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originally posted in: Weekly What's Update
5/10/2005 6:19:23 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fsq04_ OKay, all u total n00bs complaining about "too many BATTLE RIFLES" can eat a weenier. Just cause ur liek a total n00b and used to go around duel wielding 24/7 are now get pwned cause u can't use 2 bullet hoses can put H2 down and pick up some warcraft cause ur all liek the -blam!- and stuff. rofl lol. The game just requires more skill and u cry babies enjoyed owning wif bullet hoses are now getting pwnzored. rofl lol Oh, and stop whining about rocket glitch. Get a life, who the -blam!- cares wht the top of a level looks like. wtf do u kids do on a friday night?? "OMFG GUYS, GET ON HALO 2, WERE GUNNA FIND PLACES THE PROGRAMMERS HOPED WE'D NEVER SEE!!" Goodcall. [/quote] Great spelling and use of abbreviations, you even misspelled those. Glitching is something bungie at least I believe intended, they purposly leave easter eggs for people to find on the maps, they only fixed rocket glitching because it was being abused. And im sad they had to fix it, but at least there are still ways to get up there (Seriously who doesnt like glitching?). Anyway stop the flaming and complaining, you dont have to overreact like some kid do you? All these posts do is make things worse [Edited on 5/10/2005]

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