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9/25/2008 9:49:30 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Piercingtiger I can understand the confusion. If you type in the actual words, "Maddie, where are you?" into google, it goes to a Maddie Mccann website. I'm very sure that it wasn't intended. Either way, it's unfortunate. [/quote] Agreed. The problem is not with bungie it is with the US media. Having spent time living in the US and europe (im from the uk btw and am living there atm) i have seen how closed the US media is. It is a terrible thing. In my time in the US i heard very little of what was happening in the rest of the world and what i did hear was short and often very incorrect. Look at many of the posts in this thread from people asking what its all about. This has caused confusion in this thread as people from the Uk and the rest of europe have a very open meida and get far more world wide news so they expect people from the US to have the same. IMO bungie should issue a short statement to say no offence was meant and it is simply an unfortunate coincidence even if its just to cover there own backs. The UK media tho being open has some very powerful but twisted tabloid news papers that have made a fortune from the maddie case and have recently run out of stuff to write. For them this may be big money. If bungie arnt worried about bad press thats fine but it would make sence just to cover themselves.

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