 1. Smiggles, Oh the joyous laughter we can have as we dismember and butcher the Zawmbehs! 2. Gasai Yuno (/thread pretty much, since Goji is ruled out <.<) 3. Yukki (My Alt, to inspire Gasai to greater acts of insane slaughter. Praising Yuno seems to work wonders for butchering a crowd of people indirectly) 4. Progo, he seems like the sort of fellow to be prepared and adaptable for this sort of situation. We have a thinker, a killer and now we need a 'Doer' Now if my alt doesn't count <.< and I have to praise Yuno directly to invoke the carnage... I shall have to leave the 4th space open for anyone who selected me :D I don't want to upset anyone by leaving them out <.< hence the empty 4th spot for you to join me :D

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