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4/21/2007 12:56:30 AM

Bungie Weekly Update

Very, very short Weekly Update today, but some good news about failed Halo 2 map downloads, at the very least.

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  • The oddest part of this whole thing is... My credit card info is right... i paid my money ... I'm getting installation problems.... I've tried just about everything... my roomate has an xbox 360 too.. at first he was having problems .... we put his correct credit card info in b/c he was having the purchase failed message ... and then he got the same error message like me... but after awhile the menu showed the new download content symbol and we tried again and it worked for him... but i still cant get the maps on my 360.. and i paid for them four days before we tried getting his. So what the heck is going on? I cant even play system link at my house with my friends this really sucks.

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  • even though SHADY K1LLAZ is being a total blam-hole i do agree that all of your guys complaing is really annoying i mean if its asking for help then thats one thing but some of you go on swearing at bungie because you cant get maps or why you have to pay 4 blam-ing measly dollars.Most people have got the maps but bungie knows something is wrong and there working with the guys and gals from xbl to fix it, just be patient you can live a couple of weeks without playing go play something else for a change until they get it fixed.. and thanks avatar tuco for saying you dont have the maps and still loving bungie (and frankie). [Edited on 04.26.2007 1:44 PM PDT]

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  • ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still no maps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your still sweet frankie

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  • ... [Edited on 04.26.2007 7:42 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ I don't know about anybody else, but I'm sick and tired of hearing all of this whining from you people who can't **download** the maps. What about the majority of us who have coughed up the cash for the new maps? We are all being punished and forced to wait. I say go ahead with the updates, these monkeys that can't get anything downloaded can still play unranked games. MM right now is complete BS because nobody cares because everyone knows that they are about to lose their rank anyways. Quit procrastinating and just do it already.[/quote] 1. The update really doesnt mean anything to me anyways so i say they can go ahead and update i dont really care the beta is coming anyways. Now you said "What about the majority of us who have coughed up the cash for the new maps?" I have coughed up the cash yet I dont have my maps so I paid (just like you) yet I cant play and what would YOU do if u just paid for the maps yet u couldnt get them (Plus im sure if they did go through the update and u still couldnt get the maps u'd be even more pissed). I think you'd atleast post on here how bungie has messed and has to get this fixed now. the more of us that talk about this the more their going to realize it has to be fixed asap. And i do realize you want the updates and I would be wanting them asap to if i had the maps. I honestly could careless about the update and im not complaining that they shouldnt update cuz they could do it right now and i wouldnt have the slightest care (im not sure about everyone elses opinion in the matter.) And by the way lastly maybe now you'll know how it atleast slightly feels for us that cant.. you'll have to wait for your update like we have to wait for our maps.. the only difference is you have your maps to atleast try out with your friends and we do not SO if your gonna tell us to stop complaining you should do the same [Edited on 04.26.2007 7:31 AM PDT]

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  • its now thursday and i still cant get the maps...

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  • I had this same problem downloading two of the three original map packs to my 360. The first one I tried didn't work (it did the same thing as the new maps are doing, telling me to go to, the second pack downloaded just fine, and the third messed up too. I ended up getting them from the mappack disc. Until I had all the maps, I couldn't play on xbox Live, period. No ranked, no unranked, no anything until I had them. I fear that the same thing will happen if they enable the new update before the rest of us can get the maps downloaded.

