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11/15/2013 4:54:19 PM

Lack of Damage Control: Methods Vs. Outcomes- A Theory

As I am sure everybody knows, last night there was a pretty large outcry from the Bungie fanbase as Bungie announced that PS4 users would be getting dibs on the Beta before anyone else. Some people are furious, others apparently don't mind, and a smaller amount are happy (not due to numbers of people as a whole in gaming, but because playstation users have yet to become as numerous as Xbox users on I find myself in the former category, and I would take this opportunity to explain why. Bungie has traditionally been a company with a large focus on the community. This has been their stance- their methodology- for years. Many years ago, Bungie developed on computers rather than consoles, and enabled things like voice communications in-game. For funding purposes, Bungie was purchased by Microsoft and their RTS/3PS/Squad Based Shooter/ Whatever-at-the-time, currently named Halo, was instead developed for the Xbox. Microsoft saw the potential in this title and company, and brought it into exclusivity by purchasing the company that made it. Bungie needed the publicity and the funding for this project, and we all know it was for the best because that project turned into one of the most culturally significant titles ever released- Halo: CE. But this was done from necessity, and at this point Microsoft owned both Bungie and Halo. That's right. For those of you who do not know any better, let me say that again. [i]Microsoft owned Halo[/i]. In 2007 when Bungie became an independent company, people say Bungie gave away the rights to Halo. This is a misconception. Bungie never owned Halo since they were bought by Microsoft. Microsoft has owned Halo for well over a decade now. Therefore regardless of how Bungie wished to expand or publicize, it was Microsoft's choice. Fast forwarding, Halo became a title very community oriented. Custom games rather than just private games ('custom' being the key word, as in customizable). The variance in gameplay made possible, and even moreso with Halo 3's Forge Mode which was outstanding at the time. Bungie would hold contests and interact with the community regularly both for the sake of publicity and because Bungie was very focused and tight with their community. For example, look at During Halo 3's era this was considered the most advanced and in-depth developer website in the world. The vast majority of people came for statistics which were incredibly detailed at the time. Bungie invested many, many resources into this project and it showed just how community oriented Bungie was as a company. Fastforward to Halo 3: ODST. Bungie told us it would be what... a $30 title? That was a public statement. Then the game price was announced by Microsoft and we were absolutely floored that it was $60 instead. Bungie lied to us, they are greedy, they just want money, yaddya yaddya. But later, Bungie made another announcement. Included with ODST would be the Halo 3: Mythic disk. This included Halo 3 multiplayer and every piece of DLC ever made for the game. Currently the Legendary Pack is $2, Mythic $5, and Mythic2 is $10. Now keep in mind the fact that those were all $10 at the time of ODST. So Bungie managed to balance out the price by getting Microsoft to let them include that in there. It was a stroke of genius. And let's not forget how Cold Storage is free to this day! So now. We are in 2013, and we have emerged from the darkness. I came to this website every single day during the darkness. This is because I was loyal to Bungie, I felt valued, loved the community, and couldn't wait to see what would come out next. Throughout the darkness, those of us here were promised time and time again that we would not be forgotten, that we would be 'rewarded' for staying here. 'Rewarded' for being good members of the community and sticking it through to the end. We would be 'rewarded' for being test subjects of the new forums. I ask those of you that stayed. What have we gotten? Many of us have lost our private groups, places that hold very special places in our hearts. We've lost our sense of community as everything is now a jumbled mess. Holding conversations as a group is nigh impossible because the current forum structure only realistically keeps hold of one on one communications. What we have received... is a number in our profile saying how long we've been here, invisible to everybody that doesn't click your name, and [currently] 17 codes that redeem something in Destiny- but that EVERYBODY gets. And it's cool- people sticking around should get something. It's not like I want those exclusive to a console or anything. Not being able to get the complete game