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11/9/2012 1:19:36 AM

The Man Who Sang to the Stars

[May 2ND, 2554, Earth, Norfolk UNSC Naval Academy] Major Eric "Smooth" O'Kife just finished teaching these young naval cadets on photographic intelligence. They were eager young minds who had been taking his Introduction to Electronic Surveillance 101. This course educates the student on devices from a lapel cam to Drones. Useful applications in collecting intelligence and how to gather useful nuggets of intelligence. Students filed out of the class room as the class was concluded for today. Clearing up his notes on his holo display at his desk. He looked up to see Samantha Bright one of his top students." Sir that was quite informative today. I learned a great deal about how even with the best equipment it still comes down to the human factor." Eric smiled at the young woman who was a lovely young brunette. " I related it back to World War Two when they did not have computers yet were able to get air recon over targets. In those days a pilot had to fly a mission to take the pictures. Later it developed into spy planes that were useful in the Cuban Missile Crisis and Even During the Vietnam Conflict. If you look it up you can find out how we got to drones and satellites but yes there is still a human factor in this." Samantha shook her head yes at him. Excitement in her voice." I shall look that up sir. Thank you." She curtly left his classroom as he returned to clearing up his notes. Stepping out of the class room he ran into the Commandant of the Academy. Who was making his rounds. He stopped to chat with Eric for a moment." Major i am glad i ran into you. I hope you have been treated well. Navy is not used to seeing Air Force personnel but you come highly recommended. The Covenant War has left us short handed." Eric simply nodded at the true statement having lost too many good friends to the Alien Menace that was thankfully over." I am glad to be here sir. I accepted due to the fact my experience might rub off on these young minds. I accepted this position due to shortages all over and it i am proud to help out." This Made the Commandant smile. " Good..good" Patting Eric on the shoulder." We should have a drink in the next staff meeting. I need to take care of a few things but we desperately need ten more of you but i will take what i can get so we can get these cadets graduated. Tell you more later keep up the good work." Patting Eric once again on the shoulder the Commandant walked on down the hall. Exiting the building Eric did seem a bit out of place but his record shows he was willing to work with any one who worked with him. He headed back to his officer billet. It was a single house on a simple street. Military housing still was on the base yet he knew he would have to do "Paperwork" from his terminal inside. He got into his car driveing off looking at the main building and its parade ground. Not to mention it's wet navy docks. Seamen have trained here for many years. He left the parking lot heading home. After parking his car Eric entering his house. His loyal companion was a six month old Golden Retriever named George. Who bounded over to give him puppy kisses when he bent down to pet the dog. Passing his small Living room that lead to his kitchen he sat down opening his computer interface then petting George who was so happy to see him. Giving George his favorite bone the dog happily chewed on it. Eric turned to do a few hours of work. He created a lesson plan for next week. George waged his tail before whimpering he was hungry. Eric stood up feeding his loyal companion in his small kitchen. Giving George a pat on the head Eric looked outside to see that night had fallen. Walking over to a worn guitar case. He took out his guitar from a case that was sitting on a couch. It had a blue finish yet was a familiar brand. Grabbing a few beers he headed out back. Carrying the instrument into his back yard,Plugging in his guitar to his set up. It was a clear night with the stars shining bright. He left the sliding glass door open for George to come out if he wanted. Sitting down on a pre placed chair Eric began to play the blues. It seemed as if time melted everything away. Even the crisp night air did not bother him. Twenty years of war faded from mind as he sang to the stars. [Edited on 11.08.2012 5:29 PM PST]
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  • Edited by Commander Tempu: 3/21/2013 4:34:47 PM
    [1231 hrs October 26th, 2525 [i]Devils Advocate[/i]] Captain Night stood on the bridge with a tablet reading reports as they neared the asteroid field. Chief Thorton approached Night with a calm look but in the mans eyes he looked sad." Sir i need you for a moment at the plot."Captain Night Walked over as they looked at the plot Together. A Voice spoke to them from the plot. " Captain as you can see the alien ships seem to be much faster. The few bits recovered show they are using some sort of plasma tech for power and weapons." Night turned his eyes to the images on the plot that showed red ship signatures of alien craft quietly listening. Chief Engineer Brandon Colt giving his report." Sir as you can see on the plot the ship leaving the planet. Will give chase to us. They will arrive in Six hours after we have entered the field, according to my calculations. Unknown is how good there scans will be but rest assured it will be difficult leaving the system undetected normally." Captain Night sighed knowing nothing could be easy." There has to be a way Colt. We need to prepare for entering the asteroid field. Find us a large Asteroid to hide in so we can work on trying to get out of this mess. I don't want the old girl getting hit so keep eyes open and i want damage control parties ready when we enter." Night feared being struck then stranded out here as no help will come. -------------------------------------------------------- Few hours later Ensign Redwolf eased the [i]Devils Advocate[/i] into the asteroid field. Smaller strikes impacted on the armors outer frame. It could be felt inside the ship when strikes size of car hit. Bridge was silent as Captain Night stood looking over everything. Captain knew that silent dread. It also can lead to mistakes as people get jumpy ending up like the little boy who cried wolf. Silence was deafening except critical communications that Com Tech Allers whispered into her headset with reply's. Captain Night knew he had to act fast or else the crews fears might come to life and they turn on each other like a pack of wolves." Did i ever tell you all about the spring break i spent on Reach at a Bluegrass Festival from Earth with live blues musicians ? I was dating a young nurse at the time." " Jonny"Willow" Hancock had me come on stage as i could play the harp. Dressed in my UNSC Cadet uniform we played together, some locals mentioned i was good but i was not going to argue. He gave me some good advice that day." If you love something do it well and do it right. Let all the other stuff work its self out." Crew had been listening to him and relaxed a bit more. Even Ensign Redwolf was sitting less straight. Walking over he hit a few buttons on a empty console. He keyed it to the ships P.A. it was not loud nor low it was just right so some one could talk over it if needed. Song came in strong with a guitar playing. Unmistakably Sgt. Eric"Smooth" O'Kife" My baby left me today..i have lost my way...into the deep dark place...she said i am married to outer space...Just a soldier who left by Sundays grace...I seen the look on her face...Baby we can work this out one day i am due back at the base." "She left me anyways...Tired of me being a waste of space....Baby..i love you every does not have to be this way.." Harmonica plays a long solo here. The music faded as Captain Night dialed it down low as the crew seemed more alert and most of all relaxed. They approached a large asteroid with a few bumps on the way. He was grateful getting this far. Problem was what was next ? He would be planning a exit out of system. If they got lucky they could escape then report back to Fleet.Com. He could only hope the ground team could hold out that long.

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  • Edited by Commander Tempu: 2/26/2013 4:00:26 PM
    [1207 hrs October 26th, 2525 Bridge [i]Devils Advocate[/i]] Com Tech Allers turned to Captain Night who was looking at reports."Captain." His head turned to her his eyes looking burdened yet questioning." Report Allers." She nodded." ODST's secured the hanger. We have a team secureing the alien craft. Also Longswords are docked." Captain Night breathed a sigh of Relief. "This is good. Thank you Allers." Turning to Ensign Redwolf. "Make best speed out of the system so we can jump away. Avoid enemy contacts. Lets hope the enemy does not have any more tricks. I will be in my ready room looking over reports. Mr. Kenderson you have the Conn." Captain Night strode off the bridge leaving it in the Officer of the Watch's hands . Captain Night entered his ready room with a holo-tablet filled with information. His shoulders felt hevy from his burdens. He brought up the tablets interface looking over the casualties reports. Night felt a pang of guilt as some names were put into MIA due to being on planet. Dr. Karen Star his chief medical officer was through. She expressed the same concerns as he did. Yet he was the Captain of the ship. He left behind men and women under his command. This enemy was clever. No one understood there capabilities yet so it was any ones guess. It also worked the other way as the enemy did not know humans yet. Sitting down in his chair he sat down the tablet on his desk. looking at the three old style picture frames sitting on his desk. It was the right call despite having to justify why he left. To save the ship and its crew he sacrificed marines and a few navy personnel. Taking one picture in hand of him with his family. His wife smiled in the photo with his four kids. Jessica was the oldest she was about to leave high school. Hopefully a collage will accept her as she was smart wanting to study Geology. His second oldest Maria was still in high school who enjoyed pageants and singing. They made sure she went to a school that allowed her to develop her talent. Jacob was the skinny boy in all black who understood computers and how to modify them. He was a constant problem but it was teen age growing pains. His mother smothers him in love. Then there is Carmen. The Eight year old who looked much like her mother. Every person on that planet had a family. He could only hope that they did not add to the death toll. Information they did get planet side about these aliens just flabbergasted him. So many questions on his mind with no answers. Chief Thorton Entered his face impassive yet he had something important to say." Captain i have the Chief Engineers report." Setting down the Pad on Captain Nights desk."Also sir, we have more news." Captain Night looked up from the picture to listen close. " This enemy had a ship on planet and we suspect it is going to give chase. Also we detect three alien craft. One is a large cruiser the other two are about frigate sized. We think they will alter course to intercept us at some point." Night leaned back in his chair thinking for a moment. " So we will never make it out of system unless we play hide n seek. Our armor does not allow us to speed on out of here. I do not want to test it against alien weapons. Thank you Chief as always i do not know what i would do with out you."Chief Thorton saluted then left. Opening his computer console he touched the screen that brought up Ensign Redwolf who was at the helm." I want you to plot a course into the debris field. I will be down in Engineering for a bit. Keep me posted on the enemy ships position." She smiled at the Captain."Aye Aye Sir." Captain Night knew this was going to be difficult but all he could do was hope for the best.