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  • Can I hear an Amen?!?! P.S. Bungie, please fix the fuking problem.... Please?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ I don't know about anybody else, but I'm sick and tired of hearing all of this whining from you people who can't **download** the maps. What about the majority of us who have coughed up the cash for the new maps? We are all being punished and forced to wait. I say go ahead with the updates, these monkeys that can't get anything downloaded can still play unranked games. MM right now is complete BS because nobody cares because everyone knows that they are about to lose their rank anyways. Quit procrastinating and just do it already.[/quote] dude you're an a ss hole [Edited on 04.25.2007 9:18 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathbyWheelie [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ I don't know about anybody else, but I'm sick and tired of hearing all of this whining from people who can't download the new maps.[/quote] heh, if you had any reading comprehension at all you'd realize that's not the problem for most people still unable to get the maps. [/quote] Granted there have been some small issues, but I would be willing to be that there are also a lot of issues trying to download the new maps to MODDED xboxes - if you remember from previous posts, there are new "bell and whistles" under the hood of the new servers that are running halo 2 and will be running halo 3. ;) Who knows - yes I agree not all of the people having problems are due to credit cards, but i guarantee if you add up even just the responses from people in this thread about their problem, the majority of the complaints are because of CC problems. My point is this - when the previous map packs were released, Bungie at least created a "**Team Preview" Playlist so that those who didn't have any problems downloading the maps could begin playing on the new maps. Someone needs to put down the controller from the halo 3 beta at bungie and pay some attention to halo 2. I love the new maps, they look great, I'm just saying, let's get on with it. Those who don't have the maps can still play, so why punish the [B]PAYING[/B] customers to hold out for the whiners? **edited [/quote] Well SHADY K1LLAZ, if you would have noticed many of us have payed for the maps, but cannot download them. So next time dont just read a couple of posts and say that we are all whiners that havnt paid, because it makes you sound like some super rich guy that thinks he is better than everyone else. And just to make things really really clear, Bungie did not make these maps, but that does not mean they should not take some of the blame. It is their game and they should have tested it on every connection on every setting and got it right the first time. Then when they figured out there were problems they should of at least informed of when the problem should be fixed (and not the same lie that "It will be fixed by monday" when it really wasnt) or how you could fix the problem (and not the same stuff the xbox support people said either). To finish this post off, i would also like to say that about 90% of the solutions to peoples problems dont work and it was just luck that they somehow got there maps, and about 80% of the solutions have already been said, so please dont post things we already tried and say we were retards for not trying them in the first place, because believe me, we did.

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  • Om, My problem is that it says I purchased it, So Bungie has my fukin $4, but then I cant download it. there is no sign of corruption, loss of data, or any sign of it at all on my 'Box. It just basically tells me, "weve got ur money, but we cant give what you bouth to you! Go here and then contact someone who has no clue either! Sorry, ur screwed!"

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  • You're right Galackowitz, I'm not trying to hate on anyone who can't download the maps. I feel for you, I edited that out and I hope Bungie can get a solution figured out soon. I just don't think this is right to charge people for the maps and not offer any way to play them in matchmaking (** and I said matchmaking, not custom games or offline - I don't know about anyone else, but my friends on my friends list are never on at the same time, so the most I can get in a game is 4-5 people** ) I just want to play man, and matchmaking right now is horrible. I wouldn't even care if they did a "Team Preview" list for a couple of weeks until they get it figured out. I am just very disappointed.

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  • Emptytears47a, I don't think that you got my point, which is this: There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that we don't even have the slightest idea about, and most likely never will, and there is probably a good chance that the issue is there and not with the money hungry capitalists over at Microsoft, or a marketing ploy or whatever other theories are out there. There are just times when stuff doesn't work like it should and will take time to figure out. and SHADY K1LLAZ, If you are so confident that we are all morons, do this for me: turn on halo2 and login go to XBLive go to downloads download map pack again. Wash, repeat, and Understand what the rest of us are going through.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ Granted there have been some small issues, but I would be willing to be that there are also a lot of issues trying to download the new maps to MODDED xboxes - if you remember from previous posts, there are new "bell and whistles" under the hood of the new servers that are running halo 2 and will be running halo 3. ;) Who knows - yes I agree not all of the people having problems are due to credit cards, but i guarantee if you add up even just the responses from people in this thread about their problem, the majority of the complaints are because of CC problems. My point is this - when the previous map packs were released, Bungie at least created a "New Map" Playlist so that those who didn't have any problems downloading the maps could begin playing on the new maps. Someone needs to put down the controller from the halo 3 beta at bungie and pay some attention to halo 2. I love the new maps, they look great, I'm just saying, let's get on with it. Those who don't have the maps can still play, so why punish the [B]PAYING[/B] customers to hold out for the whiners? [/quote] Looking at the different user reports on the various threads here and on, I think at this point most of the people unable to get maps are in the boat of having to deal with failed installations without any corrupt data file to delete. Some could be from Modded problems, but I bet most aren't. And it seems like those that had gotten partial files have now been able to get full maps as well as those with the premium content error have now updated their credit cards to work. At least in the last couple of days that is what seems to be getting reported. At any rate, the new map playlist is a good idea but I bet they just want to get everything fixed how they originally planned, rather than waste more engineering effort on a modified plan to deal with the bugs when they have a lot of things coming up with Halo 3.

