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7/25/2012 10:57:36 AM

When Fire Fell From The Sky[Chapter 1&2]

Chapter one [2526 3rd of February. Planet:Harvest.] Looking into the night sky Sergeant Adian Priest stood on the spot where his wife died. Looking into the stars wondering if his wife felt pain before she died. It seemed so long ago that he was in love. He was fresh out of the marines. She was a nurse who gotten a good job offer out on Harvest. Soon both of them found jobs. He joined with the local police force. Soon was put in charge of a Tactical Response Unit. His team were well trained for counter terrorist, hostage situations and contraband seizures. Both of them had spent three years on Reach before the unthinkable happened. The Covenant Invasion of Harvest. Yet it was not them who killed his wife. It was a man who he swore to bring to justice. He brought one plastic rose, laying it on the spot where his wife died. His face was full of grief as he remembered that last day together. His helmet radio came to life."Alpha Wolf this is Black Wolf two-four, You OK ?" He brushed the tears away. "Copy Alpha Wolf is heading back to the den." He left the broken street where a medical clinic stood. His black tactical armor had seen extensive use. It hid him as he slipped away in the night. Rubble lay every where as he traversed this wasteland. As he left New Athens business district staying in the darkness. Yet he could not stop the flood of memories from the past. [Edited on 09.03.2012 9:14 AM PDT]
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  • [Op Tent,Kazan Plains] Captain Andrew White looked over reports leaning back in a folding chair. His desk was a quick set up made from prefab materials. Not far away a few orderlies were monitoring communications in the background. Reports poured in from Harvest. It was all bad news.UNSC forces were getting pushed back fast. It looked like before the week was out they were going to loose the planet. Still it was unknown how they struck or what was really going on. Civilian casualties were staggering as were the deaths. It seemed as if they were cut off from the rest of the UNSC. If that was not bad it was the doctor who Sergeant Priest wished to speak with. With so much else going on it was pushed on the back burner until that data could be retrieved. With out it they would have no idea where the enemy was massing or who was still left. They did not have long to get every one to a safe location before these so called Covenant took the planet completely. It was a tall order for any soldier to make the hard choices. He was fallowing orders from the Lt Colonel who had his hands busy with trying to defend the entire planet. Current plan was to get every one to ground then begin a Guerilla style campaign until help arrived. Time was running out for every one. The reason he had to convince Priest to leave early. Once the doors shut every one on the outside will have to make it the best they can. Looking at the picture of his wife on the desk he prayed he is doing the right thing. He was a long way from Earth. Yet his mistake lead him here after the Article 15 incident. He was suppose to spent six months here after he did three in the brig. Pushing these thoughts out of his mind Andrew stood up then placed a mag into his Magnum. Holstering the weapon, he stepped out side the tent. Heading over to the landing area that Pelicans used to drop off wounded took about fifteen minutes to cross. A Pelican waited not to drop off but to pick up. Seeing Adian Priest he motioned the man aside as Troops climbed inside. Engines were on idle so no one would over hear the conversation. " Sergeant, I know you want to talk to the Doctor but this is a Tier one priority. I won't lie that you might make it back. Expect heavy enemy resistance. I would send a officer but they are in short supply. So you will be in charge. Both marine squads are to help you get the data then exit ville out of the area." Adian gave a nod then stepped inside with the rest of his team. Pelicans cargo ramp closed as White moved back from the lifting craft. Now he had to make a few plans in case things get really ugly. Even if they did not some sort of plan must be made with his forces. Turning around heading to his tent knowing that no matter how many he tried to save it will never be enough. [Edited on 09.04.2012 7:14 PM PDT]

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