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originally posted in: Official Programming Thread
1/11/2013 4:21:47 PM
I really need to get working on finding a web job. I had an "interview" last June with a company in Raleigh but i never heard back from the HR person whom I briefly talked with via email. He was supposed to call me for the interview but never did. I called and spoke with several people who would pass my message to him but I never heard anything. Since then I've been really bumped out. I can't really find anything to motivate me. 95% of the jobs in my area all want 5+ years of experience with .NET, which I don't know. Then there's this local web company who I met the owner. He's interested in contracting me into his company but it's been about 4 months since we began talking and I still haven't gotten any work. I really need to decide what back-end language I want to focus on. PHP is everywhere but it's not the greatest on the other hand python is pretty cool. I also need to brush up on HTML 5 and CSS3.

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