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  • Edited by Commander Tempu: 2/18/2013 7:37:25 PM
    [1147 hrs October 26Th, 2525 Hanger Bay [i]Devils Advocate [/i]] 1st Lieutenant Derrick Proud hustled to the Hanger as the rest of his ODST team fallowed. Com Tech Allers buzzed in his ear." Team Seven please report." Glancing at the intersecting bulkheads he moved forward." We are approaching Bay three." Checking corners as his team leapfrogged up two doors lead down into the pit. It was suppose to be empty but an alien vessel was docked. " The other alien vessels have broken off. We need you to close the Hangar doors as we should be entering vacuum here soon. " Copy Bridge." L.T. Proud was suppose to support the operations on the ground for exiting Phase three but it was delayed as Wolf Pack became mired with other support elements into battle against a new alien foe. A exit strategy was being planed but they had had been near the pods for hours now. He kind of felt as if they were leaving them behind but the ship came first knowing that the Captain stayed long as they could. Now they needed to get rid of the visitors on board showing them the door. He was told that a squad of marines were helping secure the Hangar Deck. It was a bit too quiet. Peeking his head around a corner he found them as they lay dead. Human marines who had fallen up on the catwalk above the pit. Aliens had a ship in the Docking Bay. A energy bolt narrowly missed his head as a lizard like alien fired a rifle from behind cover. He glimpsed two large aliens discussing something as the look out alerted them with his shot. Apparently they were wary and expecting more humans to show up to the party. He alerted his team with hand signals as all six of them stacked up on separate doors leading in. Taking out flash bang grenades they waited as the others got into position. Two teams scant meters apart would storm in using the flash bangs to disorient the enemy. Readying his shotgun he signaled the others as L.t. Proud threw the flash bang at the same time Sergeant Henry Chang did as they both went off blinding any enemies looking at them. Silenced SMG's fired as he in turned rushed in behind the other two to let a dazed large blue armored alien have a shotgun to the face who had rushed up the stairs to meet them now was shaking its head. Enemies fell such as the little aliens with masks and Lizard like aliens with shields or Energy rifles of some sort. Both teams professionally took out what remained of the Enemy's lesser troops as only a few of the bigger aliens remained who hid away. As the flash bang faded away the last three popped out as one wielded two energy wepons that spat blue death. SMG's pelted the shields as they had not expected this. One alien charged a ODST hammering him over the head with his weapon and Knocking him to the ground. Proud expected it would be close quarters but not like this. Still he had spent years doing this as he pumped a few rounds into the Alien who was mauling the ODST. Another fell to the twin guns of the Red Clad Alien who seemed to be the leader of this bunch. Sgt Chang Let the leader have a grenade shouting."Fire in the Hole." They moved back as the alien was hit in the head with the Frag Grenade. It bounced further damaging a tool chest and some crates it was using for cover. The second blue clad alien fell to the deck. Not before wounding one of his ODSTs badly. The leader was alone but with three of them left it went out guns blazing. As it got up a single sniper shot came from the Catwalk above. A Recon sniper arrived with his squad as they looked as if they had to hustle to get here. The sniper shot had hit the enemy leaders head ending his would be rampage. Big Alien fell to the floor as his big wepons clattered to the deck as well. He hit the door control panel to close the hangar bay he reported back to the Bridge." Team Seven to Allers we are secured down here. Let the Captain know we have an alien transport here." Com Tech Allers Voice calm came back." Roger that. I sent another squad to support you and secure the area. Medical personnel are being dispatched to you as we speak. Good job Lieutenant." Proud nodded as he would have liked to be in on the meeting for the mission but he was just suppose to cover Wolf Packs exit with the packages. Yet he lost a man now as first aid was administered to the two wounded men buy the Recon Squad medic. Proud wondered if the aliens were this tough to take down what chance will they have against them ?.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ashley8neu i know what is missing[/quote] Authors note: Movie Deal ?Or it getting published.?(Doubts it but hey i need to dream.) Anyways thanks...*Showgirls in Spartan Armor kick dance coming out as the curtain closes on another Authors Note.*

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  • Chapter 9 [1130 hrs October 26Th, Airlock one,[i]Devils Advocate[/i], 9Th Age of Reclamation.] Lance Leader Dul'Kalth stood in the drop bay of the Drop Ship. His Phantom turned as they stood quietly. They were docking. Several Unggoy ready plasma pistols or checked over one another. His fellow Sangheili patted a brother to his right affirming the gods blessings. Few Kig-Yar readied the shields they carried on one arm. Drop Ship slowed as they knew it was time before they docked." Brothers. We have given our Oath. Now we must fulfill that Oath. We are to take the ship intact. May the Gods favor us all." Readying both of his Plasma Rifles in each hand. Seal of an Airlock as two Unggoy moved forward to use a cutting charged to unseal the door. It was a plasma charge that changed due to door shape. It cut through in moments. Squads lead by Sangheili poured out towards waiting marines. His shields flared as his squad was second behind another. Unggoy fell yet a testament of the fearlessness they showed during the Charge. Humans used there inferior wepons as metal projectiles. Plasma Grenades arched low in the cramped hallway. Human marines fell as they were wounded or killed. Plasma fire stormed back. As enemy grenades bounced in as well to kill more Unggoy. As a Major it was his job to take care of those under his command. Yet it seemed as if he would fail that charge. Dul'Kalth fired both of his Plasma Rifles taking cover behind a support beam. More troops arrived with Kig-Yar who used there shields to press forward returning fire with plasma fire. Humans pulled others down the hallway. Yet he did admire them for not giving up. Some were dragging wounded away. He hit a human who was firing some rifle from around his Corner as Kig-Yar kept the focus on them. Humans seem to be afraid of them. They had courage as a white suited leader had them fall back. He needed to find a hangar bay that was possibly below them. At an intersection he called back to the Phantom. " This is Dul'Kalth leading a strike lance. I need directions to a hangar bay." His wrist mini projector was up dated with info as scans from his Phantom showed the desired location. A Kig-yar pilot squawked as his helmet displayed the translated words.(Information loaded.) They ran down this hall to large cargo elevator took it down. Humans were waiting here as well as they killed mechanics who used improvised tools or pistols. Opening the Cargo Bay really unleashed the human defense effort as they came down with even more wepons. A turret mounted gun that killed one of his brothers who had been focusing on a pair of humans. Every one rolled into cover. Dul'Kalth hid behind a large tool chest. Several Unggoy fell to the enemy's wepons as a drop ship flew in with reinforcements. They did not do much better as many were cut down. Yet the turret was silenced from a well thrown plasma grenade. Human manning it was able to get away. He had assumed command of that other lance. There leader lay dead riddled with holes. Drop Ship was unable to fire in the close confines. Unggoy having no choice backed by Sangheili rushed the stairs. He supported this effort as they tried to pin down humans with plasma fire. This was going to take more troops then they had brought. He understood now the meaning of sacrifice. [Edited on 01.07.2013 8:28 AM PST]

