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4/21/2007 12:56:30 AM

Bungie Weekly Update

Very, very short Weekly Update today, but some good news about failed Halo 2 map downloads, at the very least.

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  • Does it just give an error saying you can't download? Cause I downloaded the maps on my og box and my 360 within 30 min of them being released and they work fine.

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  • Yah, I guess I'm one of the many who can't download the maps yet. I've called 1800-4-myxbox twice now (not as much as many here) with no success so far. The reference number they gave me to call back with if I couldn't download it within 24 hours also didn't work when I called back today. Apparently their call center in Timbucktoo overseas somewhere couldn't read it to me properly. The wierd thing is, is that 6 of my Halo friends downloaded the maps the first day without a problem. A few of them had to try a couple times, but really without too much diffuculty they were successful at downloading them. Could it be that perhaps they found out about the "bugs" they didn't catch in the new maps, and aren't letting anyone else download them until the bugs are fixed??

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  • i think bungie needs to get rid of rumble pit all together and bring back the greatest game ever RUMBLE HARDCORE! it can help people get better at custom MLG gametype rules. [Edited on 04.25.2007 2:17 PM PDT]

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  • What the #@!#%@%#$% this is rediculous... i wonder because all the podcasts like major nelson and podtacular are talking about the pros of this and how it should of been up last monday i bet microsoft and bungie are trying to keep this off the podcast airways. (Gasp) Its a conspriacy!!!!! [Edited on 04.25.2007 1:47 PM PDT]

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  • Wednesday and the maps still do not install. I'm about to say forget it. What's the deal? Is it really that hard to fix?

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  • Guess what? 360 owner here and I still can't download the maps today! I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE AT ALL ABOUT THIS PROBLEM AND WHEN IT WILL BE FIXED. Please?

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  • Aww I now understand why bungie still has not reset the stats. Kinda pointless to implement new maps and reset ranks when 40% of 360 users can't even download the new maps.

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  • [quote]And this is the same company that puts out a gazillion updates every full moon? If this is a simple bandwidth/corrupted data problem, then no way should it take 8+ days. Especially on such a simpleton device such as the Xbox. I could live with the "teething problems" mentioned, it's the lack of response that I find amazing. This is basically an IT problem and any IT dept. that fails to even address a problem insides of a week will find themselves staffing a McD's soon afterwards. This is nuts... [/quote] exactly. And that's exactly why my xbox 360 and games have been the only significant purchases I've made of a Microsoft product for myself in the last 10 years. And, I'm not lumping Bungie in with Microsoft, even though they got bought out. I've been a Bungie fan since the original Marathon and can remember playing my first LAN game of Marathon on LC 520s. [Edited on 04.25.2007 12:24 PM PDT]

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  • i heard they are extending the period of time to "get the new maps dl'ed successfuly" before they reset the rankings and transition the new maps into their respectful playlists. has anyone heard when we will be playing these bad boys in match making?

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  • "that is a possibility, but on the other hand, server bandwidth is still server bandwidth. If the problem is a bandwidth problem like Live support has been suggesting, then it wouldn't matter what mechanism we use to access the server. For instance, if you surf to a website that's under a DOS attack, then it doesn't matter if you're using Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS X, Linux or anything else to get to that server, you still can't get to it." And this is the same company that puts out a gazillion updates every full moon? If this is a simple bandwidth/corrupted data problem, then no way should it take 8+ days. Especially on such a simpleton device such as the Xbox. I could live with the "teething problems" mentioned, it's the lack of response that I find amazing. This is basically an IT problem and any IT dept. that fails to even address a problem insides of a week will find themselves staffing a McD's soon afterwards. This is nuts... [Edited on 04.25.2007 12:08 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PsychoticCpu [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathbyWheelie Oh, and if there's this much trouble over releasing 2 Halo 2 maps and it is, in fact, a server issue that's taken 8+ days, so far, to resolve, then the Halo 3 Beta is screwed. With 3 maps plus an engine to release to a potentially bigger and more active installed base, there is no way on God's green earth this shoddy infrastructure will be able to distribute all that data in three weeks time...better start seeding it out now.[/quote] well the beta will be on the marketplace so that might take care of most of the problems we are getting at the moment[/quote] that is a possibility, but on the other hand, server bandwidth is still server bandwidth. If the problem is a bandwidth problem like Live support has been suggesting, then it wouldn't matter what mechanism we use to access the server. For instance, if you surf to a website that's under a DOS attack, then it doesn't matter if you're using Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS X, Linux or anything else to get to that server, you still can't get to it.

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  • I you think about it, bungie is being smart about releasing these maps. They are probably controlling how many maps are available right now, creating a huge demand for these maps since the supply of them is obvisously not alot. So Bungie is getting people that havent played H2 in a while interested in the game again, further hyping up the release of H3. Its all about marketing and -blam!- like that. I'm no know it all, but that seems like what their doing to me. Definetely dont have the new maps either by the way :-p

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] exed23 Oh, the beta is going to be available on marketplace so no worries right? That's the type of "blinders on" thinking that seems to be the problem now. Going by the events (or lack of them on either Bungie or XBL) of the last few days, I'll bet the folks using Crackdown for their access to the beta will get the darn thing with only a week left in the test, if at all. And not one, single statement from "Dumgie" will be released either... I've been trying to get Dumgie to stop screwing up my gamertag on their site, no luck there either. It's ezed23, not exed23. sheeeeshhhh[/quote] Yeah, my gt is UnfixedSNIPERJ, not UnfixedSNIPERJJ. So yeah, w/e I just want my maps!

