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Edited by burritosenior: 2/16/2013 4:44:00 PM

Destiny Reveal: We are not rewarded.

EDIT: A Good Reply by Urk for the curious: [quote]We love you, too. All channels will go live simultaneously. If you don't follow us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook, it will make us sad panda, but it won't affect you in any way. I can literally turn my head and see about twenty people who have worked long and late hours over the last few weeks building stuff just for you. Stuff that is specifically and specially reserved for Extra stuff that I hope many of you enjoy and might consider a small token of our gratitude for your ongoing patience and enduring awesomeness.[/quote] Original Thread: [quote][/quote] First, the video to listen to as you read. Music is good. Moving on, though. So since the Darkness, we were told that if we stayed for the darkness and were patient, we would be rewarded for being the loyal community that stuck around. ... Bungie said a little bit ago that will not be getting to see the reveal of Destiny first. Instead, Facebook gets to see it first. Like Destiny on Facebook and you get to be the first to see it. Does that strike anyone else as... well, doesn't that suck? A lot? I mean, I know I've stuck around for the... however long it has been. Absolutely over a year though, surely. I get Bungie wants to open up to new communities. But don't you think it would just.... you know, make sense to let those of us that have been waiting eagerly on this site for years have the first glance? I mean sure, those of us here probably liked Bungie and Destiny ages ago. But... that's not where the community lives. That's not the home of Bungie's fans. This is. Here. On Bnet. I love Bungie. I quite literally have a countdown until Sunday for the reveal. But I am dreading that this seems like a first step towards pushing the loyal community to the side in the hopes of attracting new people. Good for business? Maybe. Good for us? I don't think so. I just am worried. And a little disappointed, to be honest. I pray this was only a case of someone that misspoke, and it will be here before anywhere else. Discuss your thoughts, folks.

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  • I don't visit the site to see the reveal. I go on the site to interact with a community that has similar interests as i do, which just happens to be bungie games.

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  • [quote]I love Bungie.[/quote] We love you, too. All channels will go live simultaneously. If you don't follow us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook, it will make us sad panda, but it won't affect you in any way. I can literally turn my head and see about twenty people who have worked long and late hours over the last few weeks building stuff just for you. Stuff that is specifically and specially reserved for Extra stuff that I hope many of you enjoy and might consider a small token of our gratitude for your ongoing patience and enduring awesomeness.

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    33 Replies
    • I can't decide whether to sleep or stay up all night. It's 4 am here...

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    • It seems like it would make more to have see it first; you know, to possibly get a wave of new members? That's just me...

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    • I still find difficult how are they gonna know which of us remained here loyal in the darkness and others didn't.

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      6 Replies
      • Yeah! Forget Bungie! Let's go to 343, where they really care about us!

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        2 Replies
        • I'm not on their site because of Destiny, so I don't mind.

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        • Not sure why the disappointment ... bungie are in it for the money, simple. For another sign of commitment look at aerospace and the whole crimson farce. Here they promised help to struggling indie startups ... yet little over a year in and the whole thing got dropped. The ONE-AND-ONLY partner they got has now had the Crimson Steam Pirates forum and content dropped, not even a mention on the new site. Is that a way to treat a partner? Why should we expect anything more? Plus remember activision ... [url=]refer you to page 2 in the contract[/url] which states "[i]in the event of a deadlock, Activision shall have the tie-breaking vote[/i]". Yes we have all heard how bungie is in control in this marriage ... but lets see how that works, bungie and activision get to vote, if bungie votes against activision (thus deadlock) activision gets another vote. lol ... yeah, that the way to wear the pants in that marriage.

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          3 Replies
          • Christ some people will complain about anything.

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          • First of all; this isn't some random company, this is Bungie. They're not going to flip off everyone else and post it on Facebook. We're solving an ARG and expecting a ViDoc this Sunday, which will appear on and most certainly on their Youtube channel. Why would they decide to post in on Facebook first? If they want to attract new members, then they don't need to post it first on FB, then on, they just need to post it!

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            10 Replies
            • They said the exact same thing on both Facebook and Twitter. I bet they'll just be posting a link to or youtube, where the actual ViDoc will reside.

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            • Edited by gestuart88: 2/16/2013 12:27:39 AM
              Burrito, I feel your pain, and I totally see where you are coming from. They may still reward us yet, they still have yet to show us the new title system, ect. Once the newbies show up everyone will know who was really here for the darkness. We will use all the inside jokes, and we will have our day in the sun and it will be brighter than everyone that wasn't here for the darkness.... it's just bungie has a game to sell... ... plus all of that elitisms doesn't work unless you bring in some new blood.

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            • It's a destiny reveal so it doesn't matter because the second it gets posted anywhere everyone will be posting it here in hopes of getting a hot topic.

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            • I'm sure our reward is yet to come.

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            • Bungie's been doing stuff like this for years. Neogaf ring a bell?

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            • Didn't Deej sort of reveal, that they will only post a link to this site on facebook and twitter?

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            • Why don't you just like the Destiny Facebook page or just check in on it once a day then? Problem 100% solved, you can thank me later

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              5 Replies
              • Wow, that is just.. ...just.. ..just.. ....that is just pathetic.

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              • Edited by Arbiter 739: 2/15/2013 11:31:16 PM
                What the -bIam!-? No really, what the actual -bIam!-? I completely understand why they would do this (it's a good marketing ploy to spread word) but I am annoyed by this development mostly due to what they did with the site. They changed our beloved forum to something HEAVILY resembling Twitter... That coincidence makes me fear that they are abandoning their old audience altogether and are trying to attract another one. I will not go up in arms now, regardless if they have the reveal on the site first or not. Marketing [i]should[/i] be top priority for them right now. Show off the game they have been making and all that. But I would like to see less Social Media Vitriol embedded into their things. [b]In summary:[/b] I won't have strong feelings one way or the other until the game launches.

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              • Edited by halo: 2/15/2013 8:30:51 PM
                They're revealing it to EVERYBODY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AT THE SAME TIME, on Facebook. I dont know why you're saying they're revealing it on Facebook first as if you won't be able to see it. That's just where they're deciding to reveal it, I don't see the issue. Also, pushing the loyal immunity to the side in the hopes of attracting new people? That's called making your community BIGGER. I don't see what the issue is there either. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT MAN. Obviously they're getting avid video gamers and bungie fans more included into the site, you're acting like a bunch of jersey shore retarded tan chicks are gonna start post in on here, you're so dumb. OP is 12-16 year old little immature kid who doesn't understand anything.

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                3 Replies
                • It's not a big deal that we have to us Facebook to see it. And also, maybe the reward is something else.

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                • Completely agree with you! Hear hear!

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                • I do not think that being members here entitles us to anything. Bungie will do what they have to as a company, and we will do what we want to as fans.

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                • Technically, they did announce [url=]here[/url] that the name was i fact Destiny, and the ARG was posted here on Bungie.beta, but I do agree with you. Let's see what happens. I doubt they'll forsake us.

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                • Now that you've pointed it out, I'm sure that they will reveal it here one minute before Facebook. That seems like something that would happen but I still think ken has a point.

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                • [quote]Instead, Facebook gets to see it first. Like Destiny on Facebook and you get to be the first to see it. Does that strike anyone else as... well, doesn't that suck? A lot? [/quote]Oh boo hoo it's going to be on Facebook instead Bnet first. Big deal. I think it's because Bungie knows how dead it is around here and since practically everyone has Facebook, they're showing them first. But no, this is a bad thing because you don't have the two seconds required to log onto Facebook and hit the like button don't you.

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