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  • i know what is missing

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  • [1117 hrs October 26Th, [i]Devils Advocate[/i],Eden] Captain Night stood on the bridge looking over the plot with Petty Officer Laura Vexen. Lt. Cortez Secretary who was filling in. "Any good news ?" Captain Night turned to Vexen who shook her head no." We have reports sir of activity below us. Enemy is up to something moving some sort of machines into place." Walking over to a empty chair showing him footage on a empty crew terminal. Captain Night fallowed looking over Vexens shoulder. Footage from a drone made it quite clear." Dammit." Chief ready the M.A.C. to be used. I want our Long Swords to make a strike on them as well. Allers Let the Air Boss know." Footage from the drone showed the aliens towing in huge disk like apparatus below them. Every one was at there stations doing so." Ensign Redwolf ready us to move when the time is right. Wait till after the air strike." Captain Night shook his head sadly." Our options are limited. Operation Silent Night is in effect. Let the ground forces know. Our Pelicans reinforcing Task Force Ivan have not left yet. Make sure they have supplies." Night did not like the options he was not going to loose the ship. " Allers put me through to the Ground forces. All of them." Com Tech Allers did so reluctantly." This is Delta Able Actual. Operation Silent Night is in Effect Repeat. Silent Night. Do not reply." Captain Speaking into his headset knowing if he did not get off Eden he never would." Task Force Ivan is to link up with Charlie Four and Wolf Pack. Pelicans are inbound with coordinates and supplies. A beacon will broadcast this message." Adjusting his headset Captain Night rubed his tired eyes. " Sir we are ready to fire the M.A.C. " Ensign Redwolf informed him." Launch Longswords. Once they are clear i want a firing soultion." Punching up the bridge plot it gave him a 2-D map of the area below them. " Sir Longswords away. Pelicans are en route to Task Force Ivan's position." Captain Nodded. It was the first time she ever seen Captain Night look very sad. His face was grim yet he kept his cool. " Fire Control reports we have a lock." Com Tech Allers reported." Fire!." Captain Night yelled. It startled a few crew members who watched the power of a M.A.C. Be unleashed. The shot destroyed two of the disks that exploded. They were one hundred meters in diameter. Longswords hit the remaining two destroying them as well sending enemy troops to cover. " LADAR shows nine alien craft heading this way sir. Size of Pelicans." Chief Thorton reported to the Captain who stood tall looking out at the planet. "Let the Longswords know to hit them. I want to be away from the planet. Prepare to Repel Borders. Master of Arms to the Bridge. Chief Keep an eye out for more." Com Tech Allers was working her board alerting the right departments. " Aye Aye Captain." Chief Returned to his duties. Ensign Redwolf swivel in her chair." Sir we are rising but enemy is going to intercept us in fifteen minutes. We should be in the stratosphere by that time." Captain Night Nodded. " Alert the ship to battle stations. I want all hands on deck. Security is to lock down Engineering and the Bridge. Small arms are to be distributed to officers." Captain Night did not know what was going to happen. "Sir a Longsword wants to speak with you. They are heading back." Com Tech Allers switched his headset." This is Sandman Lead to Actual. We have downed three enemy ships. Lost one bird to enemy fighters. We will land just before they arrive over." Night keyed in. " I copy. good job out there." Com Tech Allers was speaking with security when Master of Arms showed up with two squads of Security personnel. Saluting Lieutenant Bryant waited for Captains instructions." Sir." Night Turned to him after checking the plot one more time. " Take up positions here." Captain Night looked over the Navy and Marines who were S.P. and M.P. respectfully. He would need there help. " I have two more squads protecting Engineering as well sir" Lt. Bryant was directing his men with hand movements where he wanted them. " Allers are we ready ?" Com Tech Allers shook her head yes." Good our new friends have some lessons to learn about humans. Lets show them a good time." [Edited on 01.04.2013 6:49 PM PST]

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  • Authors Note:Thanks. I Hope you enjoy it. Plenty more on the way. Allot to tell. Its a gritty story but it has moments in it that i hope is worthy of any Halo story. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nader121 Dang this was pretty good[/quote] [Edited on 12.28.2012 4:54 PM PST]

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  • [1109 hrs October 26Th 2525,Indie Base,Eden] Lieutenant Angela Cortez stepped off the lowered cargo ramp. Marines stepped off as well creating a barrier against those who would approach. She was armed with a SMG due to being in a war zone. Allot of desperate faces. Offering a kind smile to them all. "Ma'am we are secure."A sergeant said to her as she looked up. Hovering above was another Pelican. Looking about seeing that this base had chain link fencing. Barbed wire at the top. Automated Stolen UNSC gun turrets were powered down. Four in all surrounding the base. Watch towers over looked the perimeter with barricades also stolen from UNSC. Her black shoes stepped off onto muddy dark earth. Survivors parted cheering at them. Waiting for them was a UNSC corporal. His armor had seen better days. " I am Corporal O'Malley" His thick Irish accent surprising to Lt. Cortez who returned his salute." This way ma'am" Fallowing him they talked as they walked. Eight marines trailed behind keeping wepons pointed in a non-threatening fashion. " Are we glad to see you. Our last orders were to take these people to safety. We had no contact with any one for quite a bit." She nodded to the corporal who showed them into a command center. It was more like a cement building with radios. Few chairs, with computers and even a coffee machine stuffed in a corner. Another UNSC Trooper was standing aside Colonel David Colt. He was more impressive in person than his file indicated. Radio operators listened with a few armed guards. Entering with two marines she gave a pleasant smile even though she did not feel like it." We got your call." Looking at both of them. Corporal O'Malley walked over nodding to the new arrivals." Sarge they just arrived." The NCO looked up at the officer." Sergeant Ohara" Gave a crisp salute." UNSC Army, Second Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. I do logistics. Up until four days ago." He rubed his face glumly with a hand across his some what unshaven face. " Corporal with a few medical personnel who are mostly Army or Marines were ordered to get Civillians to safety." Col. Colt shouted." Clear the Room. Lets have some privacy. Lieutenant we need to talk in private. Back here in my office." He waved his people out the door. Reluctantly every one left including Marines all except Sgt.Ohara and Corporal O'Malley. A old paper map of Eden was behind the desk. It was a global map with shaded areas. His office was cluttered with old disks to a few paper back books. Col. Colt sat down at his desk. His eyes looking each person over. " Normally i would not have this conversation with a UNSC officer. Yet the circumstances compel me to do so. Let me start at the beginning. Little over four days ago it was UNSC against Indies." " I served as an officer in the UNSC. You probably already know this." His comments directed at Lt. Cortez who sat prim and proper." I left as a Lieutenant then for some years became a mercenary for hire. Seeing what the UNSC did especially ONI whom i have despised for years now." "Despite all of that. I got a call from my wife as the Aliens invaded." He nearly choked those words out." She..She that.." He winced" She loved me. That i must promise to help all those i can. To fight for what is right. I lost signal." " I went to see if she some how survived. Our house was a flaming wreck. Only thing that keeps me going is that promise. Nothing you can do to lock me up or hurt me will go past that pain." Col. Colt wiped a tear from his eye. " Despite all of that i have done. I am willing to help you. Help humanity. Ten Thousand souls are burning in that ring of fire. I will use every means i can to defeat them." " If i some how survive this and avoid a trial i will rejoin to take the fight to this enemy." Sitting back his face in pain. " Despite what has happened in the past we must focus on what is going on now. We have Pelicans ready to ferry survivors to our ship. That being said we need people to remain calm." Her eyes locked on Colts face. " This has been trying for every one. Captain Night is a good man. He will see to it every survivor is taken care of. What i need are those who are in medical need to get lifted out first." Sgt. Ohara handed her a clipboard. " A list of every one. People at the top need a Medevac. Women and Children next." Thanking Sgt. Ohara she took the clipboard. " I will speak with our Captain then see what else can be done. Rest assured we will not abandon any here who want to leave peacefully." Exiting Lt. Cortez sighed. Brave words for some one who is in charge of all of this. It felt as if her chest was going to explode. [Edited on 12.28.2012 4:42 PM PST]

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  • Dang this was pretty good