like that would be a terrible thing, I think. ... And yet here we are. When we all deduced that Bungie would be developing for the Playstation by the leaked contract, and even before then the job requests for Playstation developers to work at Bungie, there was no outcry. The community, for nearly everybody, was actually [i]pleased[/i]. No gamer worth anybody's time [i]wants[/i] something to be exclusive to only one chunk of the community. Very few people actually [i]want[/i] others to be left out of something. So the Xbox... no, the [i]Bungie[/i] community was happy with this development. The community would expand. It would grow with new life brought by a whole new mass of people swarming the website for what we all honestly believed would be a title for the ages. Rare are the times when the community would come together in such agreement. There is where things started to sour. Bungie wanted to expand to a new community, which the Bungie community was thrilled about. But their methods... their methods left people quite confused at first. Destiny was announced for the PS4, and the Xbox was never even mentioned. It was almost like it being multiplatform was a secret. Like they didn't want people to realize it was not an exclusive. Next. An exclusive partnership was announced between Bungie and Sony. People were upset over this. We welcomed the playstation users to the community. But it sucks that they are going to be getting things. Yet there was not a truly massive outcry because people interpreted this commonly as Sony users getting, say, some custom skins or other small items. And even then those things might be timed exclusives, so for such inconsequential things it wasn't really worth the heat. Disappointing, but nothing to have much emotion about... ... And now we have the Beta. The Beta received for preordering Destiny... huh. Bnet, did you know that at 0900 last Spring I waited outside of my Gamestop for it to open so I could preorder the game? I have little doubt I was the first person in the midwest to preorder it. I told the cashier I wanted to preorder this game. He said he never heard of it. I looked at my watch and told him it was a game that was going to be announced in around an hour or two, but since it's in their systems I wanted to preorder it. He looked it up and there it was. He claimed they didn't have the poster. So I walked back to my apartment- a 30 minute walk one way, by the way, and they called me back saying they did have them. So I walked back, got it, and back home again. All in all, it was around a 2 1/2 hour adventure... just because of how excited I was. I'm actually known at the store as the Destiny guy, now, because I answer questions for the guys working there about it and the likes. They recognize me, even. My friends make fun because of how I talk about the game, wear the shirt, etc. Where do I stand? I am a player that has played Bungie games for 12 years now. I have posted and been active on this website almost every day for the past 7 years, going on 8. I feel that overall I've been a good member, too. I wear merchandise of them- shirts and backpacks that say Bungie on them. I have super-awesome editions of their games. I stood outside the store for Destiny because I love Bungie. And... I'm only one person. One of many, and I'm sure I'm not the most hardcore fan of them, not by a longshot. But still... more than most. So I ask again... where do I stand? I'll tell you. Due to the fact that I have been with Bungie for 12 years; due to the fact that I followed them and got an Xbox 360 largely to stay with them because I felt the company valued its community as a whole; and due to the fact that I became so engrossed in this community that it became a part of my REAL life as well... I am told that I don't matter. People that have stuck through the darkness. People that have been with Bungie for years. People that have stayed as guinea pigs for this new Bnet even as it ruined what many of us saw as pillars of the community. People that remained after promised of return. This massive section of the community is being told that they are less important and that we should make room for the new baby coming into the family because mommy needs to pay special attention to a newborn. And worse... Bungie refuses to even address it. This is a turn from the early years. When Bungie moved from the computer to the Xbox, it was due to needing superior hardware and because Halo was no longer their property- they merely developed it. But Bungie is independent now. They chose to enter these deals with Activision and Sony. They chose to tell their most loyal fanbase that it needs to sit down and be quiet. And this goes against everything Bungie has stood for over the past decade.

