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11/19/2007 8:30:36 PM

Heroic Map Pack Announced for Halo 3

With the content announced and priced, we talk to a couple of the DLC leads for some more details. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12983] click for full story [/url]

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  • LOL 10 bucks for 3 maps... yeah, right. Goodbye Halo community! Have fun getting raped in the butt without me.

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  • 3 medium sized maps, and they're all human based, unsuprising. Why is it that everyone uses the human stuff? What's wrong with the Covenant weapons, and architecture? Why no small maps? Why is almost every map on earth?

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  • foundry looks like a map from CounterStrike, because of the A and B areas. That'd be cool if it were like counterstrike.

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  • I wish they brought back the halo 1 pistol =) [Edited on 11.24.2007 9:10 AM PST]

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  • Something that annoys me about H3 is you carn't choose if people can rip off turrets, in zombies people just rip of the turret and stand in a corner they should have an non-ripoff turret that has a different stand so you can tell if you can or carn't rip it off. and i hope these "shield walls" there talking about can be either: people can pass through them (snowbound) or nothing can pass through them (like the hanger shields on the "truth and..." in Halo 1) [Edited on 11.24.2007 6:21 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DaJuDg3 ...Why does the pistol still suck? [/quote] The pistol is crap hell im a wizz with BR headshots but theres something about the pistol that for some reason makes me turn too far and compleatly miss.

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  • I think it's awesome that there will be new levels. I just think that we should be able to download them for free.

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  • It's not the ten dollars, jeez it's the fact that the game came out 2 months ago and doesn't have enough maps to begin with. Why does the pistol still suck?

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  • Hi, Again the fan boys, dont get the point people are making here. Sometimes I feel like beating people over the head, just to try and make them see the bigger picture... Yeah your right $10 isnt much, but $10 for 3 maps... so when you pay for those, and next time bugnie say "well they are willing to pay that for 3 maps lets see if they will pay more". Would you pay $20 for 3 maps? would you pay $10 for 2 maps.??? The point people are making is the fact that they can drop the price to a £1 a map and still make a profit. Its not like only 100 people play or like halo is it.. NO... So why rip people off? And as I have said before, I dont have a problem with money never have done. Its the point of having to pay to play. So yeah Canadian Iceman, play your maps when they come out. and I wont be seeing you in the spring. I also have not seen anything about problems being fixed with halo 3,,, again Bungie have side stepped it again with maps... I just watched a Vid on You Tube and have seen people getting off map. Sitting there sniping people, and no one can get to them. I have seen people with the odd ball get into a place where people cant get them, IE they win. the melee problem,,, But no bungie you rely on the fan boys to just see what you dangle in front of them. Again Im going back to COD4,,, Halo is (sorry) was a good game... but its been out matched in everyway.... Ow and before anyone says well COD4 has its problems as well,, yep just seen the vid on those as well.... But Unlike Bungie Ubi soft have already said that a DLC will be free.... that also means maps. Why because Ubi soft are for the fans,, just like Bugnie keep saying they are... ?????? Have yet to see it.... Ow,, yes thank you Bungie for the awesome maps,, my god,, how the hell do people know they are awesome? you havent played them, you are just going on what they again have told you... Have fun playing Halo guys and Girls... I really do hope you enjoy playing, There is nothing like making new friends... Have a good one... [Edited on 11.24.2007 1:52 AM PST]

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  • i really wish people would quit whining about how the game costs $10 big freaking deal, get a job instead of playing halo all day, it will take me 1/2 an hour to make $10, plus why would bungie give it out for free, they know people are going to buy it and they put a lot of time and effort in to them, so for all you cheep bastards out there, see you in the spring and plann on getting owned on your first 10 or so games on the new maps.

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  • When you consider the fact that the game was 60 when it came out and it had all of our current MP maps, plus all of the campaign missions on it, 10 for new maps that none of us have ever even played is a bit much. Oh, but they are so inventive and new and add different kinds of Just different scenery with the same kind of play. Way to drop the ball bungie, if you were a person, you'd be picked last all the time because of how many times you drop the ball. You'd only be allowed to even play because you had a couple of decent plays here and there. [Edited on 11.23.2007 7:27 PM PST]

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  • never mind. the map im thinkin about is rat race.

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  • Now that I think about it, $10 for 3 maps is really not worth it. I will wait until they are free. I can think of many better things to spend $10 on, thank you very much! --dumb cat

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  • rats nest... isnt that a multiplayer map on halo 1?