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  • [1102 hrs October 26Th,2525 ONI Base Project:Overdrive, Eden.] Eric O'Keefe had been medicated who was resting as the Doc spoke unintelligible words to Gunny. He dozed off into a dream he had before. This was three years ago. He had been tracking a Indie terrorist group who were disliked even by other Rebels. It was his greatest sin yet he felt right at the time doing it. Fading into the dream he relived it. ----------------------------------------------------- [December 23rd 2522,New Hong Kong,Arcadia] Sgt. Eric O'Kife with a Army Ranger team from the 82ND Airborne. Had gotten Intel from UNSC Command that a Indie Terrorist group were going to bomb a target in the city. With his drones Eric had scoured the City then finding them inside a fountain in a park, Another set at a Market place even some inside a gas station near city hall. Lieutenant Kadan was leading this effort. His bomb disposal guy Bobby"Bubba"Linux was inside the gas station defusing the explosives. He defused the one at the park as well. He came out in his bomb suit after twenty minutes giving a thumbs up. O'Kifes Dragonfly's hovered overhead. One picked up signal from a rooftop as some one called in. His Drone amplified that voice to his wrist display. " They just defused our bomb. Yes blow it. Blow it NOW!. I do-" The drone flew over as the man realized he was being monitored now. He ran despite Eric sighing that he was prepared for this. " Well it seems we have one being fallowed by my drone. He is going to blow the market. He has to be one of the terrorist. let him run. My drone will find him. thus leading us to his hideout." Every one nodded piling into two Warthogs one was a passenger model. They arrived at the market square with his other Dragonfly hovering overhead in the Afternoon sun. Two individuals stood at a market door. Same one that was designated by his drone to have explosives. Lt. Kadan shouted over a loud speaker." All Civilians please clear out-" Indies fired at them from both rooftops on either side of the street." Bullets rang off Warthog armor as Indies tried to kill them with high powered rifles. One Ranger took a round to the leg. Indies suddenly appeared with SMGs moving out of the store. Eric was having his drone scan the area for more explosives and hostiles. Leaping out of the hogs except the gunner who was letting them have a storm of lead but even he fell to a well placed rifle shot that went into his helmet killing him instantly. Every one was returning fire now even Eric who fired his SMG at those firing at them. Every one lay flat on the warm asphalt. Beeping showed that the market was wired fully. Suddenly the gunmen disappeared from the roofs. Rangers attended wounded also were checking rooftops. Suddenly the market exploded. Civilians who took cover in buildings were killed as were vendors who were selling fruit or vegetables had taken cover behind there stands. Six shops exploded simultaneously. All sorts of debris traveling at incredible speeds tore through unprotected flesh. Some civilians died instantly others were injured pretty bad. A woman was crossing the street in a pretty sundress who had hid away during the gun battle. She lay dead in the street on a pile of rubble. Wind blew showing blood seeping onto the ground. Eric with the other Rangers had been peppered by debris. There armor saved them from most of it. One ranger was not so lucky as a piece of metal protruded from his right eye socket. It was silent as no Ranger moved yet. Eric got up slowly to his feet. Silence filled the air. Then his ears rang. Walking over to the woman in the sundress seeing her Asian face. He touched her shoulder now noticing that she was dead. They had failed. Yet tears would not bring them back. Eric limped back to see Rangers standing up. Erics voice croaked at his drone gave the Indie terrorist location. " This is Blue two-three. We need Emergency services to our location." He dropped a IR grenade marking there position. Also a smoke grenade. " Also i need-" He coughed a few times." I need air strike at second drones coordinates. Its painting target now." Hearing sirens not far off he took a seat next to Lt. Kadan who was holding his side leaking blood." I have help on the way. Also we are about to torch those Indies." Turning to help Lt. Kadan with medical aid. Kadan had a smile on his face. Longsword blew an apartment building that housed terrorists in the basement. Other innocent people died yet it would all be covered up as it would be reported they were sympathizers. --------------------------------------------------------------- Eric awoke out of the drug filled dream hearing argument near. Lt. Col. Kingston stood with pistol in hand." I am going to get Cort Marshaled Gunnery Sergeant. This is all on my hands. So since you will not hand over the object i have one thing to do." A single shot from a Magnum killed the unstable ONI officer from his own gun who could not cope with his actions. Eric was too doped up to entirely know what was going on but he knew it was bad. It was a stunned silence. Even the Mp's did not expect that kind of sudden change. Eric fell back into a drug induced sleep once again. That dreadful silence once again. [Edited on 12.28.2012 3:00 PM PST]

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  • Chapter:8 [About 1100 hrs October 26th 2525,Misty Feilds Eden] Major Ivanovitch fired a three rocket burst on a Spectre. Finishing it off with another 65mm three rocket burst that killed all three enemy occupants. Energy explosion fallowed next with parts raining down in a fifteen foot area as the crafts power plant blew. Crafts fires licked at the dead alien bodies. Her marines did a good job of getting the enemy in the kill zone. Wolverines would use MLRS with painted targets by infantry against heavy armor. Cobras would take allot of the smaller craft assisted by Warthogs that screened there heavy armor. So far this was the second action of the day as these aliens tried to rush them with a recon force backed with another force of tanks fallowed by infantry. She was proud her marines were doing so well against three even four to one odds. Still it was no time to get over confident. Pelicans were on standby for reinforcements to be delivered. She would have time to morn later if there were any dead. Enemy forces rushed over the hills attack craft swiftly moved into battle. Her rocket 'Hog hit a hill as she in mid air let loose with rockets while another hog used its Vulcan gun to spray them with bullets. Rockets reloaded into tubes as six rockets detonated on a enemy squad of troops carrying a mounted weapon. They drove past a burning scorpion that had been the target of the enemy's first assault. Dirt would run with more blood as both alien and humans would loose more in this hard soil. Some did not notice those dark clouds on the horizon. It was steadily getting colder. Major Ivanvitch had little time to surmise such thus noted it for later. It pained her to see half of her hogs wreckage from that first engagement but such is to be expected in war. They fought on hilly terrain that was part grass but mostly dirt. It was filled with craters, along with other scars of war. Broken bodies lay around areas along with a shell of a shattered vehicle. Purple wreckage would stick out. Her forces were hitting the enemy currently. All except her Hornets every thing else was firing on enemy positions. Scorpions fired 90mm cannons to infantry firing M37 Assault Rifles. Second engagement had failed now as alien troops fell back with other forces to plot once again. It would be a matter of time before those alien bastards rushed them in full force. " This is Com Tech Allers to Ivan Six." Ivanvitch listened while they did a victory lap. After that heading to friendly lines where three Scorpion tanks sat waiting ready for next engagement. " We have two Longswords on standby. Captain can send four more Hornets if you need them." Ivanvitch nodded then replied." Those Hornets would be best used to cover my Pelicans. We might as well do it now before there is no chance. Send them in." Allers calmly replied." Aye Aye Ma'am. Give them hell down there." Ivan chuckled." Will do" " Sergeant Jones report." Sgt. Major Jones replied." Sorry i was discussing with Conway here our scout to go take a peek. Better safe then sorry." Touching her helmets right ear." Roger that. I agree just be safe. I hope hes not going alone." Jones said with a prideful" Alone ma'am ? Hes got ammo with the entire Marine Core behind him. But i will send a few others" Ivanavitch stepped off her 'Hog as Davers her platoon sergeant walked over. He held out a canteen she refused." You know Major you sure do like playing dirty." Unsure if he was commenting on her appearance or Battlefield tactics. " Nothing better than rolling up ones sleeves then getting it done. Besides any good job is one well done." Sgt. Davers gave his usual goofy smile." Amen. Well this fine day is ruined as we have yet to bury more aliens on this planet. That is one thing i shall aim to rectify." Ivan looked at those clouds she knew a storm was coming. It reminded her when she was little looking at clouds that went on forever. It also was silly but thinking about it they were in a storm as well. One she hoped to navigate her marines through to see them safely away from Eden. [Edited on 12.28.2012 4:37 PM PST]

