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originally posted in: PC port needed. 'Nuff said.
6/20/2013 11:41:36 PM
Needed? No. Wanted.

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  • I think it's a must. If bungie wants to become a bigger dev and eventually its own publisher like Bethesda (assuming that's what they want) then I think they should make a pc port. Also I'm becoming a pc gamer in about a week so...yeah. xD

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  • Devs need money, don't they? And as you stated, PC players want Destiny... So... For the devs to make the best revenue, needed.

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  • The issue is in persistent worlds, content is repeatedly added but it takes time to make the content and putting PC will make it the fifth system juggled. And they do care about quality and don't want another Halo 2 again. So that's why they haven't said whether or not they will make a PC version and thinking about it. Maybe when the four console versions are off the ground and see how much work it is to make that persistent world persisting they'll be able to make a PC version.

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  • I disagree in this: every game is created and developped... on PCs first. So it has to be runnable on PCs anyway (what system specs it requires is another issue). Remains the problem of playability. Now you can quote the infamous example of Dark Souls and say: "Yes, maybe it was developped on PCs but it was a console game and the PC port is terrible". It is indeed, but only because the gameplay requires extremely precise movements (which a controller permits way better than WASD), and not such accurate aiming (which controllers are bad at anyway, compare console and PC gameplay videos of Battlefield or COD to be instantly convinced). In Destiny, what we've seen so far (and which seems to be the core of the game, spaceship stuff apart) is an FPS game, which requires not so accurate movements and very accurate aiming - which PCs are awesome at. As a conclusion, I don't buy in the "too hard to port" argument. I think it would more be a case of inequality between console and PC players in competitive games. Would the PC players have to be completely cut from the other players (and have a "PC shard")? Or would the game simply have two separate PVP environments (PC and consoles)? I guess this is a question worth pondering about and hypothesising about.

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  • Edited by ArcGuard: 6/28/2013 7:13:14 PM
    The reason why they wouldn't do it is a very simple one (and one which I'm still not sure why people don't understand). They're not making it for PC for the same reason they're not making it for the WiiU. Sales. The market for it would be very, very small in comparison to the console market. Take a look at another activision game, for example. Lets break down the sales by platform for another one of their Shooters (and a game that will be similar in playstyle to Destiny, and one which will - for better or worse - attract a similar playerbase). [url=]Black Ops 2[/url] - Xbox 360 - 12 million+ copies PS3 - 10 million+ copies [b]PC - 0.9 million+ copies[/b] WiiU - 0.19 million+ copies Now, this might not be 100% accurate, but the difference is staggering. The PS3 and 260 sold over [i]10 times[/i] as many copies. What it comes down to is simple - Does the cost outweigh the benefit? And seeing as PC is the most expensive platform to support, they probably came to the conclusion, no. (PC has near infinite combinations of hardware and software, while consoles have maybe one or two. This makes it much more difficult to troubleshoot and code for).

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  • and why use cod as a example? of course its sold more on console becuase pc players are not as interested in it + black light retribution is f2p and plays way better then it and yet its a instant kill fps game like cod and is better then it yet its F2P!!! TF2 also F2P and the fact is that only games like gw2 buy 2 play market almost like f2p exept you buy the game and never pay again but games like cod need live to work for multi player and pc players dont care for paying subs for every game they have wow and thats about it or eve.

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  • there is the argument of digital distribution through steam however. making 1 digital copy that can be easily sold millions of times on the digital market seems less expensive then making a million discs, I think thats why new games on pc are 50$ not 60$ but thats my opinion.

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  • I don't understand your point here. The digital copies are included in that less than 1 million. And if it was less expensive, wouldn't it see more sales?

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  • but its also cod on pc...... I think its a better console game then pc. destiny seems more fit as a pc game then cod because the whole persistent world aspect seems like a mmo even though its not. does that make sense?

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  • No, because it's about how it plays. [url=]Borderlands 2[/url] sold 2.9, 1.43, and 0.53 on PC. It's probably the most similar thing to Destiny, and again it sold way more on consoles than PC. This isn't really debatable. PC sells less and costs more. Bungie has the numbers. There is a reason why it's not initially coming out on PC.

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  • borderlands 2 imo got boring pretty fast and the pc port wasnt as great and yet again not really like destiny, look at games like metro or tf2 or counter strike go or maybe its because the f2p market on pc kicks triple aaa titles ass easy. still think destiny would be great on pc.