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  • Wait, so I'm supposed to pay 800 MPs for these three maps.....that's absolutely ridiculous. You really are out to -blam!- gamers. Especially with the fact that these and more should have been in the game WHEN IT ORIGINALLY SHIPPED! Here's a theory...LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY WHEN THEY TELL YOU WHAT MAPS THEY WANT TO SEE!!!! There have been threads with far better ideas than this crap you've tossed at us. I ran 4 polls with ideas that all blow these out of the water, but sure, you use yours, I'm sure they'll be.....impressi....I can't even say it sarcastically. I'm not even sorry if anyone at Bungie is offended....because I really can't believe that this is what they were building up, and this is what they are asking us to pay for after all this time. Until we have more maps for Big Team Battle, Infection as a playlist, and all weapons and vehicles and grenades available on some maps, then you're wasting our time. Honestly, why put all those in the game if you won't let us use them in MP, waste of space. [Edited on 11.23.2007 7:16 PM PST]

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  • G-Tags Thorn7559

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Heartofswords I totally agree with Knights of Nii. More vehicles would be awesome... I miss the spectre and i really want the transport hog. You people really need to get a life... hypothetically speaking, you people may have gotten every single arcade game, (I have seen it happen) and yet still you would complain about 10$ being too much to pay for 3 maps. Waiting a few months isn't too bad. It can't be worse than the agonizing wait for the full Halo 3 game. It would be cool if Bungie had a poll for new armor permutations[/quote] Ya they could include Greaves and boots, maybe brutes as well they are about the same Proportions as elites and spartans [Edited on 11.23.2007 4:32 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Knights of Nii i totally agree, more vehicles (cough! transport hog cough! cough!) should be usable in multiplayer. seriously, WHY is the transport hog (lovingly refered to by me as the minivan) not in multiplayer yet is in campaign? honestly, at least the transport hog! i dont need to fly the pillar of autumn, or use forge to spawn people in ODST helljumper pods (hmm, on second thought...) also, STOP wasting time you could be spending playing halo 3 here, writing essays on how ten bucks is too much, it's not! many months of peoples lives were wasted away in front of a keyboard making these maps, milions of dollars were spent to feed these people, watch the getawerk doc on the collector's edition disc/youtube if you don't believe me! plus, if you are that cheap, just wait for the maps to be free, it's not that hard! p.s. some more perms would be great, like full marine/odst armor, or even camera face and bucket cap, fatigue cap?[/quote] This guy makes more sense then the government if u ask me

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  • I totally agree with Knights of Nii. More vehicles would be awesome... I miss the spectre and i really want the transport hog. You people really need to get a life... hypothetically speaking, you people may have gotten every single arcade game, (I have seen it happen) and yet still you would complain about 10$ being too much to pay for 3 maps. Waiting a few months isn't too bad. It can't be worse than the agonizing wait for the full Halo 3 game. It would be cool if Bungie had a poll for new armor permutations

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ACRaven [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TACCHlMONSTER I'm going to go ahead and make a bold prediction: Come December 11th, many of the posters on here who are complaining about people complaining about the prices are going to purchase the Heroic Map Pack for $10 and, after playing through each map a few times and deciding they aren't as satisfied as they thought they would be with them, will come back on here and complain about how they were ripped off and expected more for their money.[/quote] I totally agree. All they know is how to -blam!- about what they got as a gift, not enjoy it. Bungie [i]didn't[/i] have to make the maps, so why everyone is complainning about such a small price (seeing how it's near Xmas time and everyone will get some form of money, therefore saying they don't have the money makes them look stupid.) is retarted at best. If you paid at least $300 for the 360, another $60 to $130 for the game, then what is a mear $10? Seriously, if you're not willing to pay for your gaming experience, then you shouldn't be playing, or at least be forced to wait. That's one of the reasons why Microsoft didn't make XBOX Live free, for all of you people who belived that they would make it free by changing your motto to "Make XBOX Live free". (Of course, another reason they didn't make Live free is because Bill Gates is a greedy son of a -blam!-, but you get my point.)[/quote] Some people aren't complaining because they're broke or don't like spening money but because of the principal. [b] Get your facts straight people, before you start posting random things read what you're quoting. [/b]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TACCHlMONSTER I'm going to go ahead and make a bold prediction: Come December 11th, many of the posters on here who are complaining about people complaining about the prices are going to purchase the Heroic Map Pack for $10 and, after playing through each map a few times and deciding they aren't as satisfied as they thought they would be with them, will come back on here and complain about how they were ripped off and expected more for their money. Oh, and before I forget, Stormy, I think your calculations were slightly off. With 121,734 Halo 3 players currently on, at $10 a pop you'd have a sum total of $1.2 million, not 1217.34 (whatever that meant). I think what you were trying to say was actually closer to what I just said, but it was just worded awkwardly. Either way, it's a lot of money - even when you take into consideration the costs of the hardware, software and manpower needed to produce the levels themselves.[/quote] I agree completely, whoever buys those maps will be on the forums the very next weekend to complain about getting ripped off. I read a post saying that if your a loyal Halo fan it's worth the price, but those people should stop and think, two map were supposed to be released origanally so technically we already payed that price. I think it's a genuine rip off and we should stand our ground and not buy at least until they drop the price. Bungie should really consider the message they are sending to their fans with this move.

