I just fixed my parents computer and I told them two things.
"Don't stop Malwarebytes from running and don't use internet explorer."
A week later they call me because they ran into another problem and I see Malwarebytes stopped and out of date and internet explorer downloaded again...
[Edited on 06.19.2012 4:11 PM PDT]
Not really, my mother used to do many things in late 80's ranging from databases to special effects and misc programs. My father around the same thing, but for more practical uses. But when it comes to new things, I have most cards well played.
My mom does not know how to use a computer worth a crap. She had -blam!- her laptop up so that it hardly worked, then blamed it on me for installing chrome so I wouldn't have to use IE, even though it was messed up long before that. Also, if I had a dollar for every time she's come yelling at me to tell her how to type a smiley face, I'd be a very rich man.
Most people who don't know a lot about computers think everything is a virus, from my experience :/
I have no patience when it comes to helping my father do anything on a computer.
My parents still use Internet Explorer, if that tells you anything.
My mom can't find the "on" button on our computers. Yet she "uses computers every day at work". Of course, they're basically terminals with fifteen year old programs on them that are never turned off. Dad can use a computer, but has a habit of screwing things up, such as his email, work programs, and printer or scanner. He also doesn't know how to make folders, or add favourites to his browser. The desktop is filled with links to craigslist or kijiji ads. He once uninstalled every scanner driver because he wanted to "clean up" his computer. Since it was an older scanner, my brother spent an hour just hunting for the driver disc. But God forbid if you try to make things easier for him. He finds websites he visits a lot by clicking on the drop down list for the address bar and scrolling until he finds it. When I offered to add the websites to his favourites bar and wipe his browsing history, he flipped because he didn't want to lose some "important website" (Read: Some Craigslist ad).
'How do you google?' Sitting on my Google homepage.
Not my parent, but my grandmother takes half an hour to write a fifteen word email.
I have a mother that's utterly incompetent at using computers/cell phones. She can't even work yahoo mail correctly.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Shane Walsh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BiII Gates The "internet explorer downloaded again" part makes it clear that you don't know much about computers either. Unless you're on Windows 95, it is literally impossible to remove IE after installing Windows. You can remove it during installation of Windows on 2000, XP, and Server 2003.[/quote] There are ways to terminate Internet Explorer ya know.[/quote] There is no way to completely remove IE from Windows.
My mom knows the basics; she knows how to check email, work microsoft office programs, etc.. My dad's knowledge is slightly above average. I have a bachelor's in computer science, so I've got a pretty good understanding of computers.
My Dad thought Google Chrome would give his PC a virus, so he removed it. "Dad, DL Chrome." "Nononono, I dunno what it is, and it could mess everything up. I DONT WANNA GO MESSING WITH THAT SHIIIIIIIET"
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BiII Gates The "internet explorer downloaded again" part makes it clear that you don't know much about computers either. Unless you're on Windows 95, it is literally impossible to remove IE after installing Windows. You can remove it during installation of Windows on 2000, XP, and Server 2003.[/quote] There are ways to terminate Internet Explorer ya know.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BiII Gates The "internet explorer downloaded again" part makes it clear that you don't know much about computers either. Unless you're on Windows 95, it is literally impossible to remove IE after installing Windows. You can remove it during installation of Windows on 2000, XP, and Server 2003.[/quote] And who the hell do you think you are? Bill Gates?
Yes. They think everything is a virus when not even a percent of the internet has anything to do with viruses.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GenerateX3 With technology in general. "How do I change brightness on my iPad? I've been trying for hours!" *take's iPad* (never touched an iPad until now btw) -Settings --Display ---Brightness "THANKS!! :3 Now how I get to my home page?" :I[/quote] I lol'd.
With technology in general. "How do I change brightness on my iPad? I've been trying for hours!" *take's iPad* (never touched an iPad until now btw) -Settings --Display ---Brightness "THANKS!! :3 Now how I get to my home page?" :I
My mom needs me to put her phone on silent. "-_-
The "internet explorer downloaded again" part makes it clear that you don't know much about computers either. Unless you're on Windows 95, it is literally impossible to remove IE after installing Windows. You can remove it during installation of Windows on 2000, XP, and Server 2003.
Whole family and friends are computer kryptonite. So I help 'em out when they need fixing and stuff. I don't charge but sometimes they give me cash if they recognise if something takes time.
"How do I open Facebook?" >I notice they typed in "facebook" on the start menu
My parents always think that me being on youtube gives computer viruses and slows it down.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 They also though a virus killed my desktop when the graphics card died. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I Senor Skwid I "Yeah, I downloaded and have been using Google Chrome, but haven't seen any differences." "Mom, that's because your still using Internet Explorer..."[/quote] These made me lol.
Yes, my parent are horrible with computers. I download Google Chrome and my mom gets on it. She's always used I.E and she said "How do you get to the internet?" "Open the internet browser" "What's a internet browser?" "Just open Google Chrome." "What's Google Chrome?" *Facepalms* [Edited on 06.19.2012 4:27 PM PDT]
Right here. I'm not so tech savvy myself, but my parents know less than me when it comes to computers.
I'm lucky enough to have tech savvy parents and a tech savvy grandfather. Actually my stepdad is more computer literate than I am. A lot more.