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originally posted in: One Final Effort
4/17/2010 12:41:34 AM
Oh man, soooo many great memories of Halo 2. This game was a HUUUGGGGE deal for me. Halo CE lan parties had been awesome, and my hype for this game was growing uncontrollable. About two years or so before this game came out, I became a manager of a GameStop store, and when the time came to get pre-orders I pushed this game like nothing before and nothing after(well, maybe Halo 3). I worked my buy off to get the highest reserves in my district on this, and every other manager in the district knew I was the crazy Halo fan of the district. One of the best memories of the period before this game launched would probably be our annual GameStop managers conference. A few months before the release of the game, and I was lucky enough to win a "vip" ticked to play the game at the conference. It was such a blast. The launch at my store for this game was insanely nuts, busy, and one of the funnest nights I've ever had working EVER. Then after we finally got done and the store cleaned up, I FINNALLY got to go home and play this game. Definitely didn't sleep at all that night. Too busy playing, and trying to come up with a cool clan name before it got taken. Our clan was never terribly organized, or good, but it was sure fun. Halo 2 created some of the best memories of my job, the friends I made at my job, and the times spent with old college friends playing this game in lan and online for years after the launch. It trulylived up to Ninja on fire metaphor. Halo 2 online, you will be missed!

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