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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
9/2/2006 9:39:29 AM

The Flood 3!

[b]The Aftermath.[/b] Colonel Corbec had flown the Piggy Fool Helicopter all the way from the ruins of Money Marine mountain to the CPO Fraser Helicopter hire Station. He bypassed it and landed the magnificent Helicopter in a Forest Clearing nearby under the red, evening sun. But he didn’t land it so close that nearby that it would attract unwanted attention. He carefully made sure he had left no evidence behind that would link him to the chopper. Then, taking the still sleeping maid away, he went to the tree-line and prepared his Spas 12. He tucked it into his shoulder and aimed for the external fuel tank. Firing once, the entire Helicopter exploded into a bright ball of licking flame and sizzling metal. The maid still snored. Corbec scooped the girl up. He’d destroyed one more piece of evidence against him, now all he had to do was eliminate the people that had seen him in the rental station. The Receptionist was just working over the rental lists, ready to send a fine to DDR Master when the automatic door opened with a soft hum. She looked up in time to see a man in the doorway, back dropped with the sun behind him. “Can I help you?” She asked, confused. “Not really.” He said, the mask on his face making his voice sound metallic and strange. The man revealed a shotgun, and the receptionist screamed. [i]Bam![/i] She flew backwards as if hit by a car, and smacked into the wall, leaving a bloody trail as she slipped down the wall. Corbec picked up the waitress again, and brought her inside. Carefully, he set her down next to the dead receptionist. Then, he searched the computer. He released another virus to delete any evidence he ever took out a Helicopter and replace it with another person. Echo 360 now had a massive fine to pay up. He then went through the security cameras and deleted the footage that showed him walk in and hire a Chopper, and the incident just now. Now all he had to do was kill off the salesman, the one other person who’d seen him here. “Barbara?” Someone asked from around the corner, and the salesman walked into view. He saw the masked man with the gun and turned to run. [i]Bam![/i] He slammed into a wall and collapsed into a pool of his own blood. “Job done.” He said without a hint of regret and carried the still sleeping girl out to his TT, parked in the garage. He loaded her into the passenger seat and got into the right hand side of the car. He tapped the car in appreciation. It was like coming home. The silent Maid slept through the entire journey to Corbec’s Mediterbungian Home, giving Corbec time to think about what to do with her. He decided he would burn that bridge when he got home. Eventually, by the time the sun had sunk beneath the horizon, Corbec reached his home. With exhausted arms, he hefted the almost vegetable-like Maid into the house. He took her upstairs and set her down in the bed, tucking her under the Egyptian cotton sheets. “Now where the hell am I going to sleep?” Corbec said to himself, walking out of the one bedroom in the house and down the stairs. He decided to take the sofa in the living room. He removed the armour and hid it away in a closet. He was still thinking about what to do with the girl when he fell asleep. Pyroshark forced his eyes to open. There was a blinding light all around him. Where was he? Why was he here? He remembered a searing pain, Ninjas, bullets, screaming and blood. The Queen! He tried to get up and find her, but the pain was too intense. “Be still.” Said a strange voice. Pyroshark settled back down, unable to see past the light. “Who are you?” Pyroshark wheezed. The light receded, revealing a white metal ceiling. “We,” said a man leaning over to see him, “are the Grizzled Ancients.”
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • Oh joy. I'm a helicopter. A briefly mentioned helicopter in a story. My life is complete. <_<.

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  • Ah, I see. What for?

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  • I appreciatwe the cool position, I was blacklsited though, =( so sorry I wasn't keepiing up.