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  • You take as an example a game that's famous for being the sign of the series' decline. I'm not an analyst, but I think this phenomenon you believer in would be harshly put to the test against Battlefield 3 and 4 figures (innovative games whose series only begun). Your figures seem extremely odd to me, as PC does have its crowd of COD fanboys..; Also the notable refusal from activision to offer significant sales on their COD games makes it an exception on Steam: a good launch sale for Destiny (or even latter ones like for BFBC2 for instance) and it's a wrap for PC gamers. But Battlefield is just an example amongst many: shooters are popular on PC as well, but I agree, PC gamers are harder to satisfy, because they have more choice. They need new features and new ideas to be really taken into a new game. But wait, that's exactly what Destiny has: a new definition of social gaming, allying coop and massive multiplayer genres (which are both very succesful on PC)! The only reason Destiny wouldn't be a hit on PC is if it doesn't live up to its promise. But I don't see why that would be. Besides, social gaming being an immense part of the game, it is one of the only actual example of games that could require always online connection not solely for DRM but mostly for serverside calculations, and being right for doing so. This would also drastically reduce the pirating possibilities for the game... Cause if it's meant to be played with others, it's exactly like an MMO, piracy will only have a begnin effect on the title. As for having to develop for several physical architecture, if they've already developped for multiplatform, it means they relied on standards that make a PC port easier. I'm not saying it's nothing to do of course, but after all DirectX and OpenGL are there for this specific reason. So no, I reject your argument that Destiny would have a minor appeal on PC gamers: PC gamers crave for a new way to do FPSs. And I also reject your argument that adapting to PC would be a negative compared to the potential it has on this platform.

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  • I don't have time here, but no. You're wrong in your analysis. Because you say "oh, well, that's because it's CoD" [url=]Lets use BF3 then[/url]. 6.8, 6.5, 2.4 Guess which one is PC. PC gamers are the exact same people as PC gamers - there really are no market distinctions. But there are lack of numbers. PC games in general sell less than console games, and shooters especially so. Destiny is a shooter, therefore it stands to follow.

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  • I'm not a market expert, and it's true it seems shooters do not make the same sales on PC than on consoles. But then again, BF3 is a crooked example because it requires Origin, something many PC gamers considered a deal-breaker from EA. And yet its fanbase was there (since when is 2.4mil copies negligible?) to support it. But again, BF3 was not sold through Steam sales, a practice that is everyday gaining in popularity. And I completely disagree with your statement that PC and console gamers are the same: they certainly don't have the same approach towards new games. I'm an average PC gamer and I have around 200 games. I'd like to know how many games a console gamer has on average, but I'm pretty sure (for the same demographics and revenue scales of course) that a console gamer has less games, hereby making him more dependant on new games for his platform (whereas on a PC, new games are a lot more frequent). So no, I genuinly believe PC and console gamers do not, on average, share the same point of view regarding games they acquire. Of course on these forums, you'll probably only meet core console gamers, which have particular views on games and therefore don't match the profile of an average, less involved console gamer. Whatever the case, I think you shorten Destiny's categories (because it indeed belongs to several of them) a tad fast here. It's clear that it's not just a shooter, it's not just coop, it's not just competitve multiplayer. In "normal" games you'd have one of these be worth something (COD and BF: competitive multiplayer obviously), and other aspects would be neglected. But seeing the ambition from Bungie to go beyond this limit, I think they can also have an ambition to conquer the PC. And by delivering community and modding tools, they can see their universe expanded beyond what their resources constrain them to. And in turn this can be used to get more console gamers to get the game (in the hypothesis mods will be possible of course). There's raw sales numbers, and then there's Bungie's ambition. And I'm firmly counting on the last one. At the end of the day, I've got a PS3 and a nice TV, I can live with that. But I know the graphic quality will be crappy compared to my PC and it's just a shame to have their beautiful game fail to be accessible in its best quality.

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  • EXACTLY we on pc want the game and its a perfect game to grow on the pc community I think it would be great because games on console typically die after 2 or 3 years unlike pc were games like wow still have players and some people like me even still play games from the 90s because I wasn't forced to swicth consoles that have no compatibility to there old counter part. on pc the game always has players to play it because it can be distributed world wide with out region restriction due to most gamers using digital distributors like steam.... I still play sc2 I still play tf2 I still play dow and on consoles i find it hard to play space marine because theres only few hundred a week online... so I think its a bound fail for a growth on console because as soon as the next cod comes... half the people leave and the game dies. idky this is the case but it happens with too many games.

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  • [quote] so I think its a bound fail for a growth on console because as soon as the next cod comes... half the people leave and the game dies. idky this is the case but it happens with too many games.[/quote] I doubt this is how you meant it, but the way you word it makes you sound like your angry with no PC and are predicting doom unless the PC master race takes over. It doesn't help your argument. However I think your point has merit even if I dont fully agree. This is less of a console issue and more of a game design issue. How many people in the PC master race do you think have played WoW to the exclusion of all other PC games? I know during my time playing WoW I'd take breaks and play EVE or Lotro or Guildwars. The trick is making your game enjoyable enough that people come back for it. If anyone can do that it is Bungie; my support for this is that Reach continues to gain online players while H4 is losing players. Bungie needs to make Destiny involving enough that people take her little breaks for CoD, BF, Etc and then return to work on their heroes. It gives the entire population a chance to proceed toward a higher average character level which, in turn, creates a better population for end game content. I also don't think Destiny's subsequent game releases will be handled in the typical console fashion where the following game replaces the previous game. I suspect they'll be handled instead like the major content expansions in WoW (Burning Crusades, Lich King, Cataclysm, Pandera) with the DLC packets being like the raid areas that Blizzard would occasionally give people access to between expansion releases. In the end I suspect Bungie has a lot in their plate getting their new IP on its feet on four consoles. However I suspect support for the 360/ps3 to drop off by the midway point of Destiny's seres. Around this point is when I suspect a smooth transition to a PC port.