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  • Edited by burritosenior: 11/15/2013 4:57:22 PM
    You will note that very, VERY few people are upset whatsoever at the prospect of future Destiny games not being on the Xbox 360 or PS3. Therefore the 'Mac users are the true fans that were abandoned, not you,' argument is asinine at best. People aren't upset at the progress of the game. If Bungie were developing only for the PS4 because it had superior hardware to the other consoles, then that would be a valid reason to prefer Playstation users. Yet instead, they are developing for them all. And while they develop for them all, they are shoving half of those users (although currently much more than half due to the 12 years of loyalty issue arising again) that they are less important that the new people coming in. You will note, valiant reader making it this far into the post, that these points tie in quite nicely with the beginning of these posts. You see, earlier I mentioned how Xbox users welcomed Playstation users into the community. Sharing is good, and the more people the merrier. Everybody should be able to enjoy these titles. The Bungie community did not ask for half its community to get something, before this. The Bungie community wanted everybody to get the whole experience. We were coming together. It was really a magnificent thing to behold. Yet now there are people proclaiming that Bungie is giving these exclusives because they need to get Sony folks to come into the community. To this I say… no. If the loyal Bungie community didn’t need exclusive content to become what we are, why do new people? Are the Playstation users of such low moral character that they won’t get involved in a game or community unless they get something that other people do not? I don’t think so. Advertise to Playstation users that they will get cool content for coming to, or by doing things with the game or their preorder. But the key factor here is… this doesn’t have to exclude the Xbox users. No, the Xbox users could get all these same things and Playstation users would still be attracted. So it isn’t why this is happening, unless one truly believes those buying PS4’s are actually terrible people- which I don’t think any rational person would believe. No. What this comes down to… is console purchasing. This is all happening because Sony wants people to buy their console. Microsoft does the same thing and it isn’t any better when they do it, true, but we’re talking of Bungie here so for now that is irrelevant. Sony is getting exclusives so people will have an incentive to purchase Playstation consoles rather than Xboxs. Is that necessarily a bad thing for Sony? No… but Bungie community here’s something I propose to you: Have you thought of what this means for Bungie? Think about it. If we have concluded that the exclusives are not simply for attracting fans from Sony, and we accept the hypothesis that this is due to console selling, then what exactly is Bungie focusing on by giving these things to Sony? Money. Money and publicity. That’s right. For a company that has had community focus as their prime directive for nearly a decade now, Bungie is showing that they are abandoning these principles in favor of publicity and funding. They are forsaking their community for these reasons, and have therefore left all of those that had faith in them in the dust. No matter your time spent believing in them, and no matter your loyalty in the past, you are being forgotten about. And this doesn’t just go for Xbox users, but Playstation users as well. These people should realize that they aren’t the focus either. It isn’t about them, but the console. Because Bungie is abandoning their community-centric approach… no, HAS abandoned it, we have little left to believe in. When was changed to this format, we were told it was easier for Bungie to sift through information and posts. Most people still dislike the format, and it limits conversations. This potentially shows how Bungie is focusing on themselves rather than the community- making it so they see what they want to see. Throughout the massive complaints, such as the ‘why PS4 users instead of XBone users,’ Bungie has ignored the posts. Loyalty is worth little now, and dedication has turned to ash. You can insult me, attack me, whatever. Have at me, community and Bungie. But I wrote this post not because I hate Bungie. I wrote this post with a soreness in my throat and tears welling up in my eyes because of how important Bungie and this community is to me. And I mean that absolutely- this community has been one of the most important and influential things in my life. This trend Bungie is on right now… it cannot continue. This is a horrible thing that is happening. We need it to stop. Please, Bungie. Don't have Peter Parsons on stage with a smile on his face while you forsake the people that care this much about you as a company and, to an extent, as individuals.

