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originally posted in: Halo 2, Xbox LIVE and You
2/5/2010 8:27:30 PM
Besides... Microsoft, you are going to be DOING SOMETHING to make up for this Abomination of an idea once its through, so what are you going to do? How are you going to improve the Xbox360 live? What are you going to do to help improve the Live?! But, luckly Halo Reach will cheer up the Halo side of the Xbox live a bit, but not enough. PS. you [b]DONT[/b] need to read the next bit Just to let you know Bungie, ever since i seen Halo Combat evolved, ive admired your work and am now hopeful to someday work at Bungie or a place like it. AND YES 96 does stand for the fact i am 13, im quite a computing guy or a sketchpad artist, not as good as i could be.

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