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  • [ 9Th Age of Reclamation, Edens Systems Third Planet.] A Covenant Battlecruiser exited jump space. [b]Dark of Intent[/b] came about as it's engines incresed thrust turning towards Eden fallowing two Corvette Class ships. Deep in the bowls of the Battlecruiser was a holographic platform. It was a circular room used for one on one transmissions. This day there were two in the room. Field Marshal Har'rush stood tall next to a Prophet. They both had been waiting here since the third bell. Suddenly the display came to life. High Prophet of Truth appeared in all his glory. Har'rush kneeled down. Prophet next to him bowed solemnly. " Field Marshal it is good to see you again." Rising Har'rush stood tall once again." I see my assistant Prophet of Hope made it aboard." " To explain why you both are here. You see Mercy plans on using this device to gain control over the Hierarchs. This cannot be allowed. My voice must lead the others."Both stiffened at this news. " Hierarch to do this act you are asking of me to subvert those on planet, is one that will in turn require a favor. "Prophet of Truth taken aback by this was not surprised."This is acceptable. You seem to be more flexible than most Marshal. I want this to be a failure." "If you can retrieve the Artifact do so. Otherwise kill all except my spy who with his warriors will help you bring silence to this issue." Prophet of Truth disconnected leaving the two who stood in silence for a moment. "I have been instructed to help assist you. Our spy is in the Hierarchs debt. When you arrive Marshal it would be prudent to not shoot before we are ready." Har'rush understood the treachery he was involved in yet was eager to end this quickly. Har'rush left this room behind heading to the bridge to coordinate things with his commanders who will be eager for new orders. This treachery with Truth was rumored but it was too late now to turn back. He would have to bear this sin in silence. [Edited on 12.26.2012 12:35 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paul9welli yes i think something is missing [/quote] Authors Note:You say missing yet..You do not specify. Please do instead of making vage refrences to keep me up at night. I sleep pretty well. So its effect is lost. [Edited on 12.23.2012 6:43 PM PST]

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  • [1027 hrs October 26th 2525, ONI Base apart of Project:Overdrive] Elizabeth looked about noticing O'Kife was not around. He probably was on a bathroom break. They all needed one with combat they had been in. On the security monitor above where Dr.Witherspoon worked she was surprised to see him inside that sealed room. Hunting down Gunny took longer than expected. Gunny was placing a charge when he finally noticed. The ODST with him was helping. Standing up dusting off his hands. " Liz you got something to say ?" Liz took off her Helmet tucking it under one arm." Smooth is in the frozen room. He looks hurt is there a reason hes inside Gunny ?" Gunny had a perplexing look on his face. "On Me both of you lets find out what Mr. Fabuloso has to say." All of them marched over. Gunny had his helmet off as well. LT. Col. Kingston Sat at his desk with two marines outside who parted to let Gunny inside who left the door opened. " Sir, With all due respect why the hell is my man inside that room." Gunny's face was nearly livid with rage." Insubordination,Plus hes compromised if he does not know it he will." Kingston say in a calm tone. " My people do not answer to you. You might be a ranking officer but that does not mean you have authority to do what you like!. My mother is ONI's Deputy Director. I know exactly what you do. Now release him" Kingston shook his head no. "Do you even understand what you are asking ? That object he has drove the last man who was studying it crazy. We had to put him down. Babbling about some Fairy AI only he could see. How they wanted to see the Architect." " Hes Air Force so i do not see why he is involved in ONI projects anyways." Gunny cleared Lt. Col. Kingston's desk. Looking the man in the eye. " Sir we came here to rescue you. My team leader was injured trying to make this possible. We had problems with ONI in the past with field agents who did as they liked feeling the objective was more important than people."Gunny sat his helmet defiantly on Lt. Col. Kingston's desk. " Now i am taking my man and leaveing if i have to with any one who fallows. If you wish to stay here that is fine. Even if what you say about the Package is true its not our job. Our job is to get all packages with personal back to [i]Devils Advocate[/i] before our friendly neighborhood Alien scourge decides to add to this planets death toll." Nodding his head he with the others all opened the cold room. O'Kife sat against the wall weakly singing." My baby left me today..she."Then looking up at the faces." Sir i am not drunk. Just..Hear me out we..were.." Liz helped him to his feet. His lip was split as the ODST cleaned him up. " Something bad happened off base..i ." Gunny slapped O'Kifes shoulder." -blam!- hes out of it. O'Kife can you hear me. Eric..come on son." Gunny trying to shake the mans senses. " Gunny ? Why do i see Pixies face on that dead woman in the market square." Elizabeth put a hand gently on O'Kifes shoulder." Who's Pixie Trooper ?" O'Kife shook his head in disbelief. " In that Artifact. It spoke to me when i touched it. What woman in a square ?" O'Kife shook his head sadly." It was my second mission out. I was suppose to locate a Indie terrorist cell. We were hot on the trail when they blew up the market Sir." O'Kife was out of it. He might be having flashbacks or PTSD. " We killed every last one of them." Shaking his head guilty O'Kife was taken out of the cold room." Artifact some how communicated to me when i touched it Sir. I just want to play music. Why i joined the band." They took him to the medi room. O'Kife was set down gently on the gel bed." I am going to see if a Doctor can help us. Stay with him Liz. Guard that door if you have to. No one gets in until i get back with some one to fix him up." Gunny had Concern in his voice. Liz knew what he felt because she felt it also. Losing Sgt. Green was hard on all the team. She barely knew him but he will be remembered. " Liz ?" O'Kife called to her." Yes Eric." He said in a totally calm voice." If i say i love you would that be bad ?" No one had ever asked her that. Keeping her emotions inside was apart of her training. " I am sorry if i offended you its just. I came out of what ever it was by the way. Anyways i have gotten to know you. I think it was sad what ONI did for all the right reasons." Moving a little O'Eric winced in pain." OW!..OK not getting up." Laying back down. " I love the blues. Some of the women i dated did not really understand that or who i was. Once the found out i was UNSC Military they left assuming i was an artist." His voice sounded pained. " I am not saying it will be me who you might love back. But i do love you as a good friend does. Not saying it cannot develop more. I have enjoyed our chess games. No matter what was done you are a person. Even one who is super gifted." O'Kife fell back into silence as Elizabeth tried to fathom her feelings. It would be a long silence before a Doctor Arrived with a medi kit in hand. Elizabeth stood out of the way letting him work on O'Kife. Gunny did not notice as he watched O'Kife get treatment. ODST stood silently in the doorway. Elizabeth reasoned that love was a good thing. That she felt good because she was making inroads with other members. [Edited on 12.23.2012 6:38 PM PST]

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  • yes i think something is missing

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  • [Lord Hoods Personal Log, December 24th, 2552] [i]When humanity dared to touch the stars,War fallowed in our wake. Even before the Covenant we were in a Civil war. Still we were able to Colonize other worlds. Achieve only what we had dreamed what was possable.[/i] [i]This changed when Harvest was attacked. It seemed so long ago. Humanity was on the verge of great discoveries yet the Covenant changed all of that.[/i] [i]With the fall of Reach our enemy has learned about Earth. I fear that this is our darkest hour. Battle in streets below especially New Mombasa.[/i] [i]To quote Winston Church Hill:"We shall not flag or fail,We shall go onto the end. We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island what ever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender".[/i] [i]These words are hard to comfort the dead. Yet i find resolve in them. Humanity has a barbaric past yet we have been thrust into the forefront of a war we did not want. Despite this our intelligence sources say that they warship a long dead alien race.[/i] [i]These Halo rings hold the key yet to what end i do not know. When this war is over. If there is any one left we can rebuild to safeguard others from the threats of tomarrow.[/i] [i]I sit in the dark knowing humans are dieing. We must fight past the fear, pain to know that there is another way. All i can do is stall till others arrive to hopefully save whats left of humanity. It seems hard to belive that when we need our heroes most they always arrive. I have that hope.[/i] [i]Covenant can take away a great deal but never faith nor hope that some how humanity can endure this storm. I must be strong for others. I take solace in the words of Abraham Lincon.[/i] [i]"I'm a success today because i had a friend who believed in me and i didn't have the heart to let him down."[/i] [i]So we must turn to each other for strength to carry on. We must give others kind words to give them hope that there will be a tomorrow. Most of all we must lend a helping hand to those in need of it greater than our selfs.[/i] Lord Terrance Hood, UNSC Command. [Edited on 12.23.2012 5:22 PM PST]

