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11/29/2012 10:22:43 AM

MJOLNIR Appearance

We all know that 343i have a new 'art style' in Halo 4 meaning that character, weapon and vehicle models are looking a bit different to previous versions. The Master Chief's armour looks particularly different, but we know for a various reasons that it is supposed to be the same armour he wore in Halo 2 and 3. In the opening CGI cutscene ([url=]1:20[/url]) in Halo 4 when Dr. Halsey mentions the Spartan IIs it shows them wearing the same armour as the Master Chief does later on which is the MJOLNIR Mark VI. They are are displayed, however, when Halsey is mentioning the battles on human colonies earlier on in the war. At this time the Spartans would have been using the MJOLNIR Mark IV not the Mark VI. I think there are two possible explanations for this. The first one is less likely but for me a preferable explanation. Even though Halsey is referring to the Spartans in the earlier period of the war, perhaps we are actually watching the surviving Spartan IIs fighting on Earth around the time Halo 2 was taking place and would therefore be wearing the Mark VI. The second explanation is that the appearance for the Mark VI hasn't just changed, but the appearance for the MJOLNIR armour worn by the Spartan IIs has changed in general. Perhaps the Mark IV, Mark V and Mark VI all look the same with this new 'art style.' What do you think? [Edited on 11.29.2012 2:24 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KaneXX12 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] car15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cmdr DaeFaron Glassland's introduced it.[/quote] Oh. [url=]Figures.[/url][/quote] Darn. I read that she is interested in the moral dilemma. So not only is it Traviss's fault that a quarter of the elites are against the Arbiter, but now its also her fault that Dr. Halsey is "evil" now. I really hate her view of Halo. She's going to ruin the storyline with her weird views on characters instead of using ours.[/quote] quarter? thursday war implies more like... 99% are against him/some being neutral.

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  • I think 343 is just trying to make this story their own now. Which is fine in my opinion. It personally doesn't bother me that the Spartan IIs in the opening cinematic are using Cheifs "modified" armor. They still look bad ass

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] car15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cmdr DaeFaron Glassland's introduced it.[/quote] Oh. [url=]Figures.[/url][/quote] Darn. I read that she is interested in the moral dilemma. So not only is it Traviss's fault that a quarter of the elites are against the Arbiter, but now its also her fault that Dr. Halsey is "evil" now. I really hate her view of Halo. She's going to ruin the storyline with her weird views on characters instead of using ours.

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  • I don't particularly like the armor change either. And its really weird because the Mjolnir Mark VI armor that Spartan-IV's wear looks like the one from Halo 3 while the Chief's doesn't.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cmdr DaeFaron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] car15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grunt Warchief "hinge heads"[/quote] ... What? I did not pick up on this at all. Is that seriously what they're calling Elites now?[/quote] Glassland's introduced it.[/quote]Actually, I think it went all the way back to The Flood. The Marines in H 2 said it sometimes with IWHBYD.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flamedude Hmmm.... I'd be more forgiving if it weren't for the existence of a second 3D model of Mk VI armor. The armor you get for completing the game on Legendary. It also seems a shame they couldn't put the effort in considering that there was a Plasma Rifle model used and an entire Brute Chieftain model used too. For such a big game there were an awful lot of corners cut. Probably because they spent too much time making those damn ugly Spartan-IV helmets and not stuff that actually makes for nice finishing touches.[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cmdr DaeFaron Glassland's introduced it.[/quote] Oh. [url=]Figures.[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] car15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grunt Warchief "hinge heads"[/quote] ... What? I did not pick up on this at all. Is that seriously what they're calling Elites now?[/quote] Glassland's introduced it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grunt Warchief "hinge heads"[/quote] ... What? I did not pick up on this at all. Is that seriously what they're calling Elites now?

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  • They just didn't create a new armor so then it would quell any possible fan theories on if it had a greater meaning.

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grunt Warchief As some one pointed out in the Halo 4 board, even the slang used on what to call the elites even changed, they are now refereed to as "hinge heads" when in all the previous games was some sort of variation using the word squid. They were called squid face, head, lips and so on. [/quote]Don't forget Split Lip.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flamedude Hmmm.... I'd be more forgiving if it weren't for the existence of a second 3D model of Mk VI armor. The armor you get for completing the game on Legendary. It also seems a shame they couldn't put the effort in considering that there was a Plasma Rifle model used and an entire Brute Chieftain model used too. For such a big game there were an awful lot of corners cut. Probably because they spent too much time making those damn ugly Spartan-IV helmets and not stuff that actually makes for nice finishing touches.[/quote] It isnt about corners being cut or anything, as you pointed out, there were things shown that were there for mere seconds that were created. The reason this was done was to hammer in the new design into people's head. 343 wanted their game (or under MS's command) to have a totally different feel. As some one pointed out in the Halo 4 board, even the slang used on what to call the elites even changed, they are now refereed to as "hinge heads" when in all the previous games was some sort of variation using the word squid. They were called squid face, head, lips and so on.