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  • Oh, the beta is going to be available on marketplace so no worries right? That's the type of "blinders on" thinking that seems to be the problem now. Going by the events (or lack of them on either Bungie or XBL) of the last few days, I'll bet the folks using Crackdown for their access to the beta will get the darn thing with only a week left in the test, if at all. And not one, single statement from "Dumgie" will be released either... I've been trying to get Dumgie to stop screwing up my gamertag on their site, no luck there either. It's ezed23, not exed23. sheeeeshhhh [Edited on 04.25.2007 11:39 AM PDT]

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  • Yeah, but this is BS! Why would bungie say it will be fixed on Monday, and it's not. Then they don't even reply or say ANYTHING!!!! Thats a hell of a way to lose members.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathbyWheelie Oh, and if there's this much trouble over releasing 2 Halo 2 maps and it is, in fact, a server issue that's taken 8+ days, so far, to resolve, then the Halo 3 Beta is screwed. With 3 maps plus an engine to release to a potentially bigger and more active installed base, there is no way on God's green earth this shoddy infrastructure will be able to distribute all that data in three weeks time...better start seeding it out now.[/quote] well the beta will be on the marketplace so that might take care of most of the problems we are getting at the moment

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  • I just called this morning for the 5th time in 8 days. After reading back her script to her of "it's a server problem so keep trying" and saying, politely, that was crap and I'd tried over 500 times at all hours, she told me to come here to look for answers because it's a bungie game. After telling her Bungie didn't create these maps and the problem is with the release of them over xbox live, she left to find someone else. No one else knew anything so they said they're working on it. Whatever. So, I would suggest Bungie put out some sort of statement soon, especially if Live support is referring people here. Oh, and release the maps on the's really not rocket science. Oh, and if there's this much trouble over releasing 2 Halo 2 maps and it is, in fact, a server issue that's taken 8+ days, so far, to resolve, then the Halo 3 Beta is screwed. With 3 maps plus an engine to release to a potentially bigger and more active installed base, there is no way on God's green earth this shoddy infrastructure will be able to distribute all that data in three weeks time...better start seeding it out now. [Edited on 04.25.2007 10:36 AM PDT]

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  • mines 360, and ive done every friggin method of getting them and none have worked!

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  • I wonder if this is an original Xbox issue, or a 360 issue. I have a 360, and was able to get them the morning of release no problem. Now, I've helped other prople get them that was having problems with their 360. I just had them clear the cache on it and try again. I know the steps to clear the cache on the 360, but the original xbox? I know how if it's modded, but not with the standard dashboard.

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  • i still cant install the maps it is very frustrating

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CBTS Khan7 Bungie this is officially beyond ridiculous. You set out maps we have to PAY for yet the arrival day comes and like half of the people cannot get them. so then you say "some of you will be able to get them now and if not you will be able to monday" well now that you basically delayed half the people till monday I still cant get them so i wait till tuesday.. nope still cant get them.. and now its wednesday but guess what? No new maps.. so i call the people yet they cant help me.. so ima wait for u guys to fix this.. but dont EVER expect me to download maps from u guys again and expect me to pay for it.. when u pay 4 dollars for something ( i know its not much but still ) i expect to get my maps for it and be able to download it.. not wait a week or more and still not get them.. cmon bungie test it b4 u put it out.. smarten up[/quote] im with u khan i am having the same problem. my box is saying i bot them and i get the installation failed crap for the past week and wehn i call xbox they say i havnt bot them and they dont kno wat 2 do....I HAV TRIED EVERYTHING so if anyone has an idea please tell if thers a way to reset the box without losing games so i can buy them agin or sumtin like that I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!

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  • Bungie this is officially beyond ridiculous. You set out maps we have to PAY for yet the arrival day comes and like half of the people cannot get them. so then you say "some of you will be able to get them now and if not you will be able to monday" well now that you basically delayed half the people till monday I still cant get them so i wait till tuesday.. nope still cant get them.. and now its wednesday but guess what? No new maps.. so i call the people yet they cant help me.. so ima wait for u guys to fix this.. but dont EVER expect me to download maps from u guys again and expect me to pay for it.. when u pay 4 dollars for something ( i know its not much but still ) i expect to get my maps for it and be able to download it.. not wait a week or more and still not get them.. cmon bungie test it b4 u put it out.. smarten up

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  • I know this is kinda mean but for all those who havn't got to download the new levels but, you can take a virtual tour. [Edited on 04.25.2007 7:40 AM PDT]

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  • ITS WEDNESDAY! and whats this? still no maps? big farking surprise!

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  • Dude, don't even try to change the topic of this thread. I am on your side though; I have tried like 5 times and my post just gets buried in all of the complaints.

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  • kinda off subject but i wonder what bungie thinks of the leaked halo 3 footage of gameplay from the new map Last Resort a remake of zanzibar.

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