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8/5/2013 11:21:56 PM

Giuld/Clan Invatation FTO (FireTeamOmega)







Hello, My name is Heracles. As of now my comrade Nephilium and my brother Zethus are unable to join me in this formal invitation but they do send they're warmest regards. On behalf of FTO, I, Herecles, second commanding officer, would like to personally invite you to join our group. We have seen what you know and are very impressed with your knowledge about the upcoming adventures that you, my comrades and I are so eager to face. We also understand that if one is so determined to become legend in this world, a strong team is required. You are more than eligible to be a part of our team. I will admit we are few now and have only the basics of our group together, but we plan on taking on the world of Destiny with every ounce of strength, will, and intelligence that we can offer. What say you?

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