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10/15/2004 1:28:25 AM

I thought it couldn't get any worse.

New Mombasa has steadily been taken over with threads about piracy. The acts are getting worse as well, as people are posting story spoilers, rumors or even blatant lies. It's ignorance pure and simple. I love Bungie -- and I love most of you guys in here. But I'm going to take a break. I want you guys to know that I will show up here once in a while to check on the status of you people - as I am interested in the continued plight of the Septagon. There are a few joining -- and I want to post this to let know that we are true fans - and that's why we must go. Thank you -- See you in a couple days to a few weeks! -James Others who may be on hiatus - feel free to post your own take on this situation here. [Edited on 10/14/2004 5:30:49 PM]

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  • This has gotten a bit off topic and I'm going to lock it. Regarding Recon's request for zero tolerance, I'd say he doesn't realize how many people have been banned.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] impurity I knew it! Welcome back! [/quote] Thanks you,[sarc] and thanks for believing in me [/sarc] [quote]P.S. You can't escape.[/quote] I found that out.

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  • I knew it! Welcome back! P.S. You can't escape.

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  • I am returned -- but only to Septagon, and occasionally the Flood. I will just take the tuff-it-out route from now - I lasted about a day and a half away from Bungie -- Wow Bungie : You've got a hold of me.

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  • *Josher 35 is lurking

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  • I'm gonna just grab my eight-gauge and sit this one out. --Sgt. Smith fears that it will get worse before it gets better.

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  • I'm gonna hang out in the spetagon for a while or maybe just dissapear for a while. alot of bungie members i reconize are leaving now until halo2 comes out :P so i might follow suit. But I do enjoy chatting with the people in the septagon alot. ee! i cant decide... maybe we can find someway to only see non-leaked threads... My post didn't really contribute much, but it involved alot of pondering for me...

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  • /salutes =- o I'll be avoiding New Mombasa for awhile and take refuge here in the septagon during this little war, until I get a joystick and will transfer over to the ww2 online 14-day trial. That'll help pass the time.

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  • Yeah, staying away from Halo sites for the next few weeks is completely understandable. I plan to do the same, to tell the truth. I still cant get over the fact that this happened. It truly is sickening, although I guess it would be naive to think that it couldn't happen. People can be real pieces of excrement sometimes...pretty frequently, actually.

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  • People like this make me question humanity itself.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 I recall that around the time of the mods being issued their cool new loaded bat-utility belts, that someone (I think that it might have been Shishka) warned of an upcoming "Zero-Tolerance" policy. I don't know if it was followed, or the recent calm and order on the forums was a result of the warning or actions based on that policy.[/quote] A surprise gift for you: [url=]Shishka's Leak FAQ[/url] and it's even guaranteed spoiler-free. Unless you consider it a spoiler knowing that posting or offering to post links to leaked material will get you PERMANENTLY BANNED from linking your gamertag to Plus permanent banning from the forums. Go Team Ninja! Nuke. Pave. Lather. Rinse. Repeat as necessary. [quote]I know that I joke around a lot, but to me, this is serious stuff. We fans depend on Bungie and Bungie in turn does a lot for us. Bungie deserves to know that they can count on their fans as well.[/quote] And they can. There are teams of fans working to track down offers of pirated material and send the appropriate links to I thank them for taking the hit for the rest of us fans, as I thank the admins for doing the thankless job of keeping spoilers and warez out of the forums. You make me proud, guys. -- Steve'll stick it out for a while, but is extremely wary of opening anything dealing with Halo 2 right now. [Edited on 10/14/2004 8:50:04 PM]

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  • Hey I'm sorry to hear that Jim. Today has been a rough day for me also. With Halo 2 being leaked and work being a pain I've just about had it with everything. I'll definetly be avoiding New Mombasa with the leak out now, it's just stupid that people ruin things like this. I'm pissed, and if I find anyone with a leaked copy they will feel pain. That is all...

