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4/2/2009 5:21:56 AM
Sometimes the elders of the forums seem to be given a bit more leeway by the moderators, this is true. This, however, doesn't mean that they won't be punished; it just means that the more minor infractions will sometimes be overlooked. Do something bad enough and you will [i]always[/i] be punished. EDIT: These members aren't given more leeway simply because they're Mythics or whatnot, it's generally because they have gained themselves some respect and the moderators in question know that they're generally trustworthy, intelligent people. A blowout here and there, thus, is usually able to be overlooked. (This, by the way, is based on a collective knowledge of what mods have said in the past... this is in no way proof-positive accurate.) [Edited on 04.01.2009 9:28 PM PDT]

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