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  • Chapter:7 [9Th Age of Reclamation, Eden] Lieutenant Darthan'Sha dressed in white armor, General Kol'Dal's Champion escorted three other leaders into the planing room of the Command Center. High Chief Zergon who lead all Jiralhanae on planet. A blood thirsty chieftain as most of his race was yet also cunning. Lieutenant Dark Wind who lead Kig-yar, He seemed more like a pirate than a mercenary Covenant soldier. Deacon Oltan who was in charge of all Unggoy on planet. Even after losing his eye, even more ruthless than his race should be. General Kol'Dal entered not long after flanked by two Sangheili Guards in red armor. Each leader stood eyeing each other. " I have asked each of you here for humans defile a Artifact. One of my best scouts fell in battle. These humans have it. I want it secured even if you have to kill them all." A Holo-Projection of armored humans entering a building floated in the space between each leader. " We have been tracking its energy signature. I know Mercy has made promises to each of us." Taking a data information device out. "I will not tolerate these humans resistance! Nor the manipulation of my army!" Kol'Dal threw that device through a holo projection as it sailed into another room hitting a Unggoy. Each leader flinched seeing this out rage from Kol'Dal. Behind them was a single Unggoy who layed on the floor bleeding in the next room. It could be seen by each leader yet no one dare disturb the body till they adjourned. " I know he made promises to each of you. Even to my brother. I will not be undermined by a Prophet. Is that in any way not clear or should i purge this place of hearsay ?" Anger made each leader unsettled as they silently agreed. "Now i have Sharzan'Thul leading a force to keep these humans occupied. Our reinforcements will not reach this planet in time. So we are going to wait letting these Heretics think they will escape." "Our plan will to be keep them occupied. I want a quarter of each of our forces to be on drop ships i reserved for just what i have in mind." A holo-display opened showing troop deployment. " We will leave this human ship alone for now. No need to alert them as of yet. These humans have shown they are unlike any enemy." Waving a hand to emphasize his point. "They are resourceful i want the gravity generators to be put around that ship. Trapping them here. As our drop ships board that vessel." Pointing to it on the holo-display that was enlarged for General Kal'Dol to do so. " What if they escape all of that ?" Zergon nodded to the holo-display with a single human ship being represented in yellow. "Then Zergon we use our ship to stop them. I have no intent on going back a failure. We each swore a oath when we joined the Warrior ranks. They are not leaving this planet alive with that Artifact." All Displays went dark as this meeting was over. Each leader stepped over that unconscious Unggoy who lay bleeding from his head. When each leader departed was he given attention to his injuries. Darthan'Sha spoke once it was clear to Kol'Dal." Sir do we have to have them help us ?" In a dismayed voice." We can secure the object ourselves." General Kol'Dal squinted then said in a sad tone." We have lost too many brothers today. We were wrong to assume these humans were weak. They remind me of our race." " I am still not comfortable with killing innocents. Yet they hid our prize thus being punished. As to why we need them ,it is better to let fools die for mere promises of power. We will do as we always have. Remain true as our blades light the dark." Four Sangheili strode off together leaving behind a dark planing room. [Edited on 12.19.2012 8:53 PM PST]

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  • [1006 hrs October 26Th, Waycrest Campus,Eden] Petty Officer first class Jasmine"Silent"Casanova was worried for the first time in many years about Lieutenant Commander Hernandez. Usually she was his problem child. Out getting drunk. Then some scumbag would touch what he was not suppose to then it ended up with her beating them. A few even came back not able to bear the shame of being beat by a woman. Her childhood had been troublesome. It was expected there would be excellence in all things. Her father was a UNSC Navy career man. Who drank yet being a mechanic made him bitter at the world. During testing he would let his anger loose at any near in the house hold. Her brother got most of it but she did as well. Most of all he was a sore looser. He had to win. It taught her that life would never be fair. Never knew her mother who died in a car accident. She took up archery then that lead to learning about firearms. It was about the only activity she shared with her father who qualified as a marksmen every chance he got. They would go to the range. Eventually he even took her hunting. Leaving for the marines she told her father off then never looked back. It was the first time she ever seen her father look sad or cry. He did love her yet it was hard for him to show it. Her mother drew art so she took that up as well. Her father never bothered her about that it was strange. Her time in the marines lead to ODST then being asked to join a SEAL team. Now one of her most trusted friends lost a limb. Who lay pale in his seat. Now feeling guilty that she would not be able to say she was sorry for being such a pain in his ass. Hearing the sound of enemy fighters she turned the gun as Sgt. Valentine zig zagged to avoid enemy fire. A huge ball of energy blew a crater in front of them. "Hang ON!"Valentine swerved hitting only a part of this crater. They were airborne for a few seconds, when Jasmine took her first shot nailing the craft. One spun out of control crash landing as the second looped firing rapid blue energy bolts. It was good her Gauss cannon had a shield it deflected most of those shots one hit her left shoulder feeling a small sting of pain she let loose more rounds as the nimble craft dodged them. Jasmine would not let them be taken out before they got help. That enemy fighter broke off as they neared Charlie Four seeing a Scorpion with a few Warthogs all covering a Pelican. " This is Wolf Pack One-One hold your fire. I assume that Pelican is for us ?" As they drove up a Lieutenant stepped out with Doc Winters who waved to them. " Silent over here." The Hog slid fifteen meters before stopping leaving tire tracks in the grass. Valentine had put them right near the loading ramp. " Damn sight for sore eyes Doc." Jasmine said very pleased." When i herd that he was hurt i rushed here feeling bad about leaving the team with Dupree and Delta." Doc Winters went over checking Hernandez eyes with a pen flashlight. " Lets get him inside. Notify sickbay we need a doctor on standby." Speaking to a Medical Corpsmen who radioed [i]The Advocate[/i] then helped Doc Winters with L.C. Hernandez who was put on a stretcher. Jasmine hopped down taking her helmet off. Worry was plain on her face as Sergeant Valentine put her hand on Jasmines other shoulder to comfort her silently. Other marines stood about keeping alert. Some even had heavy wepons. A few snipers were on the look out as well. Looking about she turned her eyes back to those who were working on saving one mans life. Cargo ramp closes then the Pelicans engines went from idle lifting off circling once then was lost in that blue sky. Jasmine turned to Charlie Four who smiled at her. " Hes a strong one. Don't you worry. If they can't kill him nothing short of a tank will. First Lieutenant Benjamin Strousemen. First UNSC Marine Divishion,Second Battalion, Second Recon." He shook her hand they both shared a moment. " I think i worked with you in passing a few times. One of Ivanovich people right ?" L.t. Stroussmen shook his head yes." That's right normally we go in first scout the area. But for this operation you needed more than ODSTs. No offence." Nodding to Sgt.Valentine. " I am Petty Officer First Class Jasmine this is ?" Looking at Sgt. Valentine. "Sergeant Valentine." Whom introduced her self taking off her helmet as well. They both needed a shower but for now sweat caked hair was order of this day. " Captain wanted us to wait for you then secure the Science Ward area then we all get a ride home. These aliens are pretty strange. I am hoping to not loose any more marines." He looked off now with that guilty thousand meter look. " Our Vulture went down but no life signs. We had a bird do a flyby that yielded nothing. So relax for a bit. Get some ammo we are moving in fifteen. I need to check with my men be right back." Off went L.t. Stroussmen who checked his DMR striding to a group of NCOs. Jasmine would do just that. She wondered what the rest of Wolf Pack was doing. Yet she felt guilty over allot of things. Valentine shared her Canteen with Jasmine who noticed she carried two. It was a pleasant surprise to taste real rum. Taking a swig they both silently shared a few swigs. Enjoying just a few moments of peace. [Edited on 12.19.2012 7:36 AM PST]

