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12/12/2012 8:52:13 PM

343i - A Look At What's Wrong Right Now

This has been a trend for a while now, yet as of late it seems to have become more prevalent. I of course mean the attitude of "Well it's their product, they can do what they want, you get what you get". Why on Earth would anyone want to promote an ideal like that? Yes, it is VERY prevalent in the video game industry lately. More corners cut, less product shipped, more unfinished products shipped. Why keep going like this? If you bought a TV and it shipped lets say without a few imputs working, less packing material was used, and the manual was basic with the complete one offered online, would you still buy this TV? What is the company promised to eventually fixed the issues at an unset date, because they were so proud of their TV that they just NEEDED to ship it out in this condition. Would you buy this TV? It's okay, even though it's not finished the TV is still full price. I'm sure that's fine with you though, it's a new company and their first TV, even though it's entirely run by industry veterans. Oh and they offered a higher definition, but then almost at the last minute made every TV the same HD. Those who bought the HD model were not compensated however, but they got a nice box and a complete manual out of the deal! One last thing, the TV randomly powers off your cable and internet. You can still watch DVDs and stuff, so I'm sure you don't mind. Halo 4 is this TV. 343i is the TV manufacturer. Why are any of you defending levels of BS like this? If it were any other product the company would fail and be ostracized until they got it together again. Stop defending someone that shipped a half finished product and cut corners. They have no excuses and you shouldn't give them any. So why do you? tldr; 343i shipped Halo 4 half finished. If someone shipped a half finished TV you wouldn't buy it. Why are you putting up with this?
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  • A half finished game the way you put it would be full of bugs, glitches and other game-breaking things (No, the DMR is not gamebreaking). What 343 is doing is like starting off with just the 4 original tv channels, then adding more channels depending on what people watch.

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  • Halo 4 has no real issues but the weapons balance.

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  • Because, if folks were herp derp enough to go for Reach as a horrid unfinished product, then they can go for this one too.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio Please, can you just post something non-Halo related for once?[/quote]I have a few times. You always come into the thread and yell at me about how I post to much about Halo. Kind of like now actually, seeing as the subject of this thread is 343i.[/quote] The subject might be 343i but the premise of your argument is Halo related.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R Go to the Bethesda forum. People hate on Skyrim non-stop even though it won game of the year.[/quote] Skyrim didn't deserve game of the year. People rightfully bash and criticize the game because it was dumbed down and full of game breaking bugs.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 They are doing a crappy job. Some time at the end of December maybe does NOT make me confident about getting an update anytime soon. Bungie was rushed and had less time as a whole to work on Halo 2, yet the game shipped with all features active. Hell Mass Effect 3 got finished in two years, and it is about 4x as large as Halo 4. The only issue with them was an extremely open ending. Millions of dollars and industry veterans should have easily been able to meet their deadline.[/quote] Ugh, 1.) There's going to be an update this January. 2.) The reason why Halo 2 shipped with all it's stuff intact was because they had the same amount of time as 343i, but they had less stuff to work on. Plus, they were experts, too. They've made many games before. 3.) Mass Effect 3 was also made by an older and more professional company with many more workers. Obviously, it's going to meet its deadline.[/quote]Ugh makes it sound like this is expected knowledge. The last OFFICIAL update I heard was kind of sort of maybe in December but probably not really. Bungie was not made of "veterans". Bungie was making their second big title, innovating console multiplayer. They developed the damn system from the ground up and almost had to cut it. They did way more than 343i did. 343i sat down, went wow what a nice Reach engine, put new graphics on it, removed half of the gametypes, and messed with forge. WOW they did so much with the engine. Once again, guys who have been working of AAA titles for years, this isn't even an argument. Please, show me evidence of that statistic you pulled out of nowhere.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 They are doing a crappy job. Some time at the end of December maybe does NOT make me confident about getting an update anytime soon. Bungie was rushed and had less time as a whole to work on Halo 2, yet the game shipped with all features active. Hell Mass Effect 3 got finished in two years, and it is about 4x as large as Halo 4. The only issue with them was an extremely open ending. Millions of dollars and industry veterans should have easily been able to meet their deadline.[/quote] Ugh, 1.) There's going to be an update this January. 2.) The reason why Halo 2 shipped with all it's stuff intact was because they had the same amount of time as 343i, but they had less stuff to work on. Plus, they were experts, too. They've made many games before. 3.) Mass Effect 3 was also made by an older and more professional company with many more workers. Obviously, it's going to meet its deadline. [Edited on 12.13.2012 9:10 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 Worse than Reach or Halo 4?