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8/25/2013 5:17:07 PM

Will CoD: Ghosts mark the downfall of CoD's popularity?

Yes, it will die after Ghosts


No, it'll die later on


CoD will never die


I know, I know. More than likely, Ghosts will outperform every other game, including previous Call of Duty's, and remain #1 on the Activity Charts until the next one comes out. But, maybe, people are starting to see the flaws with game. Look at some of the recent gameplay videos on Youtube from Gamescom. Half of the ratings are dislikes. All the comments are hateful. Maybe the new gen will finally destroy CoD. Maybe people aren't going to buy a new console just so they can play the game they already have, many times over. I think the game will probably do commercially well, but I have a feeling it won't be number 1 on the Activity Charts for very long. Thoughts?

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