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  • I told you I'd get a part out! I know it's puny, but that's all I could manage. And unfortunately, this is all that you'll get this week. Tomorrow I'm going to see relatives. Sorry and all. [b]The Tragedy.[/b] Pyroshark turned around, trying to get a glimpse of what Arroyo was gawping at. An Undergrounican that had been travelling at the rear most section of the enemy patrol was pointing an Assault Rifle at him. Before he could move, the soldier pulled the trigger, and the gun bucked in his hands. To Pyroshark, everything seemed to slow down. The Flare of the gun muzzle, illuminating everything in the craggy corridor, and a trio of revolving bullets jumping out of the gun to speed towards him. Slowly, things sped up again, and the bullets struck home. With a sharp cry of pain, Pyroshark stumbled and fell onto his back. As he lay there for what seemed an eternity, he could feel the warm blood pulsing out of his veins and out of the entry wounds. Looking at the ceiling, his failing eyes registered a brief but powerful flash of light. Pyroshark, thinking hard through the blood loss, felt that he had been in a situation like this before. Where was it? It was with Cortana? Cortana? He thought. Who’s that? But his thoughts were interrupted. Through the Night-Vision Goggles over his eyes, he could see a face appear before him. With his dying ears, he could vaguely hear muffled words. “Is the mem-scan working?” Asked the man looking down on him. “-know. Maybe.” Said another voice, out of his field of vision, the beginning of his sentence obscured as his ears began to stop functioning. “If we get him in alive, we could get more-” Said the first one, his mouth moving with the last words, but no sound reached Pyroshark. Pyroshark closed his eyes for the last time. CPO Fraser looked over the work he and the others had achieved in their short timeframe. Undergroundica had stopped it’s advance for the last half hour, presumably to regroup and prepare for the next push, though the bombardment continued on the southern end of Flood Lin. During that time, the Cookie Ninja Tanks that had shepherded him and the remains of the Steve Irwin Heavy Division through the ruins had been distributed throughout the positions guarding Hindu Gangster Park. The mechanics had worked wonders on them, given how short a timeframe they’d been given. The Cookie Ninja tank that’d come to his position had extra Armour Plating welded to it’s hull to increase it’s survivability. Grey camouflage netting had been draped over it, and the mechanics had spray painted the vehicle with grey and black paint. A small group of sappers had arrived to help CPO’s people set up obstacles. Using rail-stock from a nearby Rail Line through the city, the sappers had welded the rail-stock together into anti-tank hedgehogs. The sappers had mined the street, distributed sand bags, set up two .50 calibre turrets and given them even more ammunition. They now had enough anti-tank weapons to hold off successive enemy armour attacks and were equipped enough to carry on fighting infantry even when their anti-tank weapons gave up the ghost. The Cookie Ninja tank reversed into a hollow created by a shell in the side of a building, and the crew resolved to stay there to protect the vehicle from view and enemy shells. Meanwhile, CPO had worked hard on concealing his positions from view. The Steve Irwin Heavy Division was stationed on a dual carriage way that led directly to Hindu Gangster Park. They were about three quarters of the way up, and could call on reinforcements from the Park in pretty quick order. To both sides were low, three storey city blocks. The were all old, elegant and beautifully sculpted remains from a long gone age. In fact, Hindu Gangster Park was about as old as the city itself. To the right, the buildings led off into narrow alleyways-death traps for any would be attacker. To the left, the line of buildings was only one block thick, and the buildings overlooked another dual carriage way. Inside the buildings to CPO’s left, a couple of squads of Light Infantry were stationed at the windows, tasked with firing on anyone who tried to make it down the street towards the park. On the other side of the row of buildings, another patchwork group of soldiers guarded the second dual carriageway. CPO Fraser was touring the positions once more when the thunder of the guns started again. [Edited on 9/17/2006]

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  • I'm getting a part out tonight if it kills me.

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  • Could someone please tell peolpe when they're in the story or not? I can't, because don't have much time online, and I can't PM one individual person becase they might have hardly any time themselves.

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  • In the absense of any real story, I can say that the next part will have some really big shocks on Pyroshark's Seventh Column allies and Sid Sabre's hostage crisis.

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  • [quote]but Ive been banned from the internet[/quote] Oh really, eh? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flaming idiot I'm not quite done reading it, but i like it...i almost died in such a stupid way, i mean, i could still be alive, the way i died was very vague.[/quote] Dude, you got rendered down into meaty lumps and a fine mist of blood by a Highly Explosive shell designed for destroying entire buildings. [quote]I don't so much as speak the language as i do chew it up and spit it out in the story. And i hardly ever talk like that, i was trying to be funny...roflololh4x!1!111eleven2.noob.[/quote] In this story I wanted to be able to laugh at The Flood's apparent ability to spell even the simplest of words incorrectly. And as for that guy wanting to be in the story, perhaps. But I am overloaded on homework right now. [Edited on 9/13/2006]

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  • I want to be in!!! Me scratch eyes! Seriously, may I please have a part in this Kick-Ass story?

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  • I'm not quite done reading it, but i like it...i almost died in such a stupid way, i mean, i could still be alive, the way i died was very vague. I don't so much as speak the language as i do chew it up and spit it out in the story. And i hardly ever talk like that, i was trying to be funny...roflololh4x!1!111eleven2.noob.

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  • Sorry I havent responded to the last chapter (which was cool by the way), but Ive been banned from the internet. :( But Im back! :)

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  • Well, I won''t be here for Sunday, so you'll only be getting one part this week.

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  • lawl, I'm gonna take ideas from your writing, I used to be so uniformed with my writing, like writing about real life, but reading your fan-fic, I realized I could write about nearly anything and make a pleasing good to read story.. also, in year 6 I had such a cool teacher, he made us write a 350 word story a day, and for this other task I wrote a 25 page one but now Ihave a rubbish teacher, and have to sit reading shakespear all day... *falls asleep*

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  • I'm top set. In all of my SAT tests I scored sevens. (Which is above and beyond what my year is supposed to be at.) [Edited on 9/11/2006]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colonel Corbec I'm afraid there's no story today.[/quote] *cries* your story is cool, I bet you ace english

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  • Is everyone dead or something?

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  • I'm afraid there's no story today.

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  • No 360.

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  • why get sudeki when you can get dead rising =) GET DEAD RISING IT WILL MAKE YOU DIE

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  • Hellooooo...