[/quote] Yes. There was a website made to just hate on Halo 2.[/quote]Huh. Interesting, I suppose that's expected given the drastic changes. As far as Halo 3 goes though I can say that there was no real backlash. There were the recon guys, the I got banned guys, and the I got killed by a BR this game is trash guys. There weren't really any "haters" though, at least from what I remember from back in the day. Yes I will refer to 08' as back in the day.[/quote] Can't say. I decided to just play the game instead of visiting the forums. I should have done the same thing with Reach. I seriously hate going to game forums because they are practically littered with "This game sucks ass, fix it!" and everyone whining about how much the last game was so much better. Every. Single. Gaming community does this. Not joking each sequel will have this huge hate train going. Don't believe me? Go to the Bethesda forum. People hate on Skyrim non-stop even though it won game of the year. Go to the mass effect forum. I remember people religiously hating ME2 now they freaking love it and are now hating on ME3. Go to the Call of Duty forum people are probably hating on BLOPS2. I don't like Halo 4 either op but each sequel always has a huge blacklash because different people have different opinions.[/quote]Oh I am not doubting that, but there is no denying that the hate is worse for Halo 4 as people will slowly come to realize it's flaws. Every game of course has it's flaws, and diehard fans will always rage, but this is a different beast at this point. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 You think I spend more time in I hate halo 4 threads than you? I havent even being stalking this thread. I just saw that someone had bumped it while I was in another thread. And no eagle, it is pathetic. You write out an essay saying how much you hate a videogame. I even gave you advice. Let it go. Go get another game. Read that book youve never gotten the chance to finish. Play dishonored idk just move on.[/quote]You make it sound like I sit in my room for 12 hours a day plotting on how I am going to next insult Halo 4. Contrary to what you may think I am not the crappiest super villain known to man. I am a man disappointed in the poor quality of the newest game in a series I grew up playing. That being said this thread isn't about the gameplay itself, it is about the fact that they shipped a half finished game at full price and have no set date to fix it. They also screwed over most LE buyers. It is BS business and that is what I am mad about.[/quote] OP Im sorry but with all the I hate halo 4 threads you create I cant help but think that is you. Like I said, let it go. Move one. Play dishonored dammit.[/quote]The hate threads started after I watched the leaked campaign after having the ending spoiled for me. It was so terrible that it killed any excitement I had for the game. You are welcome to check that if you want, I guarantee the first thread I made was the week the game leaked. It's a lingering disappointment. I have been playing other games, I haven't touched Halo 4 for longer than one or two games in about 2 weeks now. You are also missing the fact that I made this thread after the onslaught of people defending 343i for all the missing content and such. Praise the game all you want, but any other company would have much more backlash for this by now. [/quote] Ever since it was leaked? And you still keep going on with the hate threads? I agree with kenway, eagle this is sort of pointless now. Play another game not write essays every week on how much you hate halo 4.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 The hate threads started after I watched the leaked campaign after having the ending spoiled for me. It was so terrible that it killed any excitement I had for the game. You are welcome to check that if you want, I guarantee the first thread I made was the week the game leaked. It's a lingering disappointment. I have been playing other games, I haven't touched Halo 4 for longer than one or two games in about 2 weeks now. You are also missing the fact that I made this thread after the onslaught of people defending 343i for all the missing content and such. Praise the game all you want, but any other company would have much more backlash for this by now. [/quote] Wait, wut 343i wasn't responsible for the missing content (if you're talking about specialisations, then they were given a list of who was eligible.) That was MS's doing. Don't blame the puppet-blame the ventriloquist. And as for that, barely anyone defended 343i on that behalf. Like, seriously, I'm probably one of the biggest Halo fanboy there is, and even [i] I [/i] couldn't defend those actions.[/quote]Well good. Yes the LE as a whole was BS. Huge BS. I also mean file browser, the shoddy servers, and the continued lack of a ranking system that encourages winning. Then of course the bugs and glitches that in some cases are painfully obvious. It's just for the most part, aside from the ranking system, inexcusable things. This is no longer a week in oh they'll fix it, we are about a month and a half in now.[/quote] If you want to point fingers, point them at Microsoft, they're ones who rushed 343i. There's a lot of bugs, I'll agree, and I'm not happy with the File Browser, but they're all being fixed, which is better than nothing. It shows you that, even for an incomplete game, they care about it. They're not just ignoring it-at least they're trying.[/quote]They are doing a crappy job. Some time at the end of December maybe does NOT make me confident about getting an update anytime soon. Bungie was rushed and had less time as a whole to work on Halo 2, yet the game shipped with all features active. Hell Mass Effect 3 got finished in two years, and it is about 4x as large as Halo 4. The only issue with them was an extremely open ending. Millions of dollars and industry veterans should have easily been able to meet their deadline.