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  • Doctor Witherspoon returned to his colleagues where they assisted in helping the others as they packed. Mainly Dr. Weatherspoon. Liz with Eric help were both working on the Zeus. It had impressive armament. Yet it was lacking being a hand me down to fix up. Still in the Experimental stages.It had a bug that would shut down the system if you did not fallow the start up procedure properly. Other minor issues as well. A single 25mm ALIM Gauss Cannon in its right arm gave it the firepower of a Warthog with a hand held turret M247H Heavy machine gun. Zeus had one hand yet put it to good use. It also had additional armor that reinforced the chest shoulders with some reinforced joint protection. Dr. Whitherspoon was going over the systems with them as Liz tested systems out. She even was able to climb inside to get a feel for it stomping about. While she was doing that Eric turned to the Doctor who was busy at a computer terminal. " So Doctor. I am puzzled as to why we are risking our lives for all of this including one puzzle box. Is it worth that much to the UNSC to decipher it all ?" Doctor Weatherspoon turned to face him. " It was an important discovery yet it was kept secret until the powers that be needed us to decipher what it was. We still do not understand it or what else it holds but these were inside when it was breached for information." " It has been here for years as we have studied it. Some unknown reason we think is genetic is that we humans can read it or use it. I came into this project late so i do not know what took place before." "Just to get this little bit took about twenty years. We have no idea why it radiates an organic field but it somehow must be tied to some one." "They brought us that suit on the monitor." Doctor Weatherspoon pointed at the security monitor above his head." We knew that were not alone so they wanted to use what we have learned with the tech we have." Turning to look Eric in the eye. " It helped us make MOJLINIR a reality." Eric was confused." What do you mean they ?" With fear in his eyes Dr. Weatherspoon said shaking his head." ONI " " They were mapping our genetic structure long before but the tech was not there. This was not the first discovery. Yet it yielded more answers that allowed us to understand more." " ONI with UNSC support has several operations like this one. ORION project then came the Spartan II project. Our research helped with all of this. So-" Liz had been testing systems. Then she parked it. Climbing out of the Cockpit. " -we barely understand it all its like trying to teach a person used to Algebra, Trigonometry. Very complex." Doctor Weather Spoon smiled at Liz. " All systems are go except the targeting data seems off. You two might want to take a look." Doctor Weatherspoon walked looking about carefully. Taking his clipboard in hand he left Liz and Eric alone. Liz was a quiet person yet her eyes sparkled with questions. They both went to go see this strange suit. It was quarantine kind of glass that was shatter proof. Probably even bullet proof. They went back to work for a while when Lt. Col. Kingston who had a small British accent at times when he talked. Walked over to speak with Eric. "I need to speak with you privately." They both headed to his office where he closed the door. " Now do you have it on your person ?" Eric was a little off guard but answered to the best of his abilities." Have what sir ?" " The Artifact. Do not be coy with me." Kingston's eyes narrowed like he was looking into Eric's soul." Sir we are here to get you out then get back to our mission. I am not going to discuss our objectives at this time." Both locked eyes in a fierce contest of wills. " You listen to me. Listen good. Air Force Intel should not be handling this. I will order you to hand it over if you do not." Lt. Col. Kingston voice was desperate having a chill to it." Shaking his head no. Eric refused " Sir i will not obey that order."Pulling out his pistol Kingston stood up pointing it at Erics head. Having left his helmet behind Eric would be killed instantly. " Then under section three article seven of the code of military justice. UNSC personnel who willfully disobey a direct order from a superior officer are in violation of the UNSC military code of conduct." " Will be detained until a hearing of your peers can be convened. Under the articles of the UNSC. So give it to me or i will arrest you. If you resist i will shoot you right here." It was a set up. Two Mp's came in as he had a button to call them Kingston probably did." Sir ?" Pointing his pistol at Eric."Take his wepons lock him in the cold room." "If he does not tell us where the artifact is we leave him here. I will not have some one else undermining ONI operations. He might even get us all in trouble if you know what i mean Sergeant." Looking at one Mp who said nothing back. "Search him then throw him inside." Eric was briskly searched yielding nothing. Just a empty box it really ticked off the Marine Mp's who beat him till he passed out. Awakening to a freezing room he tried to get up. He hid it on his grenade launcher that was laying with his pack that was far away through meters of concrete. His head throbbed taking allot of blows. Knowing that he would never be able to get through the door into the Zeus hangar where his gear lay. It was silent as he heard a lift. He could only pray that Gunny or some one else would look for him. They wanted what every one else did. Yet Eric was the key to this as he could only wait to see what will happen. He had questions of his own that would probably never be answered. This felt bigger than him. Biggest question was why him ? [Edited on 12.18.2012 1:34 AM PST]

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  • [0956 hrs October 26th, 2525, Waycrest Science Ward, Eden] S.Sergeant Eric"Smooth"O'Kife Had taken refuge in a corner with his grenade launcher. This battle was over for now. Alien blood joined human blood on the floor. He had taken a hit to the stomach from one of those energy pistols. It hurt pretty bad. He was fortunate that it clipped him instead of burning through his armor. Liz walked over with Sgt. Valentine who noticed L.C. Hernandez arm was severed. Eric had his medi-kit open working on the L.t. Commander who had passed out from blood loss. Eric was unsure why it seemed the man was healing when he lost an arm. Using a like substance that looked like blue gel he applied it on the mans arm that was cut off at the elbow. It joined the bandages sealing its self to the wound as it halted the loss of blood flow. Injecting a blue pencil then red as he injected drugs then a dose of plasma. Lastly he took out a special device given to special forces units only. Not every one carried one but the combat trauma surgeon kit contained nanomites that would stitch up wounds. Good thing L.C. Hernandez had one due to there experimental nature. He took the CTSK Injecting it into the base of the wound the nanometers began to repair flesh. Liz went to check for other survivors as she helped Sgt.Valintine with what she was doing. Eric stood up letting the healing work on Hernandez. " This is Wolf Pack one-three does any one read us ?" Gunny's voice came over the team channel." I copy one-three. Smooth i can hear you now i think the jamming is gone." Finishing up with Hernandez whose arm was being stitched from the inside. "Roger that. Hellhound is badly wounded. We were ambushed just outside safe point. We need to get them a Medevac while we press on. I think we are safe for now." The nanomites would flush out his system. " Come outside. Its too hot for a Pelican." Another voice cut in the line." This is Charlie Four. Jammer is down. We hear Wolf Pack Over." A female voice replied" Understood Charlie Four." Gunny Replied switching over to the right channel." Copy your signal Charlie Four. We have wounded. Need evac for Hellhound. Nice to hear you as well Allers." Eric during all of this with every ones help moved wounded outside. This building was half the length of the main campus. It had two levels,Second level was housing for staff the lower level was for projects. " Charlie Four is South of you at the Engineering Ward. We can come to you then secure area." Gunny sounded disappointed." Negative Charlie Four wounded needs help now. Wait one." Seeing them bring out the wounded. It they reached the entrance seeing there 'Hogs there was a sigh of relief. Though they were trained for endurance it seemed that this was pushing it for many of them. Gunny Dismounted his 'Hog as he did Casanova took his place on his hog. Liz even took a few hits yet she had nothing more than a limp as Eric watched her come out of the dark building. " Good you all made it back. I guess its on me now." Watching as L.C. Hernandez was put into the passenger seat of the Gauss Hog. " OK listen up. I know this is not what we expected. Sergeant i want you and Silent to get to Charlie Fours position. Get Hellhound out on a Pelican. I need it done five minutes ago." " Patching in Delta Able Actual in a moment." Com Tech Allers voice said calmly."Roger that." Gunny then turned to all of them." Form up on me." Every one else gathered around Gunny. Gauss Hog peeled out as the ODST driver stepped out letting Sgt. Valentine drive. They sped off as Eric was checking out his drones sensor array. His stomach did not hurt much unless he moved the wrong way. " This is Captain Night SITREP." As the Captains voice sounded neutral but stressed." This is Wolf Pack Four. We have one injured being currently taken to Charlie Fours position. One KIA. I have assumed command of the team sir." Gunny's voice sounded dismayed. " We are going to push to second objective. We lost some good people today. ODSTs took a bad hit. We are Green sir." Silence on the line then Captain Night replied." Understood. Task Force Ivan is holding off the enemy main advance. We do not have much time as the enemy plans to trap us here. Enemy ships are heading this way. We have about Sixteen hours to get out of system." " Charlie Four will be near in case you need them. I will have them head to your current position for final Evac. Get this done. Delta Able Actual Out." Gunny turned to face all of them taking his helmet off. " I just hope Hellhound-" Eric place a hand on Gunny's shoulder." Loud we need to move. Sooner we get this done. Faster we get off this rock." Gunny placed his helmet back on. " Right lets go see what ONI has been up to out here. Remind me to thank Charlie Four. Those Recon guys are crazy but my kind of crazy." Every one headed back into the building. " Hey Gunny i am starting to figure out what those aliens keep using on us. It emits some kind of EM signature." Gunny nodded to Eric." Keep me posted. I know it sucks that they can get past us." Eric sighed not saying anything more. Eric had his drone circling this place yet somehow they got passed it. He could warn his team now that it detected the anomaly. When he got back-if he did then looking over this data would be worth it. Every one came to a halt. There was a ONI Kiosk here. Eric moved up hitting the pad. Behind the Kiosk was a wall with the ONI Symbol. Typing in the code on the Kiosk key pad there HUD was updated as the false wall opened. Every one steeped inside then a door behind them closed another door opened showing leading into this small office with a single camera fallowing there movements. " Oh good you are here.-" Another voice male cut in as if the man pushed the first out of the way." Doctor let me do this. Take the Trolley over." O'Kife lead the way. His link to the drone was patchy but it would fallow its flight path collecting information. Solid steel door opened in front of them it was five inches thick as they passed through it getting on a Trolley car that carried them the rest of the way. Exiting another steel bunker like door cycled open as Two UNSC MP's waved them inside. Eric was impressed at this laboratory set up. A science team of seven were here with four Mp's with a single ONI officer in charge of all of this. Holo-displays hovered in the air of experimental wepons or new equipment. Eric had never seen anything like it. Nor did any one else. Gunny Introduced him self to the Officer." Gunnery Sergeant Brandon Shale of Wolf Pack. We are here to get any survivors with Tier one objectives out of here. "Well sergeant. We have been stuck here for some time now." Eric looked over a diagram that was not human. Some kind of Alien weapon from a console. " I am Lt. Colonel Kingston of ONI Special Projects Division. Before we were attacked. I was in charge of overseeing this facility. We were deciphering some information from that artifact we found." "I am unsure how they were able to interface with it but all of this has to leave with us or get blow to smithereens. Is there more help coming ?" Gunny could see this officer was unaware of allot of things. "Sir the entire planet has been put to the torch by alien's. We are from [i]Devils Advocate.[/i] Every one else except our crew is dead except you and those we found at the first objective." Gunny kept his voice calm. "What ? There all gone. I was just suppose to take it easy here. Babysit the science team. I got assigned here for drinking. Did my job for years just it was getting to me." The ONI officer ran his hand through his hair. " Look Gunny is it ?. Before we leave this place needs to get blown. You can use these wepons as well. Just make sure you do not give them to the enemy we have been reverse engineering them from alien tech." Pointing to the Forerunner schematics. " OK sir they need to pack cause were gonna be busy readying this place to blow." Gunny nodded to the science team. Fallow me i will get your team situated. We have a new Weapon called the Spartan Laser." Pointing to the bulky shoulder weapon as they fallowed Col. Kingston who gave them a tour of the labs. "Back here is our attempts to use this alien shield tech. So far no luck but we do have a working model in a cold room with a suit we think over there." Pointing to the sealed metal room that had a white armored suit. Walking back further they were in a garage like area with a Cyclops mech standing in the center instead it was changed." This is Project Zeus. Our attempt to create a combat mech using the Cyclops mainframe. " Every one sucked breath at the impressive machine. Single Gauss cannon in the right arm with a Vulcan Cannon used by most Warthogs in the left. Twin missile launchers protruded from the shoulders housed in armored launch pods. It was painted a forest camo to give it a more military look. Eric was impressed yet he looked to the others who probably did not have a clue how to drive one. " Liz can you drive that thing.?" Gunny asked looking at Liz who felt for the first time out matched." Not if i do not have the proper protocols or training Loud. I can try to jack into the things computer to interface. I will need Smooths help to do so."Lt. Col. Kingston listened to the exchange." I have them here-." "Oh i see you are enjoying our new toys. I am Dr. Weatherspoon the project lead here." A man in his sixties wearing glasses with unkempt grey hair stood with a old style clipboard in the crook of his arm. He looked more like a math teacher then a scientist. "Doctor can you get the others ready to go ?. We need all data portable when they rig this place to blow. We are taking what we can then destroying the rest." Lt. Col. Kingston informed Dr. Whitherspoon who was in shock. [Edited on 12.17.2012 10:53 PM PST]

