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originally posted in: One Final Effort
4/16/2010 10:00:41 PM
Plenty to hold us off until the BWU. Thanks urk! My favourite Halo 2 memory... I remember years ago, before the 360 launched and before I got live, me and two of my friends would play a game we called "ubernaut." It was a Juggernaut variant where the Juggernaut had infinite ammo, damage reduction, and a 4x overshield. The only grace the non-juggs were given was random weapon spawns, as there were no weapons on map. The game basically progressed with the Juggernaut hunting us down across Coagulation and destroying us, until both normals spawned or picked up off corpses Rockets and the Sniper Rifle. Even then, the juggernaut was nigh unkillable, and it was a team effort just to unseat him. We all knew which of the three of us was the best at it; it was truly a competition for second. These games would last hours, but I thought they were both awesome and hilarious. Thank you Halo 2 team for this possibility. [Edited on 04.16.2010 2:06 PM PDT]

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