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  • i totally agree, more vehicles (cough! transport hog cough! cough!) should be usable in multiplayer. seriously, WHY is the transport hog (lovingly refered to by me as the minivan) not in multiplayer yet is in campaign? honestly, at least the transport hog! i dont need to fly the pillar of autumn, or use forge to spawn people in ODST helljumper pods (hmm, on second thought...) also, STOP wasting time you could be spending playing halo 3 here, writing essays on how ten bucks is too much, it's not! many months of peoples lives were wasted away in front of a keyboard making these maps, milions of dollars were spent to feed these people, watch the getawerk doc on the collector's edition disc/youtube if you don't believe me! plus, if you are that cheap, just wait for the maps to be free, it's not that hard! p.s. some more perms would be great, like full marine/odst armor, or even camera face and bucket cap, fatigue cap?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ACRaven [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheNewATeam Why couldn't you make the pelican flyable bungie? WHYYYYYYYYY[/quote] That's actually a good question. Seeing how this is supposed to be the [i]last[/i] Halo type game(Though for those of you who have beaten Halo 3 on Legendary know this is not the case), why have you (Bungie) not let us pilot the Pelican, Phantom, Longsword, or even a Scarab? Though this might seem a little off topic, you have placed a Pelican on one of the new levels(which I'm guessing you can reach without the -blam!-ing Guardians killing you if you try to go to it like in the Pit!), so I'm pretty sure [i][b][u]everyone[/i][/b][/u] wants to know the reason(s) behind this.[/quote] ya that would be awsome if we could use some of the gigantic vehicles even if it was in campaign. Also why do u guys keep putting stuff in we cant use like the A-A wraith from campaign u guys even patched the glitch on campaign. U guys could just make it so u have to be in forge to use it, and not put it default oon the multiplayer maps

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheNewATeam Why couldn't you make the pelican flyable bungie? WHYYYYYYYYY[/quote] That's actually a good question. Seeing how this is supposed to be the [i]last[/i] Halo type game(Though for those of you who have beaten Halo 3 on Legendary know this is not the case), why have you (Bungie) not let us pilot the Pelican, Phantom, Longsword, or even a Scarab? Though this might seem a little off topic, you have placed a Pelican on one of the new levels(which I'm guessing you can reach without the -blam!-ing Guardians killing you if you try to go to it like in the Pit!), so I'm pretty sure [i][b][u]everyone[/i][/b][/u] wants to know the reason(s) behind this.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TACCHlMONSTER I'm going to go ahead and make a bold prediction: Come December 11th, many of the posters on here who are complaining about people complaining about the prices are going to purchase the Heroic Map Pack for $10 and, after playing through each map a few times and deciding they aren't as satisfied as they thought they would be with them, will come back on here and complain about how they were ripped off and expected more for their money.[/quote] I totally agree. All they know is how to -blam!- about what they got as a gift, not enjoy it. Bungie [i]didn't[/i] have to make the maps, so why everyone is complainning about such a small price (seeing how it's near Xmas time and everyone will get some form of money, therefore saying they don't have the money makes them look stupid.) is retarted at best. If you paid at least $300 for the 360, another $60 to $130 for the game, then what is a mear $10? Seriously, if you're not willing to pay for your gaming experience, then you shouldn't be playing, or at least be forced to wait. That's one of the reasons why Microsoft didn't make XBOX Live free, for all of you people who belived that they would make it free by changing your motto to "Make XBOX Live free". (Of course, another reason they didn't make Live free is because Bill Gates is a greedy son of a -blam!-, but you get my point.)

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  • Really, I'm surprised not too many people have asked what Forge options we get for all of the new maps. I've heard of Man Cannons and Laser Doors, but what else can we expect? I love to Forge, and would like to know what items and scenery we get for the Forge. Will we get those huge Carriers from the Campaign level "The Storm"? What about the Human Weapon Cases that have like five BR's and another weapon? Will we get more Gravlifts instead of the measily 4 you get on each map? How about damaged vehicles? Also, I heard Bungie mention that they are going to give all vehicles on MP different designs, so is it true? Will the Turret Cases in these new levels be like the cases on High Grounds, with a Lid and Body, or will they be like the standard Case that is closed together? I have many more questions, but these seem to be the most important as far as Forge questions for me goes. (And yes, this IS a good post, not one of those crybaby "it's too much, yet it's going to be free later on" posts.)

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