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  • 1: i hated reach and thought halo 3 was the best, 2, i play x box 360 and think pc is better any way for games like sc2 and the fact that community created content is fkn awesome 3 every time cod comes out again every other game looses half its players so yes i think destiny will live a short console gaming life a max or its 10 year run i think itl short stop at 5 at the max on a console because every new game for a console that comes out drags a good number of players out of the game and eventually leaving a small few to try and grow the community back again eventually the game will end up empty. i agree that they will probably only add on to the game making me want more, how ever i feel console gaming in a sense is a gated community, theres only so much a console allows you to do, I never enjoyed wow because the combat felt annoying having to wait instead of a hack n slashy or shoot em up i was use too, pc created consoles with out pc ever being made there would never be consoles in the end pc will always out spec out free and out live a console and is less expenive in the long run becuase you dont pay subs for most games, great f2p market, millions of f2p indie games and more for free, im not saying destiny should be nor would i want it too be a f2p game id rather it take a gw2 approach and be buy to play rather then pay a live sub or psn sub, and yes it is bound to fail after o so many years only a few will remain on the console version because thats how the console life span of a game works, its short lived and publishers only squeeze the franchise and ip for money, in the past i loved games like battle field 2 i think 3 is garbage, cod 4 was my fav and halo 3 made me love console gaming, what never made sense on console gaming was the whole war on used games and how they apparently should be illigal 0_0 I thought the argument of sharing property was stupid becuase I bought it its mine not yours I should be free to do what i want with it unless it involves making digital copys to sell online in that argument i get it but other then that who would do that and why. back onto topic yes I think pc is better for a game like destiny a lot of us want it and on pc you have larger community that span world wide rather then be region locked like the x box or ps4. a mmo normally gets picked out of wows teeth in the morning but destiny is not a mmo, i think it would be a breath of fresh air to every one, id play it until my console got shut down because i have a 360 and Microsoft probably wants to shut down the servers in 5 years or so, thats 1 advantage the ps3 has over 360 is that psn will always be there for it :D, sadly my experience on gaming through the 360 was as soon as the next cod came out, every one was missing on the games i would play like halo and space marine, so i decided to go back to pc in the end because I got sick and tired of the lobby being empty and being alone on a game I loved and I know that wont happen with destiny because essentially its pve aspect is awesome however to counter that if i was into pvp more id probably get bored after a few years and eventually switch too another game on the console. if you think im promoting this master race bs then gtfo because console gaming is easy, its convenient but eventually more expensive, I will get it for 360 if it doesnt come for pc becuase i already have a 360 and ive had it since it came out and got it mainly for halo 3, i never cared much for all the cod spammyness but never understood why most would up n leave a great game and never return only to play cod forever, so in my opinion i think if this is how console gaming will continue then destiny will not grow community wise but rather shrink sadly and its a dis appointing thing to read. so yes id rather see it on pc and thrive like wow did rather then be butchered like so many other great games in the hands of cod. I want destiny to be amazing, its already that, I just dont want to feel left out when I play it because I think every ones been a 3rd wheel once and it sucks.

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  • Dude, relax, chill out, and... ...put breaks between your thoughts. I think you made some good points, although I admittedly didn't get them all as they all sort of ran together. I started my reply to you as "I'm sure this isn't how you're meaning to sound, but this is how you're sounding" just to put that out there. I'm not ping to respond to each of your points, but here are a few thoughts: Gaming consoles wouldn't be here unless PCs were originally developed to make and play games true enough, but (after taking out pay to play subscriptions) I'm willing to wager consoles make more money for publishers then PC titles/sales which give the publishers money to fund developers for both consoles. Really at this point in gaming it is an adversarial but symbiotic relationship between PC gaming and console gaming. The other point I wanted to address is that that you somehow think the Destiny population is going to shrink just because when the Halo population has done nothin but thrive over the last 12 years as an Xbox exclusive. Have some faith. It isn't like Destiny will be released next year and then that content is suppose to last us 10 years. They'll literally be releasing new content at least once a year for the next 8 years.

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  • Hmmm that's true. I don't entirely know about these things. It's just what they said on an interview.

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  • Badly at that.

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  • True dat.

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