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  • i think they havent reset the stats yet because they are trying to make it fair for people who dont have the maps yet... [Edited on 04.25.2007 5:18 PM PDT]

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  • are you going to reset the ranks its been two days since you said you were going to. Whats going on?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathbyWheelie [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ I don't know about anybody else, but I'm sick and tired of hearing all of this whining from people who can't download the new maps.[/quote] heh, if you had any reading comprehension at all you'd realize that's not the problem for most people still unable to get the maps. [/quote] Granted there have been some small issues, but I would be willing to be that there are also a lot of issues trying to download the new maps to MODDED xboxes - if you remember from previous posts, there are new "bell and whistles" under the hood of the new servers that are running halo 2 and will be running halo 3. ;) Who knows - yes I agree not all of the people having problems are due to credit cards, but i guarantee if you add up even just the responses from people in this thread about their problem, the majority of the complaints are because of CC problems. My point is this - when the previous map packs were released, Bungie at least created a "**Team Preview" Playlist so that those who didn't have any problems downloading the maps could begin playing on the new maps. Someone needs to put down the controller from the halo 3 beta at bungie and pay some attention to halo 2. I love the new maps, they look great, I'm just saying, let's get on with it. Those who don't have the maps can still play, so why punish the [B]PAYING[/B] customers to hold out for the whiners? **edited [Edited on 04.25.2007 7:10 PM PDT]

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  • wow galack i doubt anyone is going to read all that...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Galackowitz I think we all need to sit back and think about what is going on here...for starters, the infrastructure created on the 360 to play Halo 2 is an emulated one, meaning that the hardware of the original Xbox (oxbox) and of Xbox 360 are incompatible and require a software program running on the 360 to mimic the way that the oxbox would decode/encode/process, whatever, the content on the disc created for oxbox. Everyone still with me now? It is like running Mac software on a pc, or the other way around, you have to have something in the middle to allow for proper communication. And most likely, you would be unable to run a program (at least as simple as Bungie/Xbox would desire) from within the HOST OS (read 360 OS) to update something that runs within the GUEST OS (read Oxbox and Halo 2). With all that being said, everything halo 2 related worked more or less as expected on the 360 (except for Backwash); including downloading and installing the other map packs. Now I don’t remember exactly, but I think that by the time the 360 rolled out, all of the previous maps packs were free and didn’t require the purchasing aspect in order to download, you just clicked and there you go, straight to the download. My guess is that this is the first problem that we are seeing...having to go through an authentication process that is not native to the 360 to download. The second is this: Frankie, or someone, mentioned how difficult it was trying to design these maps for two different platforms at the same time (oxbox and 360?). why they would do this is beyond me, especially since experience showed them more or less that designing them for oxbox worked, again with the exception of Backwash, in the emulated environment--unless it is to fix issues such as those seen with Backwash. and looking back on another post about Bungie using this for publicity, I seriously doubt it....admittedly, while bad publicity is still publicity...I would think that they wouldn’t want the kind that makes them look like idiots, do you? Just think...if you were a kid (luckily, most here are, so this should hit home well) and have a lemonade stand that you run 5 days a week all summer and business is starting to fall off, do you go and add cyanide or whatever to your lemonade just to generate a little press and free publicity? No, you don’t. Why? Because that is just bad business, and when the day is done, so is your business. Besides, this IS Microsoft after all, and I don’t think they are too concerned about throwing a couple briefcases of money at the advertisers. And the silence from Bungie? Hopefully that is a good thing and means that they are busy at work trying to fix the issue. because we all know that they could just say whatever they want to satiate us...since some of us take their word as gospel...but they haven’t, and probably learned in the past to keep your mouth shut on things until you know FOR SURE what all the ramifications may be. Cause all they need is to be putting out another fire when they don’t have the 1st under control. And yes, I know that there are some big words here, and if you stumble on them...well, all I can say is get a dictionary and look it up, "bc adlts dont writ lik tis.”[/quote] Galackowitz, While yes you do talk well you are still not getting the whole story out in your rant...Sir/Miss. One I just had an xbox I can't get these maps to install on my oxbox as you like to give in small acronym. So while you and your 360 adult self think you have all the answers your just in the dark like any of the rest of the people being whatever age race gender. So don't make accusations thinking that you know better becuase you a little bit old.