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    21 Replies
    • Wow really bungie is a buisness u need to grow up dude its a game not a girl if u are such a fan then u follow bungie and support everything thwy are doing because it is great xbox and Microsoft are bullies and I am sure bungie is sick of dealing with them I was a xbox man until this new gen and I can care less about being a fan boy for either they are both great systems but Microsoft as I said is so dirty paying youtube people to say good things about them and bad about playstation

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    • Edited by SlayerOfGames : 7/13/2014 1:45:04 AM
      xbone fanboys cry me river why don't you, like I said this is both POINTLESS and STUPID and Bungie don't owe the fanboys jack. Self entltlement lol LOSER!

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      5 Replies
      • You forgot to mention that Playstation users also had the alpha. I do agree that it's about money, but whatever agreement they have with Sony could've been signed by Activision and not Bungie.

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      • I am truly amazed at the passion that you have shown in your post, you have become unbalanced and out of touch with reality and you actually believe that Bungie needs to stop what they're doing every time you log into the forum and blow sunshine up your butt, so you can feel good about the Bungie Forum Community. I am sure without a doubt that Bungie is growing and maturing and you're acting like a little kid who got your heart broke, and wants the relationship the way it was. Time for you to start seeing other game developers. I will make it easy on you, 343 Industries, is making a new Halo, it's almost like your last relationship and you can keep your Xbox 360. Walk down to your local GameStop and preorder Halo5, and don't forget to register on 343's forum. Please don't be that pathetic stalker guy and just move on to a new relationship.

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      • The way I see it Bungie is too busy doing what it does best, to bother with the handful of demented wads on both sides of the console divide. They are a minority and pandering to them only serves to empower them.

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      • I think that the betrayal people felt over this, is just a result of their own actions (not bungie's). You set yourself up when you created a preconceived notion of these loyalties. Bungie never promised you to provide exclusive content for any and every platform; that is the simple truth. You may feel that it should have been done, but that does not make it the righteous thing to do (especially when it wasn't promised). True tyranny comes when someone dictates another's actions; is that what you really want to do to Bungie? Dictate to them...? I say we should respect Bungie's free-will. In the end, this game is theirs to sell and give however they choose. Bungie earned that right when they created the game.

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      • It's unbelievable how much of a dickriding bungie bullshitter you are. They announced that the game would have H3 matchmaking before, not after, they decided to bump up the price to 60. On top of that, people were mad about having to completely pay for matchmaking again, regardless of whether they had all the prior DLC maps or not. So in essence everyone (all the hardcore/loyal fans) who had all the maps had to purchase the 3 maps for 10 bucks a pop. Let's not forget that bungie held the maps at ransom by saying ODST would be the only way to obtain the maps, only to release them later, and completely dicking their most loyal of fans. Long story short; you're an idiot and a fanboy and bungie doesn't give two -blam!-s about their fans. All facts.

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      • If you recall, there was that poll about being loyal to Bungie or their games... it's a ridiculous poll because when you are loyal to Bungie's games, you are loyal to Bungie. At the same time, what would one love about Bungie if it isn't about the games they made? Reverence towards the creation is thankfulness towards the creator, and to revere a creator as such is to take delight in what s/he creates. What a real poll should ask is: "Are you loyal to Bungie, or are you loyal to the XBOX?" Bungie doesn't make the XBOX; Bungie makes games for people to play on the platforms that THEY (or their masters, previously Microsoft and currently Activision accounted for) believe are important. Not [b]superior,[/b] mind you; I won't even [b]start[/b] with you on you perceptions there. The community members who believe that what makes them fans of Bungie is by having an XBOX and being loyal to XBOX have mistaken what is what. The correlation never mattered because you weren't special for having an XBOX, you were special for appreciating Bungie's work. I appreciated Bungie's work alongside you without the XBOX. We are old fans the both of us, but you think your chosen platform must now be favored over mine because Bungie has always made it for you? How long would you insist on this? Every other game they've made has been only for your platform up until this point. There must be a time to let go of your sense of entitlement, especially if we are going to dispute a mere week of time, versus the two years that "inferior platforms" had to wait to receive Halo back in the day (and then basically never get it again; which won't happen to the XB1). I would posit that what Bungie has promised you for your dedication has nothing to do with your platform. They know that their dedicated fans are probably making diverse sets of choices in how they want to play their new game... some of which don't involve an XBOX, for once. I will have the ultimate laugh when you find that you have exclusive inherited gear or something else that's special when you start the released form of Destiny for the first time in return for your tenure as a Bungie.netizen, regardless of the platform you were found on. After all, Bungie never told you what you were entitled to or when, right?