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  • [b]The Ambush.[/b] Pyroshark and the other two had waited silently amongst the rocky walls of the cavern, hiding in small scrapes or behind juts of stone. Occasionally they moved to loosen stiff body parts, but otherwise, they were almost indistinguishable from the walls around them. Pyroshark had made sure that his tank of nano-bots remained full, he was expecting a heavy engagement anytime now. In silence they had sat there, checking weapons and fretfully killing time. They were about to give up when they heard the sounds of boots jogging along through the dark. “Get ready.” Wu said quietly. Through their Night-Vision Goggles, they could make out around a dozen Undergroundicans, with lights on their helmets and guns at the ready. “Wait for it.” Wu whispered. The enemy quietly made their way down the passage, walking straight into their trap, ignoring the hidden ambushers. One knelt down next to a puddle of water, dipping his finger into the water. The soldier looked to another, and the second shrugged, the light pack on his shoulder waving around as he did. “Take them!” Pyroshark shouted, standing up, getting out of his hiding place behind a pile of rock, and firing. The gun made a barely audible Poof. As it fired, but the effects were obvious. Undergroundicans screamed as their entire body inexplicably transformed to water before their eyes. Wu and Arroyo were equipped with strange, rifle-like weapons that fired searing, rapid fire shots of light. Perhaps a laser weapon, Pyroshark thought. The “laser” burned instantaneously through kevlar, clothes, bone and flesh, cauterising the wound and exiting the other side of the target’s body. Pyroshark liquidated the “laser” victims as well. In under fifteen seconds, the entire enemy unit had been wiped out. “That should persuade them not to venture any further into the mountain.” Arroyo began, but stopped suddenly, looking beyond Pyroshark. Pyroshark, out in the open, looked behind him. “Oh sh-” He began. Corbec checked his map again. In no time at all he had already made it into Flood Lin. Pezza hadn’t lied when he’d talked about Undergroundica crossing the river. The blazing, dying city was crawling with the bastards. He was well equipped, but only for taking on infantry. If he had to engage even a light tank, he was screwed. Of course, he had to slow down to move quietly through the city, he had already spotted plenty of snipers throughout the place. And it didn’t help that most of the streets he had to follow were just craters. Crouched, Corbec was on the corner of a street called “Teh 0wnage Avenue.” He had to take the next left past a burnt-out hospital, and then take another right. Suddenly, he jumped back into a doorway. Two Undergrounican tanks, with soldiers clinging onto the sides, rumbled past. He waited for them to move on, and checked the rooftops for sniper activity. Nothing. As he ran across the street towards the Hospital, a Helicopter buzzed overhead, unleashing a wave of missiles into the distance. Staying low, Corbec checked around the corner, his heart pounding so hard his ribcage could crack. It was surreal. Presumably a [i]Marathon[/i] shell had destroyed almost the entire street, making a crater so deep, even the firelight of the blazing buildings didn’t reach the bottom. Except for one part. A chunk of road and pavement stood proud above the crater. On it was a streetlamp, with a man hanging by his neck from a stretch of rope. Lit in a ghastly orange by flames, the dead man swayed slowly. “Hmm. Cool.” Corbec said, wishing he had a camera. He decided to shortcut along through the hospital. He scaled a flame-scorched wall and proceeded to pick his way through the debris of the Hospital. Along the way he encountered priceless medical machinery, melted by the heat, the still smoking carcasses of those unlucky enough to be caught inside and piles of masonry as large as houses. Eventually, after a short while, he made it past the hospital and onto the other side of the street. Leaving behind the swaying man and the wrecked hospital, he cautiously moved on. Ensuring the road ahead was clear, he carried on going. Suddenly, the pavement ahead of him exploded in a puff of concrete chips. Diving behind into a doorway, he knew where the shooter was. The sound of the gun had been masked by an explosion some way off, but Corbec had spotted the muzzle flash. Quickly, he flicked his M4 Carbine’s firing mode to single shot, leant out from cover, and fired before the shooter could move to another spot. Quietly, a man in the skeleton of a building across the street tumbled out of the second floor window and hit a mound of rubble. “Nice.” Corbec said, carrying on into the ruins. (Not related to the story.) I finished the essay and now I'm like 3/4 of the way through Sudeki! GO BUY SUDEKI! NOW! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! [Edited on 9/10/2006]

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  • Well, I'm the guy with the shotgun, it's just tey think it's you. Or are you just saying that?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colonel Corbec The Receptionist was just working over the rental lists, ready to send a fine to DDR Master when the automatic door opened with a soft hum. She looked up in time to see a man in the doorway, back dropped with the sun behind him. “Can I help you?” She asked, confused. “Not really.” He said, the mask on his face making his voice sound metallic and strange. The man revealed a shotgun, and the receptionist screamed. [i]Bam![/i] She flew backwards as if hit by a car, and smacked into the wall, leaving a bloody trail as she slipped down the wall.[/quote] My mistake, I'm just a dirty bastard with a shotgun.

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  • Thank you for your spam ceasing Cookie ninja, it is much appreciated. And as for Puroshark, it seems everyone but me had Online available to them. Lucky people.

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  • Woot! I take a day off to go on Xbox LIVE and I find this oh-so-gooey goodness upon my return! =D More killing and mutilation, excellent! =) -Pyroshark-

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  • sorry, for spamming up your thread so much, I will cease now :'(

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