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  • [9th Age of Reclimation, Eden] Warlord Kel'Dar knew a great deal about honor. He would use it against his opponents who resisted the will of the Covenant. Yet these heretics seems to defile everything they touched. Looking to Lance Leader Thul'Zar who's squad was wiped out. All of them were cloaked in the building these humans entered. It was hard for a Sangheili to run away. The objective came before honor. Honor was put aside for the missions sake. Yet how many times had he lured out those who spoke against the foundations of the Covenant to silence those who spoke of honor. He respected a foe who was cunning or even skilled. These humans were both. His lance waited in the building. Unggoy lead by Sangheili were cloaked. He lead his brothers in a single squad. They all knew the plan it was dark useing this, Another squad was moving up from behind. Soon the artifact would be in his hand. De cloaking Kel'Dar with his squad became visible while the others trained wepons on the approaching humans. "Give us the Artifact Humans." His Energy blade ignited. He was pleased as those Jiralhane were the distraction as they got into place. " So you do speak our language. You just killed a bunch of innocent people on this planet. So hand over is not in my vocabulary. Come get it if you dare." Cocking the humans primitive weapon the leader pointed his weapon. " If you give it to us i can ensure you will die with honor." They waited as all of the humans were back to back now in a circle." Were not alone Hellhound." One said. " I have the honor of informing you that i am going to put a boot up your ass then walk out of here with what you want most." Giving the signal plasma fire rained down at the humans. Turning he walked slowly to his brothers as two squads of lead Unggoy rushed in to take the humans. Some sort of explosive weapon decimated there ranks. "Then die like a vermin" Once it was finished his squad rushed forth. A black suited human fell beneath the twin plasma rifles of a fellow Sangheili warrior. One human clad in green armor with a helmet charged forward firing her rifle then kicked the warrior sending him flying as he lost one plasma rifle. Kel'Dar charged the leader. Striking for a quick blow this human countered with his rifle stock. All around them was a chaotic battle. Kel'Dar felt pain in his leg as the human tackled then bashed his left knee knocking him off balance. They both fell to the ground. Throwing the human off he tried to get up as this leader jumped on then pined his right arm. Drawing its pistol for a head shot that missed when Kel'Dar's left hand punched the human off. Both got to there feet. his enemy had both pistol with a knife he drew in hand circling Kel'Dar. Kel'Dar right hand held the energy blade that. It had been a long time since any one had given him a good fight. Tracking this human was worth it. They both circled each other moving away from the main combat. In a flash it was over. He clipped this human as he severed his arm. The human brought his knife into his weak spot in the neck/head where the armor was thinnest. Falling to his knees Kel'Dar saw his family one last time. He smiled at the memories of his Uncle and Aunt. Children he sired , His loving wife.Then he fell to the floor into darkness. Never feeling the killing blow that came after. Thul'Zar fell with the others in this battle. He would not abandon his fellow warriors again. Motivated by more than death threats from Prophets. Instead were motivated by the holiness of the object and its significance. [Edited on 12.16.2012 8:49 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Domi 233 Were you writing this straight up onto BNet? If so, impressive effort, I just assumed it was a copypasta from a word document. No worries if you can't get it in pdf or whatever, that was just a suggestion.[/quote] I write it kinda hot draft onto bungie net. I kinda shoot it like a movie in my head to get where the concept and chars are going in the story. I do my best so if it seems choppy its more me getting the story out kinda hot draft. To come back then fix the errors. I swear i need a editor. XD. Takes about an hour to write it up sometimes even two. From my mind to Hey if you cant use a lighter to make a fire get some moss then rub two sticks together. Thanks for the comments i hope you enjoy the story. It will be a shocker on many levels. [Edited on 12.16.2012 3:02 AM PST]

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  • Were you writing this straight up onto BNet? If so, impressive effort, I just assumed it was a copypasta from a word document. No worries if you can't get it in pdf or whatever, that was just a suggestion.

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  • Authors Note:Well to tell you the truth i dont have MS word and i would have to check on that(Puter never came with it). Also i know it seems akward but i got used to just writeing it up. I will fix it. I do apologise but this one is being written in this format. So i do need to clear it up ect. Its being told from diffrent view points so i am trying my best to keep it clear. Humm i just feel the creative flow of things for some reson also vs sitting off line. But i will work on it get back to you. I think there is even some free stuff out there. Thanks. [Edited on 12.13.2012 8:06 PM PST]

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