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 The hate threads started after I watched the leaked campaign after having the ending spoiled for me. It was so terrible that it killed any excitement I had for the game. You are welcome to check that if you want, I guarantee the first thread I made was the week the game leaked. It's a lingering disappointment. I have been playing other games, I haven't touched Halo 4 for longer than one or two games in about 2 weeks now. You are also missing the fact that I made this thread after the onslaught of people defending 343i for all the missing content and such. Praise the game all you want, but any other company would have much more backlash for this by now. [/quote] Wait, wut 343i wasn't responsible for the missing content (if you're talking about specialisations, then they were given a list of who was eligible.) That was MS's doing. Don't blame the puppet-blame the ventriloquist. And as for that, barely anyone defended 343i on that behalf. Like, seriously, I'm probably one of the biggest Halo fanboy there is, and even [i] I [/i] couldn't defend those actions.[/quote]Well good. Yes the LE as a whole was BS. Huge BS. I also mean file browser, the shoddy servers, and the continued lack of a ranking system that encourages winning. Then of course the bugs and glitches that in some cases are painfully obvious. It's just for the most part, aside from the ranking system, inexcusable things. This is no longer a week in oh they'll fix it, we are about a month and a half in now.[/quote] If you want to point fingers, point them at Microsoft, they're ones who rushed 343i. There's a lot of bugs, I'll agree, and I'm not happy with the File Browser, but they're all being fixed, which is better than nothing. It shows you that, even for an incomplete game, they care about it. They're not just ignoring it-at least they're trying.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 The hate threads started after I watched the leaked campaign after having the ending spoiled for me. It was so terrible that it killed any excitement I had for the game. You are welcome to check that if you want, I guarantee the first thread I made was the week the game leaked. It's a lingering disappointment. I have been playing other games, I haven't touched Halo 4 for longer than one or two games in about 2 weeks now. You are also missing the fact that I made this thread after the onslaught of people defending 343i for all the missing content and such. Praise the game all you want, but any other company would have much more backlash for this by now. [/quote] Wait, wut 343i wasn't responsible for the missing content (if you're talking about specialisations, then they were given a list of who was eligible.) That was MS's doing. Don't blame the puppet-blame the ventriloquist. And as for that, barely anyone defended 343i on that behalf. Like, seriously, I'm probably one of the biggest Halo fanboy there is, and even [i] I [/i] couldn't defend those actions.[/quote]Well good. Yes the LE as a whole was BS. Huge BS. I also mean file browser, the shoddy servers, and the continued lack of a ranking system that encourages winning. Then of course the bugs and glitches that in some cases are painfully obvious. It's just for the most part, aside from the ranking system, inexcusable things. This is no longer a week in oh they'll fix it, we are about a month and a half in now.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 The hate threads started after I watched the leaked campaign after having the ending spoiled for me. It was so terrible that it killed any excitement I had for the game. You are welcome to check that if you want, I guarantee the first thread I made was the week the game leaked. It's a lingering disappointment. I have been playing other games, I haven't touched Halo 4 for longer than one or two games in about 2 weeks now. You are also missing the fact that I made this thread after the onslaught of people defending 343i for all the missing content and such. Praise the game all you want, but any other company would have much more backlash for this by now. [/quote] Wait, wut 343i wasn't responsible for the missing content (if you're talking about specialisations, then they were given a list of who was eligible.) That was MS's doing. Don't blame the puppet-blame the ventriloquist. And as for that, barely anyone defended 343i on that behalf. Like, seriously, I'm probably one of the biggest Halo fanboy there is, and even [i] I [/i] couldn't defend those actions.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 Worse than Reach or Halo 4?[/quote] Yes. There was a website made to just hate on Halo 2.[/quote]Huh. Interesting, I suppose that's expected given the drastic changes. As far as Halo 3 goes though I can say that there was no real backlash. There were the recon guys, the I got banned guys, and the I got killed by a BR this game is trash guys. There weren't really any "haters" though, at least from what I remember from back in the day. Yes I will refer to 08' as back in the day.[/quote] Can't say. I decided to just play the game instead of visiting the forums. I should have done the same thing with Reach. I seriously hate going to game forums because they are practically littered with "This game sucks ass, fix it!" and everyone whining about how much the last game was so much better. Every. Single. Gaming community does this. Not joking each sequel will have this huge hate train going. Don't believe me? Go to the Bethesda forum. People hate on Skyrim non-stop even though it won game of the year. Go to the mass effect forum. I remember people religiously hating ME2 now they freaking love it and are now hating on ME3. Go to the Call of Duty forum people are probably hating on BLOPS2. I don't like Halo 4 either op but each sequel always has a huge blacklash because different people have different opinions.