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12/12/2012 5:48:30 AM

Signing your own posts -- necessary?

Since we still have nothing to talk about still, I began thinking about something most of us have an opinion on; signing posts. Is signing a post really necessary? What is supposed to symbolize? I've seen many members over the years who always signed their name or a shortened version of their name, such as TGP or Hawkeye, but I've always kind of seen it as being a useless way to waste a few extra seconds of your day. It is always necessary to sign a birthday card, a letter, and checks and receipts. When you use a signature it is a way of formally finishing a transaction or a personal message or letter to another individual. Participating in a group discussion on a web forum doesn't really require a personal signature, in my opinion. Before you read this post, you probably noticed my avatar, maybe the Mythic title bar, the topic obviously caught your attention as well (whether it be for the sake of a new thread in the Septagon for a change, or you have an opinion on the matter as well), but one thing I can comfortably accuse all of you of is that you probably looked to see who made this post before you read it. That is the natural order of contributing to a forum, right? Read topic title> note author of the topic> read body of thread> decide whether or not you want to reply/read other responses> respond yourself/leave with responding, right? To me, signing your post is just an eye sore you slapped on my monitor while I am casually scrolling through. I personally feel it is an attempt to single yourself out from the crowd, maybe get some attention. I don't like it. One scenario in which I feel it is necessary is if someone where to edit a post that was originally posted by someone else. Then it would be okay to maybe sign the bottom and include a reason for the edit. But then again, the edit time stamp does include the individuals name if it wasn't the original poster.... How do you feel? And go ahead, I am expecting 80% of the replies to include signatures.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Make117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GrandmasterNinja [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Make117 You missed my point completely. I could just press ctrl+v every time I post. [/quote] The last thing I copied is completly NSFW, so unfortunatly i can't ctrl+v right now lol[/quote]Mine is just Finnish. My point here is that if I went and posted the same thing (whatever it is) on every thread here, I would get reported for spam. I just don't know how signatures are any different. [/quote]Because, obviously, it's not the entirety of someone-who-uses-a-signature's post, whereas in your example you would just be posting the same thing all the time, every time. I get that you're trying to make a point, one that [i]may[/i] be valid, but it falls flat on its face when you consider the fact that the average signature is 5 characters or less and is not nearly as intrusive as posting the same exact thing in every thread without actually making a legitimate post. ©

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