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      • It's a video game. I'm definitely not as emotionally invested in the community as you are; I'm not even particularly stoked from Destiny from the stock-standard gameplay videos they've showed us; but Bungie's decision to release the beta early on the PS4 could be any one of a number of reasons; from developer issues with the Xbox, pressure from Activision, to financial incentives from Sony. Truthfully, does any of this even matter? It's a beta and a piddling announcement on the main page; nothing groundbreaking and in truth, a complete non-issue.

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        • [b]RAMPANCY[/b]

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        • Isnt this thread from 2013? Why are we bumbing this now? Anyway, it looks to me like you are applying a double standard: Micosoft aqquires Bungie to boost xbox sales., and you state that it was for the best. But then why is it bad when Sony basically does the same, except they only get timed exclusives for their money? Btw, I disagree that it was for the best. From my POV the PC was robbed of a series that could have rivaled BF and COD. I remember waiting eagerly for news until I suddenly learned that it had turned into an Xbox exclusive. I ended up buying a Xbox. Mission accomplished,Microsoft.

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          17 Replies
          • Good post. DeeJ sidestepping the entire debate when creating that new joke thread based around Kotaku's poor article was an insult too. :-)

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            3 Replies
            • Oh look, a long-time Bungie fan that hasn't retired his fandom but also remains intelligent. A truly odd occurrence.

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            • Edited by Taurochs: 7/11/2014 1:49:34 AM
              Alright...I'll bite. Had some fun with this subject over on CowleyAD's thread, so what the hell. *takes out reading glasses and proceeds* - takes ~20 min to read the whole thing to consider all the points presented. - *sigh* Okay, before I share my thoughts, there's one vital piece of information I need to know. Burrito, were you in any way a prominent [u]content creator[/u] for the Halo series or any of the earlier bungie games? As in did you create fan-art, host tournaments, write fan-fiction, contribute to montages or any of the sort?

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              • Respect for this man. The dedication and loyalty this guy has/had for bungie are worth every like and positive reply he gets and I hope he gets whatever recognition from Bungie he needs, and I say that to everyone not just Burriosenior.

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              • You just marked your own reply as the answer to your own question? That seems like some online version of masturbation or something.

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                4 Replies
                • This is another reason I switched to PC gaming; it is so blatantly obvious that Microsoft and Sony are driven by greed when it comes to consoles. Why am I paying $60 a year for games and services that [i]I own?[/i] Why can't I mod [i]my games[/i] on [i]my xbox that I bought with [b]my money[/b]?[/i] Why am I paying $300-400 on a "next-gen" console? It isn't next generation, my [i]laptop[/i] out-performs the xbox substantially and I bought it for only [i]$500.[/i] It's greed and nothing more.

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                • Bump for relevancy. Burritosenior, you're the man.

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                • Edited by ManBearPigIets: 7/11/2014 1:50:14 AM
                  So you don't think it's anything to do with Activision calling the publishing shots (which include exclusivity deals and content release dates and that like) and all the marketing, in exchange for allowing Bungie to retain all IP rights and control over the title itself? I feel like the latter was something Bungie definitely wanted after Microsoft, complete control over how their game is made, and the rights to said game, no one telling them what they can make or keeping control of it. And instead of trying to publish and market it themselves, they turned to an established Publisher with the means to promote and market the game. IP rights in exchange for publishing exclusivity. I think that when they made the partnership it was their best option for developing the game, and they got locked down in contracts. I think they are not allowed to countermand marketing decisions made by their publishing partner. I don't think they have any say in the matter, and they aren't allowed to say anything about it. I feel bad for them. I think it kills them inside to see so many loyal fans hurt by this and not being able to do anything about it, not being able to console them in any way, [i]not being able to say anything about it at all[/i]. You're right, it's not in character, that's not how the people we have met, have played with, have made friends with, would normally go about things. And that's exactly why I think it wasn't their decision. Remember that the overwhelming majority of the company is doing exactly what they have always done, making great games that they love to play for the people who love to play them. They even have a dedicated team working 24 hours a day to keep constant content coming to their community. Overhead decisions have forced things to take an upsetting turn, and I don't agree with those decisions, but I will vehemently defend the people who are actually making this title. It is still the people we know and love making this game for us, and if they can't show it publicly any longer then they sure as hell will be trying to show it in what they create. And I can't wait to play it, on my 360 and Xbox One.