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  • i heard that people get stuck at two parts: cant even download the maps. says you purchased them, but their was an error, and when you check the memory in the hard drive, you find out that its corrupted data or something. for the first one, i've heard that its the players' issue of not putting the right credit card number or something else that has to do with your credit card payment. for the second one, i hear that its usually just your xbox or the server from where you download the maps, or where ever you download it from. i thought i came up with something to download the maps from here, but according to the replies i got, it only works with some people. im guessing that this is a problem with the server or just a matter of how your xbox only responds to certain methods other people have used to download the maps. not sure if it helped, but wth.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ I don't know about anybody else, but I'm sick and tired of hearing all of this whining from you retards who can't figure out how to type in a credit card number.[/quote] heh, if you had any reading comprehension at all you'd realize that's not the problem for most people still unable to get the maps. And, Galackowitz, I appreciate your post, but I don't think the problem lies with Bungie or is about map design or emulation. Instead it's an xbox live problem. And, there have already been downloads for Halo 2 and other emulated games available, have there not? So the mechanisms should already be in place. Personally, I'd just like to hear something official about what the problem is and then wait it out.

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  • I don't know about anybody else, but I'm sick and tired of hearing all of this whining from you people who can't **download** the maps. What about the majority of us who have coughed up the cash for the new maps? We are all being punished and forced to wait. I say go ahead with the updates, these monkeys that can't get anything downloaded can still play unranked games. MM right now is complete BS because nobody cares because everyone knows that they are about to lose their rank anyways. Quit procrastinating and just do it already. [Edited on 04.25.2007 6:50 PM PDT]

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  • I think we all need to sit back and think about what is going on here...for starters, the infrastructure created on the 360 to play Halo 2 is an emulated one, meaning that the hardware of the original Xbox (oxbox) and of Xbox 360 are incompatible and require a software program running on the 360 to mimic the way that the oxbox would decode/encode/process, whatever, the content on the disc created for oxbox. Everyone still with me now? It is like running Mac software on a pc, or the other way around, you have to have something in the middle to allow for proper communication. And most likely, you would be unable to run a program (at least as simple as Bungie/Xbox would desire) from within the HOST OS (read 360 OS) to update something that runs within the GUEST OS (read Oxbox and Halo 2). With all that being said, everything halo 2 related worked more or less as expected on the 360 (except for Backwash); including downloading and installing the other map packs. Now I don’t remember exactly, but I think that by the time the 360 rolled out, all of the previous maps packs were free and didn’t require the purchasing aspect in order to download, you just clicked and there you go, straight to the download. My guess is that this is the first problem that we are seeing...having to go through an authentication process that is not native to the 360 to download. The second is this: Frankie, or someone, mentioned how difficult it was trying to design these maps for two different platforms at the same time (oxbox and 360?). why they would do this is beyond me, especially since experience showed them more or less that designing them for oxbox worked, again with the exception of Backwash, in the emulated environment--unless it is to fix issues such as those seen with Backwash. and looking back on another post about Bungie using this for publicity, I seriously doubt it....admittedly, while bad publicity is still publicity...I would think that they wouldn’t want the kind that makes them look like idiots, do you? Just think...if you were a kid (luckily, most here are, so this should hit home well) and have a lemonade stand that you run 5 days a week all summer and business is starting to fall off, do you go and add cyanide or whatever to your lemonade just to generate a little press and free publicity? No, you don’t. Why? Because that is just bad business, and when the day is done, so is your business. Besides, this IS Microsoft after all, and I don’t think they are too concerned about throwing a couple briefcases of money at the advertisers. And the silence from Bungie? Hopefully that is a good thing and means that they are busy at work trying to fix the issue. because we all know that they could just say whatever they want to satiate us...since some of us take their word as gospel...but they haven’t, and probably learned in the past to keep your mouth shut on things until you know FOR SURE what all the ramifications may be. Cause all they need is to be putting out another fire when they don’t have the 1st under control. And yes, I know that there are some big words here, and if you stumble on them...well, all I can say is get a dictionary and look it up, "bc adlts dont writ lik tis.”

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  • It says something like "instalation failed"

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  • Does it just give an error saying you can't download? Cause I downloaded the maps on my og box and my 360 within 30 min of them being released and they work fine.

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