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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
8/1/2007 11:07:38 AM

This is the story of a girl...

This is a story I did at work when I was really bored. It took me about a week and a half working on and off to complete it. Thanks to Rampancy for his help. Oh and I know the story sucks. Enjoy! [url=]“Wait![/url] [url=]Wait!”[/url] [url=]I[/url] [url=]kept[/url] [url=]walking[/url] [url=]because[/url] [url=]she[/url] [url=]surely[/url] [url=]could[/url] [url=]not[/url] [url=]be[/url] [url=]yelling[/url] [url=]at[/url] [url=]me.[/url] [url=]“Wait![/url] [url=]Hollan!”[/url] [url=]I[/url] [url=]froze.[/url] [i][url=]How[/url] [url=]did[/url] [url=]she[/url] [url=]know[/url] [url=]my[/url] [url=]name?[/url] [url=]And[/url] [url=]why[/url] [url=]was[/url] [url=]Jessica[/url] [url=]Alba[/url] [url=]talking,[/url] [url=]much[/url] [url=]less[/url] [url=]running[/url] [url=]after[/url] [url=]a[/url] [url=]lowly[/url] [url=]grip[/url] [url=]like[/url] [url=]me?[/url][/i] [url=]“You[/url] [url=]left[/url] [url=]your[/url] [url=]safety[/url] [url=]pin,”[/url] [url=]she[/url] [url=]said,[/url] [url=]giving[/url] [url=]me[/url] [url=]the[/url] [url=]object[/url] [url=]the[/url] [url=]director[/url] [url=]had[/url] [url=]asked[/url] [url=]for[/url] [url=]earlier[/url] [url=]in[/url] [url=]the[/url] [url=]day.[/url] [url=]“Erm,[/url] [url=]thanks,”[/url] [url=]I[/url] [url=]said.[/url] [url=]She[/url] [url=]stood[/url] [url=]there[/url] [url=]with[/url] [url=]a[/url] [url=]look[/url] [url=]on[/url] [url=]her[/url] [url=]face[/url] [url=]that[/url] [url=]said[/url] [url=]she[/url] [url=]wanted[/url] [url=]to[/url] [url=]say[/url] [url=]more.[/url] [url=]“What[/url] [url=]are[/url] [url=]you[/url] [url=]doing[/url] [url=]at[/url] [url=]eight[/url] [url=]tonight?”[/url] [url=]she[/url] [url=]blurted[/url] [url=]out.[/url] [url=] “Nothing,[/url] [url=]why,[/url] [url=]do[/url] [url=]you[/url] [url=]need[/url] [url=]me[/url] [url=]to[/url] [url=]do[/url] [url=]something[/url] [url=]for[/url] [url=]you?[/url] [url=]Is[/url] [url=]Paulo[/url] [url=]sick?”[/url] [url=]I[/url] [url=]asked,[/url] [url=]my[/url] [url=]stomach[/url] [url=]almost[/url] [url=]bursting.[/url] [Edited on 08.01.2007 3:14 AM PDT]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • Wow, I thought I was obsessed with a girl I'm in love with, this makes me look like a jackalope on a bunny hunting mission, which is pretty much pathetic.

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  • This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world. Sorry thought this was a thread about that stupid song.

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  • Shes really hot........ but your posts....... all those pics..... there weird..... one fake nude photoshopped one would of done

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GezaB [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aquafina holy -blam!-!!!!!!! obsessed much? little boys and their fantasies...[/quote] He is 19 And YOU FINALLY MANAGED TO POST THIS 8TH! I really hope you and [url=] my cousin [/url] get along well.[/quote] 19? really sad then.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] a420ballaAZ2 This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world. Sorry thought this was a thread about that stupid song. [/quote]That's what I think of every time I see the title!

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  • THIS THREAD IS FULL OF WIN!!!! so this is what you were going to post yesterday, huh...not what i was expecting at all. and has any one clicked all the links?

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  • Ummm, wow. That is all.

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  • Zomg teh Ponies, lol. Sticky!!!

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  • I think I'm gonna take the side of sanity on this one and give you a good long riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Spartan004 Zomg teh Ponies, lol. Sticky!!![/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] redeemer 32 THIS THREAD IS FULL OF WIN!!!! so this is what you were going to post yesterday, huh...not what i was expecting at all. and has any one clicked all the links?[/quote] Watching his albums on photobucket is less boring. lolz

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hypersnipe Remix [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Spartan004 Zomg teh Ponies, lol. Sticky!!![/quote][/quote]

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  • Did anyone at work see what you were doing??

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shadow5433 Did anyone at work see what you were doing??[/quote] Lol i could see how that would play out

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  • Holy -blam!-, how long did this take? You have alot of time on your hands... as well as other things

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  • All my hard work for 2 pages? I'm sad [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Accidentus Holy -blam!-, how long did this take? You have alot of time on your hands... as well as other things[/quote]A week and a half at work. Nobody saw because it's just me and my laptop, so when I wasn't editing I was working on this. And to the guy that said this was sad, I know... [Edited on 08.01.2007 12:09 PM PDT]

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  • that was posted in Ninja Academy

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  • GODDAMN!!!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] camoflage that was posted in Ninja Academy[/quote]I posted it there to make sure of all the formatting issues and such.

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  • a week and a half?!? wow, you need to find yourself a girl mate. your obsession probably won't pay off for you. if it does, your the man now dog.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aquafina a week and a half?!? wow, you need to find yourself a girl mate. your obsession probably won't pay off for you. if it does, your the man now dog.[/quote]A week and a half [u]at work.[/u] Edit: Which is where I am going now. You're right I don't have a girlfriend, but making this thread didn't take up any time that could've been spent looking for one. So thanks. [Edited on 08.01.2007 12:21 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Eight Oh 8 State [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aquafina a week and a half?!? wow, you need to find yourself a girl mate. your obsession probably won't pay off for you. if it does, your the man now dog.[/quote]A week and a half [u]at work.[/u] Edit: Which is where I am going now. You're right I don't have a girlfriend, but making this thread didn't take up any time that could've been spent looking for one. So thanks.[/quote] i could hook you up...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aquafina [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Eight Oh 8 State [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aquafina a week and a half?!? wow, you need to find yourself a girl mate. your obsession probably won't pay off for you. if it does, your the man now dog.[/quote]A week and a half [u]at work.[/u] Edit: Which is where I am going now. You're right I don't have a girlfriend, but making this thread didn't take up any time that could've been spent looking for one. So thanks.[/quote] i could hook you up...[/quote]Tis alright. I have this very complicated thing with this girl (as usual eh?).

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aquafina holy -blam!-!!!!!!! obsessed much? little boys and their fantasies...[/quote] just about to say that

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  • Nice, but whats with all the links?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sparten110 Nice, but whats with all the links?[/quote]Have you clicked them? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tbl2020 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aquafina holy -blam!-!!!!!!! obsessed much? little boys and their fantasies...[/quote] just about to say that[/quote]And where does it say anything about a fantasy? [Edited on 08.01.2007 12:57 PM PDT]

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