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                • [quote]That's right. For those of you who do not know any better, let me say that again. Microsoft owned Halo. In 2007 when Bungie became an independent company, people say Bungie gave away the rights to Halo. This is a misconception. Bungie never owned Halo since they were bought by Microsoft. Microsoft has owned Halo for well over a decade now. Therefore regardless of how Bungie wished to expand or publicize, it was Microsoft's choice. [/quote] Let me start right here. Yes Microsoft owned the rights to Halo when they owned Bungie, however when Bungie split from Microsoft they no longer owned the rights to Halo. Which is why Bungie sold their rights to Halo to 343. A Company that is owned by Microsoft. Now lets not sit here and act like Microsoft never did anything wrong during their time with Bungie. [quote]Yikes, sounds like there’s some bad blood between Halo Wars dev team “Ensemble Studios”, Microsoft, and Bungie: “Microsoft was pretty risk averse and they said, ‘I don’t know if we want to take the risk of creating strategy games on a console. We’d feel better if Halo were attached to it.’ The difficult part of that was it took the game back about a year in development, and I think it never quite turned out the same. They just said, ‘Why don’t you just paint over what you have with Halo stuff?’ But things aren’t quite that simple,” – Ensemble founder Tony Goodman Apparently Microsoft wasn’t the only one putting pressure on the former Age of Empires developer though… “Another problem was that Bungie was never up for it… Bungie was kind of sore about the idea. What they called it was ‘the whoring out of our franchise’ or something. Yeah, that didn’t create a great relationship between us and Bungie; they viewed us as someone infringing [on their franchise],” Unfortunately Ensemble isn’t around anymore and Goodman has moved onto better things, but he still claims that Halo Wars is a grossly underrated product. Here’s to hoping that Microsoft doesn’t pressure developers like this in the future…[/quote] Wow look at that, Microsoft made Bungie do something that they didn't want to do. Who would have guessed right. You need to stop being so melodramatic my friend. [quote] So now. We are in 2013, and we have emerged from the darkness. I came to this website every single day during the darkness. This is because I was loyal to Bungie, I felt valued, loved the community, and couldn't wait to see what would come out next. Throughout the darkness, those of us here were promised time and time again that we would not be forgotten, that we would be 'rewarded' for staying here. 'Rewarded' for being good members of the community and sticking it through to the end. We would be 'rewarded' for being test subjects of the new forums. [/quote] You supported Bungie on a console that they had to use to develop their games becasue they were not allowed to work on any other console becasue of Microsoft. You didn't support Bungie, you supported Microsoft becasue at the time Halo was made Bungie was still part of Microsoft. Bungie didn't become it's own entity until they split from Microsoft back in 2007. So this talk about being loyal to Bungie is nothing more then you being over dramatic. You told me in another thread that Bungie sold there right to Halo becasue they wanted to work on another game and that they didn't want to work on another Halo. Ok I see that and I have this Quote for you. [quote]"We've been working on this game since well before Halo Reach shipped," Bungie's Chris Butcher tells "We kicked off in 2009 and we'd already been working on it for more than a year," adds Bungie COO Pete Parsons, "and many of the ideas we have go back to 2002." [/quote] So Bungie has been working on Destiny since before Reach and the idea has been tossed around since before Halo 2. If Bungie really wanted to work on their own thing then why didn't they sale their rights to Halo once they split up with Microsoft. The fact that they made Reach showed that Bungie did have a desire to make more Halo games they just wanted to make other games, but apparently Microsoft didn't like that idea. [quote]You know that big ol BILLION dollar franchise Bungie has created for Microsoft, to show their appreciate Microsoft is letting Bungie leave. Of course Microsoft gets to keep all rights to the Halo franchise, but as today Bungie no longer part of Microsoft. Ask anyone who works there to search the global address book, they’re no longer in there. Microsoft was supposed to release the press release today but if they wait till the 10/6 the impact wont effect the quarterly results. However today is the actual official date and the day the NDAs expire, however you still didn’t hear this from me. Apparently MS just wants Bungie to make Halo for the rest of their natural days, and Bungie doesn’t like how MS is constantly trying to “handle” everything they do; the way they market their games, the way they interact with their fans (basically the fact that they do