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  • Have I ever disagreed with you Recon? Nope, and I probably never will. As I see it, things should go like this- Deliberately misguiding or misnamed topics that try to release leaked info should get the maker banned immediatly. Post sayin something like "I found this on the web, and I'm pretty sure that it's new. Do any of you know if this is legal?" Should earn a one week ban and a message telling the reason for the ban. People responding to the threads in any way should receive one warning and then a ban for any following posts. We are damn lucky that Bungie cares so much about us that they are trying so hard to keep this quiet. [Edited on 10/14/2004 9:10:06 PM]

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  • And not that I would even [i]dream[/i] of telling the moderators "what to do", I think that I might ask if this has even been considered. I recall that around the time of the mods being issued their cool new loaded bat-utility belts, that someone (I think that it might have been Shishka) warned of an upcoming "Zero-Tolerance" policy. I don't know if it was followed, or the recent calm and order on the forums was a result of the warning or actions based on that policy. Perhaps it might be advisable to treat any and all topics in Forums [i]other[/i] than New Mombasa with Halo 2 , leak, spoiler, etc. in the title or reported to be about H2 in the post itself, get "ninja-fied". I know that it's a lot less tolerant than normal circumstances, but the fans (true fans) enjoyment of the H2 campaign is at stake here. To me, all of the Code of Conduct and Terms of Service are important, but this is even more of a core issue than just having members following those guidelines. Bungie's property rights have been violated and the relationship between Bungie and their real fans is at risk. If "Team-Ninja" (Achronos and his minions) come to the point where "martial law" is declared, I would understand and do my best as a member to assist and/or stay out of the way. I know that I joke around a lot, but to me, this is serious stuff. We fans depend on Bungie and Bungie in turn does a lot for us. Bungie deserves to know that they can count on their fans as well.

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  • I only really check The Underground and The Septagon, so I should be safe. If any of this piracy stuff makes its way in here it will be a sad day indeed....

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Captain K Mart Sorry, I was at school and had a driving lesson, but I missed this whole thing about pirates, could someone fill me in? Or am I better off not knowing about any of it? It's too bad you guys are leaving, for a little while, but I imagine it's for the best. Hope to see you all soon.[/quote] You'll want to know about it just so you can watch out for it. Someone stole the French version of the game and put it up for download on the internet. Beware of spoilers. Oh yeah, I'm staying. I think I can dodge the spoilers easily enough. [Edited on 10/14/2004 5:53:26 PM]

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  • For me it's relatively easy. I've avoided nearly anything and everything H2 related. I want to be as close to "untouched" when I open it. No ILBs, no forays into NM, and other than a couple of mislabeled topics, I try to generally stay out of anything that says "Halo 2" in the title. So far so good. I can understand and in some ways, I can't say that I blame anyone who decides that for the protection of their own H2 experience, they will take their leave now. I may even get to that point, but for now, I just have more dog-crap to step over and around, but it's always been there in varying amounts. I think that I'm going to use this time to make sure that I've got XBL invites out to people that I've enjoyed chatting with here and hopefully still finding a topic or two worth chatting in. For those of you that decide to go, take care of yourselves. I know that you're only departing temporarily and are leaving what you love, in order to preserve the love that you have for it.

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  • Sorry, I was at school and had a driving lesson, but I missed this whole thing about pirates, could someone fill me in? Or am I better off not knowing about any of it? It's too bad you guys are leaving, for a little while, but I imagine it's for the best. Hope to see you all soon. [Edited on 10/14/2004 5:49:51 PM]

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  • Sorry to hear you guys are taking a break. I'm going to tough it out. Most of the threads in New Mombasa are just repeats of contempt for the pirates. I can live with that. Groups, my groups anyways, have been clean so far. No major problems that I can see (besides the obvious big problem). Come back soon. Please.

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  • Yes,i think all of the true fans and devotees to Bungie are leaving,one of them being myself [Edited on 10/14/2004 5:39:50 PM]

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  • Here here! If you want to spoil experiences of others for something they've waited for for 3 years, your'e a rat bastard. I can put it no more subtly than that. If someone tells me the story, I may be at the point of redrum. Bungie has worked their COLLECTIVE ASS OFF for years to make the perfect game for you. This is how the community repays them, by stealing. Not or true fans, more like their own community of Computer Elites. It doesn't make sense to me, and I am extending my hiatus from the forums as well. Loki 343

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  • I'm avoiding all of the major forums untill monday. I guess I'll still stick around my chapter.

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  • Yep... ive otherall avioded it.

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