[/quote]Oh I am not doubting that, but there is no denying that the hate is worse for Halo 4 as people will slowly come to realize it's flaws. Every game of course has it's flaws, and diehard fans will always rage, but this is a different beast at this point. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 You think I spend more time in I hate halo 4 threads than you? I havent even being stalking this thread. I just saw that someone had bumped it while I was in another thread. And no eagle, it is pathetic. You write out an essay saying how much you hate a videogame. I even gave you advice. Let it go. Go get another game. Read that book youve never gotten the chance to finish. Play dishonored idk just move on.[/quote]You make it sound like I sit in my room for 12 hours a day plotting on how I am going to next insult Halo 4. Contrary to what you may think I am not the crappiest super villain known to man. I am a man disappointed in the poor quality of the newest game in a series I grew up playing. That being said this thread isn't about the gameplay itself, it is about the fact that they shipped a half finished game at full price and have no set date to fix it. They also screwed over most LE buyers. It is BS business and that is what I am mad about.[/quote] OP Im sorry but with all the I hate halo 4 threads you create I cant help but think that is you. Like I said, let it go. Move one. Play dishonored dammit.[/quote]The hate threads started after I watched the leaked campaign after having the ending spoiled for me. It was so terrible that it killed any excitement I had for the game. You are welcome to check that if you want, I guarantee the first thread I made was the week the game leaked. It's a lingering disappointment. I have been playing other games, I haven't touched Halo 4 for longer than one or two games in about 2 weeks now. You are also missing the fact that I made this thread after the onslaught of people defending 343i for all the missing content and such. Praise the game all you want, but any other company would have much more backlash for this by now.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 You think I spend more time in I hate halo 4 threads than you? I havent even being stalking this thread. I just saw that someone had bumped it while I was in another thread. And no eagle, it is pathetic. You write out an essay saying how much you hate a videogame. I even gave you advice. Let it go. Go get another game. Read that book youve never gotten the chance to finish. Play dishonored idk just move on.[/quote]You make it sound like I sit in my room for 12 hours a day plotting on how I am going to next insult Halo 4. Contrary to what you may think I am not the crappiest super villain known to man. I am a man disappointed in the poor quality of the newest game in a series I grew up playing. That being said this thread isn't about the gameplay itself, it is about the fact that they shipped a half finished game at full price and have no set date to fix it. They also screwed over most LE buyers. It is BS business and that is what I am mad about.[/quote] OP Im sorry but with all the I hate halo 4 threads you create I cant help but think that is you. Like I said, let it go. Move one. Play dishonored dammit.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 Worse than Reach or Halo 4?[/quote] Yes. There was a website made to just hate on Halo 2.[/quote]Huh. Interesting, I suppose that's expected given the drastic changes. As far as Halo 3 goes though I can say that there was no real backlash. There were the recon guys, the I got banned guys, and the I got killed by a BR this game is trash guys. There weren't really any "haters" though, at least from what I remember from back in the day. Yes I will refer to 08' as back in the day.[/quote] Can't say. I decided to just play the game instead of visiting the forums. I should have done the same thing with Reach. I seriously hate going to game forums because they are practically littered with "This game sucks ass, fix it!" and everyone whining about how much the last game was so much better. Every. Single. Gaming community does this. Not joking each sequel will have this huge hate train going. Don't believe me? Go to the Bethesda forum. People hate on Skyrim non-stop even though it won game of the year. Go to the mass effect forum. I remember people religiously hating ME2 now they freaking love it and are now hating on ME3. Go to the Call of Duty forum people are probably hating on BLOPS2. I don't like Halo 4 either op but each sequel always has a huge blacklash because different people have different opinions.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 You think I spend more time in I hate halo 4 threads than you? I havent even being stalking this thread. I just saw that someone had bumped it while I was in another thread. And no eagle, it is pathetic. You write out an essay saying how much you hate a videogame. I even gave you advice. Let it go. Go get another game. Read that book youve never gotten the chance to finish. Play dishonored idk just move on.[/quote]You make it sound like I sit in my room for 12 hours a day plotting on how I am going to next insult Halo 4. Contrary to what you may think I am not the crappiest super villain known to man. I am a man disappointed in the poor quality of the newest game in a series I grew up playing. That being said this thread isn't about the gameplay itself, it is about the fact that they shipped a half finished game at full price and have no set date to fix it. They also screwed over most LE buyers. It is BS business and that is what I am mad about.