appreciate their fans), and how stingie they are with the profits (comparable to the rest of the industry). So as of today they are their own independent entity. They’ll probably make Halo 4 for Microsoft, however hey are also free to create new intellectual properties for whatever system they want. (Even though they prefer the xbox platform) What a way to say thank you. [/quote] But let's get to the heart of the argument. You already should know why Bungie announced Destiny on the PS4 and it has something to do with this. [quote]Destiny developer Bungie and Sony have been doing business together longer than you think. Also, we have learned just how long Destiny’s PlayStation-only content will remain exclusive. According to TechRadar, Bungie, the company behind Destiny and creators of the original Halo series, have been working with Sony for quite some time. Bungie originally broke a longtime partnership with Microsoft back in 2007 after the release of Halo 3. As per their closing arrangements, Bungie went on to make Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach. After closing its chapters in the Halo series, Bungie has gone on to make Destiny, and has been working closely with Sony ever since, despite plans for the game’s multi-console release. In a shocking twist, we have learned that Bungie helped Sony develop its DualShock 4 controller for the PlayStation 4.[/quote] That's right Bungie was allowed to help Sony in their development of the PS4 controller. Not to mention that Bungie and Sony has agreed to a partnership and you wonder why Bungie is showing off the PS4. It's becasue that's what Sony paid them to do. [quote]And now we have the Beta. The Beta received for preordering Destiny... huh. Bnet, did you know that at 0900 last Spring I waited outside of my Gamestop for it to open so I could preorder the game? I have little doubt I was the first person in the midwest to preorder it. I told the cashier I wanted to preorder this game. He said he never heard of it. I looked at my watch and told him it was a game that was going to be announced in around an hour or two, but since it's in their systems I wanted to preorder it. He looked it up and there it was. He claimed they didn't have the poster. So I walked back to my apartment- a 30 minute walk one way, by the way, and they called me back saying they did have them. So I walked back, got it, and back home again. All in all, it was around a 2 1/2 hour adventure... just because of how excited I was. I'm actually known at the store as the Destiny guy, now, because I answer questions for the guys working there about it and the likes. They recognize me, even. My friends make fun because of how I talk about the game, wear the shirt, etc. [/quote] You do understand that you we only guaranteed the beta with your preorder. Your beta length wasn't guaranteed. You are starting to sound like the split screen guys now and I know that not who you are. Again Bungie doesn't have to give us the beta to begin with and the only reason why the Playstation is getting more days is becasue Sony paid for it. It's just like how Microsoft paid Activision for the Call of Duty DLCs. Now I know that this isn't Call of Duty but the premise remains the same. Companies like Microsoft and Sony give money to game developers so they can have exclusives. That's something that I personally do not like but it's something that is apart of business. [quote]Due to the fact that I have been with Bungie for 12 years; due to the fact that I followed them and got an Xbox 360 largely to stay with them because I felt the company valued its community as a whole; and due to the fact that I became so engrossed in this community that it became a part of my REAL life as well... I am told that I don't matter. This is a turn from the early years. When Bungie moved from the computer to the Xbox, it was due to needing superior hardware and because Halo was no longer their property- they merely developed it. But Bungie is independent now. They chose to enter these deals with Activision and Sony. They chose to tell their most loyal fanbase that it needs to sit down and be quiet. And this goes against everything Bungie has stood for over the past decade.[/quote] Dude lets be real here. You weren't loyal to Bungie when the first Halo came out, you were loyal to Halo which you said was owned by Microsoft. We all became loyal to Bungie in 2007 when they became their own independent company. That's the truth of the matter. And while I'm not questioning your loyalty I will ask you why the hell are you mad. I would understand if you weren't getting to play this game but that's not the case here. Bungie is making it for the Xbox, you will be able to play this game on your console.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Old, and yet no less valid. And still, Herr Senior, you remain a shining star on these forums for those who are slowly but surely being surpressed. Or, at least, to me, because you have worded this so much better than I could ever dream to. And I commend you.