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  • I got the feeling that was Omega from Halo Wars. I wasn't looking too closely but it seemed similar to their appearance.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] N8 Thegr8t They could have kept the same model just to avoid confusion for those that don't know about these slight discrepancies. People who haven't read the books can still recognize them as Spartans instead of being confused by the different "original" Spartan armor look.[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SOME cGUY789 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cmdr DaeFaron The prologue is not meant to be hard canon. It's being told from the viewpoint of Halsey, and she NEVER saw the modified mark VI Chief had. She also hated modifications to her armor. So instead of flipping out and declaring mark IV and V non-canon now, look to the fact the original mark VI is in MP and thus still canon.[/quote] Which is the point I made that scene only played for drama and to give a visual it probalbly never even occured.[/quote] Indeed. Forgive any possibly rudeness from my original, but I've seen a number of idiots who scream that halo 2/3 mark VI has officially been utterly removed from canon based on halo 4 and prologue. It's best to just see it as a rough summery of the war, Covenant arrive, hope is lost, spartans arrive, the tide turns.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cmdr DaeFaron The prologue is not meant to be hard canon. It's being told from the viewpoint of Halsey, and she NEVER saw the modified mark VI Chief had. She also hated modifications to her armor. So instead of flipping out and declaring mark IV and V non-canon now, look to the fact the original mark VI is in MP and thus still canon.[/quote] Which is the point I made that scene only played for drama and to give a visual it probalbly never even occured.

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  • The prologue is not meant to be hard canon. It's being told from the viewpoint of Halsey, and she NEVER saw the modified mark VI Chief had. She also hated modifications to her armor. So instead of flipping out and declaring mark IV and V non-canon now, look to the fact the original mark VI is in MP and thus still canon.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mr farenhiet [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fsabran Uhhh. Guys, just so you remenber bungie did the same thing in 2 with the PoA having a Marathon model, you just have to ignore it and think of it as the old one.[/quote] This. They likely already had chief's model from the epilogue and didn't want to spend time and resources creating a new model that would be seen for about a minute.[/quote] There is also no Mark V armour in game, if it had been used in the cutscenes then you have had threads popping up asking "Why can't I use Mark V? It's in the cutscene?!?"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flamedude Hmmm.... I'd be more forgiving if it weren't for the existence of a second 3D model of Mk VI armor. The armor you get for completing the game on Legendary. It also seems a shame they couldn't put the effort in considering that there was a Plasma Rifle model used and an entire Brute Chieftain model used too. [/quote] True, but all things considered, it should've been MK IV or V anyways. And I would imagine it's a lot less time and resource~intensive to render a weapon as opposed to a full set of armor. As for the chieftain, I suppose they had to pick and choose what to spend time on. Considering Brutes aren't represented in game, it also serves as a reminder that they exist so they won't seem outta left~field to new players if they make an appearance later (Spops maybe, if we actually get new locations). This was a very expensive game. Although Microsoft shelled out the big bucks, they were likely breathing down 343i's neck to be as prudent as possible. And you never know, the prologue could've been done torwards the end of development. Just my thoughts. [Edited on 11.30.2012 1:54 AM PST]

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  • Hmmm.... I'd be more forgiving if it weren't for the existence of a second 3D model of Mk VI armor. The armor you get for completing the game on Legendary. It also seems a shame they couldn't put the effort in considering that there was a Plasma Rifle model used and an entire Brute Chieftain model used too. For such a big game there were an awful lot of corners cut. Probably because they spent too much time making those damn ugly Spartan-IV helmets and not stuff that actually makes for nice finishing touches.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fsabran Uhhh. Guys, just so you remenber bungie did the same thing in 2 with the PoA having a Marathon model, you just have to ignore it and think of it as the old one.[/quote] This. They likely already had chief's model from the epilogue and didn't want to spend time and resources creating a new model that would be seen for about a minute.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fsabran Uhhh. Guys, just so you remenber bungie did the same thing in 2 with the PoA having a Marathon model, you just have to ignore it and think of it as the old one.[/quote]This.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fsabran Uhhh. Guys, just so you remenber bungie did the same thing in 2 with the PoA having a Marathon model, you just have to ignore it and think of it as the old one.[/quote]I think that's a good point/example.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverStreak0 A reason that I believe explains it is that CGI models for the other variants simply weren't made to save time.[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DarkestSeptagon To avoid confusion for new players.[/quote]

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  • Uhhh. Guys, just so you remenber bungie did the same thing in 2 with the PoA having a Marathon model, you just have to ignore it and think of it as the old one.

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