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  • The irony of people who make alts to quote themselves in order to sound like they have mass support. Stay bad at alt making.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio Okay, we get it, man.[/quote]Okay. So why bother posting? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BestSpartan117 We are in the site of the creators of halo sherlock. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio Please, can you just post something non-Halo related for once?[/quote][/quote] I know that, but OP mostly rants about Halo 4. It's as if that's all he talks about. I mean, I don't care if you rant about it, but if that's all you do, you've got issues, is all I'm saying.[/quote]Well, I can talk about most other things with these people I call friends. So for around 30 minutes or an hour a day I will come on and try to have some discussion about a topic that I am angered about. Really though, your insults are just adorable. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rabid Grunt 3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AMW Godfather Well laugh all you want, the only point I was really trying to make was how sad it is that many people spend a good portion of their online time to type out college essays on why they hate a VIDEOGAME. Halo2, Halo3, HaloReach, Halo4, it doesn't matter, it is all the same in a neverending wheel of whining. We get it, you hate the game, GREAT! Move on with you lives and start a new game or hobby. I see the various problems with Halo4, I am just not petty or pathetic enough to constantly whine about it. Then again, I am an adult. I am thankful for the escape it gives me and my friends when we want to get away for a bit, laugh a bit, kill a bit. Sorry you expected so much more.[/quote] To all the posters above, this sums up my feelings perfectly. It's a video game, get over yourselves. [/quote]If you think that any of the topics I make take longer than 5 minutes to type up you must have very slow hands. As for the games, there was never this much backlash until Reach. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or is repeating something someone who was lying told them. Until Reach there were never "holy god this game is awful" threads. Both Reach and Halo 4 are missteps for the series. I WISH I could have fun on Halo 4 like I used to with my friends on Halo 3. I really do. You're not more mature because you tolerate this game. There are many games out there, some free, that are FAR better than Halo 4. I will not be buying another 343i game, I can tell you all that much. Think about this, if Bungie ran out of ideas on how to make a new Halo, what was 343i supposed to do? When the original creator runs out of ideas for new stories it's a sign to just leave it be.[/quote] Halo 2 was actually the most hated and had the biggest backlash...[/quote]Worse than Reach or Halo 4? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 This thread is still alive? Damn eagle have you nothing better to do. Its like at least 45% of I hate halo 4 threads come from you. Its getting kind of pathetic. [/quote]And yet 98% of the comments seem to come from you and the two other guys who sit here and try to derail my threads. I think that's the more pathetic part. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rabid Grunt 3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AMW Godfather Well laugh all you want, the only point I was really trying to make was how sad it is that many people spend a good portion of their online time to type out college essays on why they hate a VIDEOGAME. Halo2, Halo3, HaloReach, Halo4, it doesn't matter, it is all the same in a neverending wheel of whining. We get it, you hate the game, GREAT! Move on with you lives and start a new game or hobby. I see the various problems with Halo4, I am just not petty or pathetic enough to constantly whine about it. Then again, I am an adult. I am thankful for the escape it gives me and my friends when we want to get away for a bit, laugh a bit, kill a bit. Sorry you expected so much more.