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                  • Wow, this needs to read by everyone on #Destiny...

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                  • I'll admit that it's getting harder to remain hopeful about years of loyalty being worth anything. Even the smallest thing would be nice. Even just an acknowledgement. If they even mentioned Xbox without it being immediately succeeded or preceded by PlayStation, that would be nice. I stand by that I don't mind Sony fans getting a few goodies, it makes sense. I don't think it's greedy, however, to ask to be noticed.

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                  • Edited by Commander Tempu: 11/15/2013 7:17:48 PM
                    What i find is that Bungie feels bitter like its a Divorce after working on Halo. They did have Dev rights but gave them up for freedom. Microsoft wanted it all. Bungie had to find new partners. While i was over joyed to welcome new Bungie memeber's Bungie old is gone and now we those who have X-boxes are suppose to jump over to the PS4 due to Bungie likes it and is paying Bungie a butt load of money to promote it. We lost member's and community. They are killing the Community yet people sat through it or came back. Some just left for good tired of the antics. While i have been a good fan my self we have to think of Bungie as a Business. They are forgetting us and will be like other game developers if they do not turn the tide by welcoming the new and try to make people feel apart of the Community. All i see is trolls or people who want console wars or what ever to argue about. Just pay it forward yet no one is its a mess here on Bungie Next. All those promises of bunnies and rainbows. Well i been waiting a long time in the Darkness. I can tell you that i expected little to nothing. Magic of this site is fading. I agree ignoring everything is a waste. Bungie ignores it or remains silent on allot of things. They tell us stuff and more people leave due to there inaction or simply they have not captured the Magic yet for people to find reasons to push past the Halo issue. Its sad how they are appealing to a minority yet we have to look at facts. While Bungie makes great games the real question is are they eroding the principles that they were founded on ? All they did was switch partners and seemed to have lost sight of the Community. While they make and sell games its the Activision people who are calling the shots as well as Sony. It saddens me to know that Bungie has stooped to taking cheap shots at Microsoft despite the claims of cool relations. In fact no X-box content. Zero none. Its like being dead on the Dark Side of the moon yet i keep having faith. It is waning. Bungie needs to restore the Community. They really need to listen but i fear it will not happen. You cannot go back in time. Worst of all some Play Station gamer's feel superior with we get content first. Well good for you just do not be an ass about it. Heck i would like as a consumer and a fan to be listened to so often. Problem is while Bungie shows game content it is lacking in Community Focus. Deej kept it going but New B.Net is broken. Broken promises and we will get to things later. When are we going to see the Bells and Whistles ? When are they going to realize that this Model of B.Net is just not working and we hard core fans just want equal treatment is all. Bungie.Net used to be a Special place not like the other web sites now its just like them. Worst fear come true not to mention we X-box fans get silence. Well at this rate Bungie will loose even more fans. -Commander.

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                  • Speechless, amazing post that I agree 100% with. I wasn't here as long but I stayed through the darkness from day one and through the site update, and all I want is for Bungie to address these issues. Earned a follower my good friend, more people should bump this.

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