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6/26/2013 8:33:34 PM

Faction Rep and Rewards

Yes, I would love to see faction rep rewards!


doesn't matter to me...


Hate the idea and the poster.


Now i know that topic title tastes of WOW but hear me out. I recently ordered a FWC Shirt and just go to thinking how great it would be in game to display your dedication to a certain faction. Being an ex-wow player, I always found doing quests and such for rep to buy some cool piece of gear was fairly fun and gave a sense of accomplishment. Wouldn't it be great to be able to acquire armor, weapons, cloaks.. etc that were graphically branded with your faction? I would also like to see you have to work for certain pieces or titles. Maybe its a rep system or you have to kill a certain number of enemy clan members. Head counts could be the currency (JK) . What do you think? Would you like to see Faction rewards for service?

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