[/quote] To all the posters above, this sums up my feelings perfectly. It's a video game, get over yourselves. [/quote]If you think that any of the topics I make take longer than 5 minutes to type up you must have very slow hands. As for the games, there was never this much backlash until Reach. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or is repeating something someone who was lying told them. Until Reach there were never "holy god this game is awful" threads. Both Reach and Halo 4 are missteps for the series. I WISH I could have fun on Halo 4 like I used to with my friends on Halo 3. I really do. You're not more mature because you tolerate this game. There are many games out there, some free, that are FAR better than Halo 4. I will not be buying another 343i game, I can tell you all that much. Think about this, if Bungie ran out of ideas on how to make a new Halo, what was 343i supposed to do? When the original creator runs out of ideas for new stories it's a sign to just leave it be.[/quote] Its not pathetic that you cannot stand the game. Thats your opinion and we hold nothing against you for it. What is pathetic is that you type out an essay telling us how much you hate it. And that most I hate halo 4 threads come from you. Eagle, its simple. Let it go and stop crying. Go to gamestop. Return halo 4. Get your money back and buy a new game that you would like. Go home, play it and have fun. Me? I am enjoying it alot. I see its flaws but that doesnt keep me from having fun. But you're not me so I understand that you dont like it. [/quote]Well seeing as this is a forum and I am free to make topics as I please I will kindly ask you to rethink your response. Who is worse, the guy who spends 5 minutes writing up a few paragraphs to talk about something, or the guys who spend 30 minutes stalking his thread for any chance to get in some dig about how I spend to much time talking about Halo 4? Yeah. [/quote] You think I spend more time in I hate halo 4 threads than you? I havent even being stalking this thread. I just saw that someone had bumped it while I was in another thread. And no eagle, it is pathetic. You write out an essay saying how much you hate a videogame. I even gave you advice. Let it go. Go get another game. Read that book youve never gotten the chance to finish. Play dishonored idk just move on.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 Worse than Reach or Halo 4?[/quote] Yes. There was a website made to just hate on Halo 2.[/quote]Huh. Interesting, I suppose that's expected given the drastic changes. As far as Halo 3 goes though I can say that there was no real backlash. There were the recon guys, the I got banned guys, and the I got killed by a BR this game is trash guys. There weren't really any "haters" though, at least from what I remember from back in the day. Yes I will refer to 08' as back in the day.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DarkBen64 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio Please, can you just post something non-Halo related for once?[/quote]He tries to sound like he knows what he's talking about. FFS dude shut it, we get it you don't like Halo 4.[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 As for the games, there was never this much backlash until Reach.[/quote] Or you're wearing rose tinted goggles.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ElementalRunner Hahaha how many threads and hours are people gonna waste making things like this. Do you actually want 343 to see this instead of...what? Ranting and ranting in order to merely convey opinion and have fellow people give you a good wack on wack off. "I agree." "First intelligent post all day." "You're right OP!" "Have my babies." Eh whatever, I'm just not the kind of guy to obsess over a video game. I like lore, but I never make threads and threads about it. Why can't you be cool like me?[/quote][url=]­[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 Worse than Reach or Halo 4?[/quote] Yes. There was a website made to just hate on Halo 2.[/quote] In fact, if I can recall, a huge portion hated Halo 2 at the time.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 Worse than Reach or Halo 4?[/quote] Yes. There was a website made to just hate on Halo 2.

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  • Hahaha how many threads and hours are people gonna waste making things like this. Do you actually want 343 to see this instead of...what? Ranting and ranting in order to merely convey opinion and have fellow people give you a good wack on wack off. "I agree." "First intelligent post all day." "You're right OP!" "Have my babies." Eh whatever, I'm just not the kind of guy to obsess over a video game. I like lore, but I never make threads and threads about it. Why can't you be cool like me?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio Okay, we get it, man.[/quote]Okay. So why bother posting? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BestSpartan117 We are in the site of the creators of halo sherlock. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rokklaggio Please, can you just post something non-Halo related for once?[/quote][/quote] I know that, but OP mostly rants about Halo 4. It's as if that's all he talks about. I mean, I don't care if you rant about it, but if that's all you do, you've got issues, is all I'm saying.[/quote]Well, I can talk about most other things with these people I call friends. So for around 30 minutes or an hour a day I will come on and try to have some discussion about a topic that I am angered about. Really though, your insults are just adorable. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TH3_AV3NG3R [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rabid Grunt 3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AMW Godfather Well laugh all you want, the only point I was really trying to make was how sad it is that many people spend a good portion of their online time to type out college essays on why they hate a VIDEOGAME. Halo2, Halo3, HaloReach, Halo4, it doesn't matter, it is all the same in a neverending wheel of whining. We get it, you hate the game, GREAT! Move on with you lives and start a new game or hobby. I see the various problems with Halo4, I am just not petty or pathetic enough to constantly whine about it. Then again, I am an adult. I am thankful for the escape it gives me and my friends when we want to get away for a bit, laugh a bit, kill a bit. Sorry you expected so much more.[/quote] To all the posters above, this sums up my feelings perfectly. It's a video game, get over yourselves. [/quote]If you think that any of the topics I make take longer than 5 minutes to type up you must have very slow hands. As for the games, there was never this much backlash until Reach. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or is repeating something someone who was lying told them. Until Reach there were never "holy god this game is awful" threads. Both Reach and Halo 4 are missteps for the series. I WISH I could have fun on Halo 4 like I used to with my friends on Halo 3. I really do. You're not more mature because you tolerate this game. There are many games out there, some free, that are FAR better than Halo 4. I will not be buying another 343i game, I can tell you all that much. Think about this, if Bungie ran out of ideas on how to make a new Halo, what was 343i supposed to do? When the original creator runs out of ideas for new stories it's a sign to just leave it be.[/quote] Halo 2 was actually the most hated and had the biggest backlash...[/quote]Worse than Reach or Halo 4? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 This thread is still alive? Damn eagle have you nothing better to do. Its like at least 45% of I hate halo 4 threads come from you. Its getting kind of pathetic. [/quote]And yet 98% of the comments seem to come from you and the two other guys who sit here and try to derail my threads. I think that's the more pathetic part. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Connor Kenway 99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Black Eagle X99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rabid Grunt 3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AMW Godfather Well laugh all you want, the only point I was really trying to make was how sad it is that many people spend a good portion of their online time to type out college essays on why they hate a VIDEOGAME. Halo2, Halo3, HaloReach, Halo4, it doesn't matter, it is all the same in a neverending wheel of whining. We get it, you hate the game, GREAT! Move on with you lives and start a new game or hobby. I see the various problems with Halo4, I am just not petty or pathetic enough to constantly whine about it. Then again, I am an adult. I am thankful for the escape it gives me and my friends when we want to get away for a bit, laugh a bit, kill a bit. Sorry you expected so much more.[/quote] To all the posters above, this sums up my feelings perfectly. It's a video game, get over yourselves. [/quote]If you think that any of the topics I make take longer than 5 minutes to type up you must have very slow hands. As for the games, there was never this much backlash until Reach. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or is repeating something someone who was lying told them. Until Reach there were never "holy god this game is awful" threads. Both Reach and Halo 4 are missteps for the series. I WISH I could have fun on Halo 4 like I used to with my friends on Halo 3. I really do. You're not more mature because you tolerate this game. There are many games out there, some free, that are FAR better than Halo 4. I will not be buying another 343i game, I can tell you all that much. Think about this, if Bungie ran out of ideas on how to make a new Halo, what was 343i supposed to do? When the original creator runs out of ideas for new stories it's a sign to just leave it be.[/quote] Its not pathetic that you cannot stand the game. Thats your opinion and we hold nothing against you for it. What is pathetic is that you type out an essay telling us how much you hate it. And that most I hate halo 4 threads come from you. Eagle, its simple. Let it go and stop crying. Go to gamestop. Return halo 4. Get your money back and buy a new game that you would like. Go home, play it and have fun. Me? I am enjoying it alot. I see its flaws but that doesnt keep me from having fun. But you're not me so I understand that you dont like it. [/quote]Well seeing as this is a forum and I am free to make topics as I please I will kindly ask you to rethink your response. Who is worse, the guy who spends 5 minutes writing up a few paragraphs to talk about something, or the guys who spend 30 minutes stalking his thread for any chance to get in some dig about how I spend to much time talking about Halo 4? Yeah.

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